Your pack has lured me out of over a year (and heavens knows how many modpacks) of lurk-mode on these forums. This pack needs all the love and attention it can get.
I can honestly say that I haven't had this much fun in plain ol' sandboxy survival in... um... almost ever, really. I had no idea what I needed was a bit of an overarching goal and direction. I don't know if I'll ever be able to play another non-HQM or non-goal-driven pack again, after this one. Stuff like magical crop seeds just seem so
rewarding now. I downloaded this pack thinking I was just going to kill some time until Regrowth updated (with much impatience with the troubles with 0.0.4) and being unsure if I'd dig it. Regrowth updated... and I promptly totally ignored it in favor of getting my butt kicked roguelike-dungeon crawling practically naked and leveling up my silver seeds so I could buy more delicious Magical Crops bags.
I spent an hour and a half starting EIO to make a decent jetpack, only to get an angel ring from a blind bag in the last EIO quest I completed, thus making all that effort (and so much of my rare gold) completely useless, and I didn't even care. I was having fun, and I was just tickled pink. Literally, since they were pink fluttery fairy wings.
I even put on a tail and ears just to get into the spirit.
Though I guess I'm not playing strictly vanilla-Ferret-Business. I updated Agricraft to fix the Botania petal bug (and oh my god is it
so much harder to level up seeds now.

). And I updated Botania for the mana rebalancing which makes things less painful and more interesting. I also disabled fresh water mobs in Lycan's (since I settled in a pretty little sacred springs river/lake valley and getting attacked by multiple flying water monsters day or night when I left my house was just too much of a pain in my derriere) and added tilled fertilized dirt to Agricraft's soil whitelist in the hopes of making Agricraft's grueling new crossbreeding a bit less time-consuming.
Hopefully-constructive feedback time is nao:
Headcrumbs: I actually thought I would hate it. But it was kind of fun after a while. I don't know if it's a config option (and I'm dodging work to type this, so I can't check), but their spawning really needs to be toned down a bit. Or a lot. It seems like half of the mobs (sometimes more) are minecraft celebrities. What should probably be a fun, unique encounter is less fun when it drowns out all the other weird and cool mobs. Except for skeletons. There's never a shortage of those jerks. My whole life is minecrafters and skeletons. And I'm wagering that the skeletons are just decayed modmakers and youtubers. There was a quest for zombie heads that I couldn't complete until I killed some zombie pigmen because I never saw a zombie outside of mob spawners in roguelike dungeons.
Blind bags: Please, please please make the basic bags better. I'm not even asking to make them more broadly useful. But right now I dread choosing blindbag rewards in case they're basics. It's not fun to find them a complete waste of time. One block of some random wood? One silicon? I'm not against those kind of rewards, but at least give a few of them, so they might have some actual use or inspire some building. It's not like six silicon or a dozen weird-block-you-would-never-otherwise-use will break the bank or unbalance the game. But at least you might actually get
some use out of them and look forward to the bags a bit more. Blind bags should be fun!
It might be neat to get a few blind bags themed on whatever quest line you're going through, too. Maybe not all of the bags, but some.
Quests: We need more supply quests, more than even the mod quests, I think. Though I admit I might not have gotten that far in yet (Just unlocked the precious block turn-in a bit ago) but more variety there would be good beyond sending tons of pumpkin seeds and metal blocks. Machines. Components for their teleporter. Thaumcraft gadgets. Botania runes or flowers. Even power. I think it'd be interesting to submit a full capacitor or power cell and get an empty one for a bit of coin, for example. I know there's the research quests. But I've been playing for, like, sixteen hours(or more) I don't even have enough of any of the resources for one of them (though I might have enough teeth after my dungeon delve and the resulting celebrity swarms) I guess they're designed for mob grinders?
A few of the quests, at least in the EIO quest chain should probably be altered a bit. Especially the beginning ones where you're making basic machines. Maybe switch them from material submission to detection or crafting tasks. Right now you have to make capacitors and machine blocks... and then immediately make them all again as the quest noms them, to get to the next step. Other quests could probably do with being split up, like the enormously expensive Iron Chests quests. Or having to make every single non-Vibrant alloy in EIO in one sitting. Or the Biomes o' Plenty ones that you hit a stone wall on the whole quest on if you don't have a desert, for example.
Edited for words that make sense.