[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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HQM has a hard limit of 1023 quests
Uwah! Nevermind then. I had no idea! The condensing makes a lot of sense to me now. I can see why you compress some of the side quests.

I just found myself a desert anyway not five minutes ago. My pretty pink fairy wings really do help me explore (in addition to my far cooler mechanical wings. All the wings.) So I won't complain about the Biomes quest anymore. :p (Also found a rubber tree and a division sigil. Been looking all over for those! Woo! Now if only I had emeralds to make a silk touch TCon tool. Though I did just pass an extreme hills biome. Hmm.)

But yes. Just went through a night, checking out the various Lycanite fauna in different biomes. Over half of the mobs are headcrumbs celebrities in deserts. In some places like forests, it's even more. 75% or higher. But at least half seems to be a rule of thumb. At least in my instance. It isn't just an isolated incident. I've logged a lot of hours into into the pack, and it's really consistent. The only change I made to spawning was to disable the water elementally lycanite mob in its particular config. I doubt that's the issue. It's just a shame, because I'm really digging all the strange new mobs. I was sure I would revile Lycanite's, but I'm actually finding it pretty cool. It makes the nether... well... hellish too. Darn DOOM monsters.

If you're conserving quests and want a power supply quest, the most universal thing is probably a basic EnderIO capacitor bank. They store 1M RF and require only copper, gold, iron and redstone to make, and can be charged directly from a power line or generator without needing something special like another capacitor or energetic infuser. They retain their charge when you pick them up. You don't have to actually make any EnderIO machines to craft one, so even people ignoring EnderIO could still use it. The problem is that they can be configured and retain that when picked up, I think. So that might cause problems when submitting, if someone messes with the sides. Though I guess you could put a disclaimer it has to be a 'virgin' capacitor and shouldn't be messed with beyond plonking it down and picking it up. But it might need some testing to check the matching.
Caigan are you sure Ent and Trents was just lowered? i don't mean normal spawn i found a dungeon Trent spawner but it don't work set it down for about 15 minutes and nothing, both in dark and out in the open world.
Hey, I'm having trouble getting the pack to "work" for me. I have a really powerful PC so I know it's not a hardware issue.

To better explain my issue, when I start the world, I am looking straight forward, if I so much as touch my mouse, my "focus" goes all over the place and I am either looking straight up or straight down. I don't have a crash log, so I am not sure if this information would be helpful.

Also, it happens on FTB launcher or MultiMC. 4GB RAM allocated to both.

Thanks if anyone can help!
Caigan are you sure Ent and Trents was just lowered? i don't mean normal spawn i found a dungeon Trent spawner but it don't work set it down for about 15 minutes and nothing, both in dark and out in the open world.
Those spawners might not work right. I glanced through configs and didn't have either ents or trents disabled.

To better explain my issue, when I start the world, I am looking straight forward, if I so much as touch my mouse, my "focus" goes all over the place and I am either looking straight up or straight down.
Hm, this sounds like the issue I have if I have another controller plugged in that can take over for a mouse in certain games (like my Razer Hydra).
Those spawners might not work right. I glanced through configs and didn't have either ents or trents disabled.

Hm, this sounds like the issue I have if I have another controller plugged in that can take over for a mouse in certain games (like my Razer Hydra).

I've had the same problem occasionally with my Razor Naga in minecraft since I replaced my old mouse. Works fine all the rest of the time but randomly seems to get ULTRA sensitive until I pick up the mouse well off the pad for a few seconds.
What is the intended way to make an iron-mining pickaxe? I can't find any clay for grout, and no gold or aluminum for a pickaxe head cast.

Tried TNT, got an iron ore to complete the "It's the Name of the Game" quest. Also got a tin ore, which I smelted and combined with copper in the crafting grid to make bronze. Now I can mine iron and osmium. Looted some kind of treasure bag, which gave me 20 gold coins. I guess I can smelt them to make a smeltery cast.

Am I doing it right?
What is the intended way to make an iron-mining pickaxe?
Right now, the harvest levels are not what is intended, as I had forgotten to change a setting in Iguana Tweaks. You can go into your config/IguanaTinkerTweaks, open modules.cfg, and change B:HarvestLevelTweaks= to false.
Caigan is it me or did you change the crap ton of lycan mobs for a crap ton of special mobs? i think for ever normal mob i get like 3-4 special mobs which is a total pain.
wolf, you haven't seen the pain i did when trying to take 1 of the thaumcraft altars and you have like 4 infernal mages and 6 infernal knights coming at you with all kinds of effects.
I killed mobs for my iron I thought that was the only way to get iron with out a tcon smeltery (PS I lived next to a desert biome which has mobs that drop flint and iron the two things I need most)
I've had two worlds where I didn't find any immediate clay, I think that's just a world gen thing. But if you are consistently not finding clay, it's best to set up a new world. Harsh I know.
I killed mobs for my iron I thought that was the only way to get iron with out a tcon smeltery (PS I lived next to a desert biome which has mobs that drop flint and iron the two things I need most)

Best plan for quickly finding clay is to not forget that the pack has Morph mod so kill a Manticor or other flying mob and then transform and fly at high speed till you find some where that has clay. Can cover vast distances very quickly that way.
i believe rivers and swamps are best chances of finding clay, look for mountains with rivers alongside it and most people find getting a big smeltery is important while i find pointless since you mainly use it to double in the beginning than you quickly make your Sag Mill which quickly replaces it after the first deep down mining trip.
The textures for the ferret mod are broken coins look like jabba hammers and other things
This is a rare occurance that happens randomly and not just with Ferret Shinies. Just restart your game and ftb launcher usually fixes it, not sure why it happens.

I've had two worlds where I didn't find any immediate clay
I've added a recipe to convert 8 clay from DecoCraft into a clay block with some bonemeal into the next update

i like the pack but i think u could add primitive mobs and special mobs it will be cool
I like SpecialMobs but I've had issues with it in fairly large packs before, and we have Lycanites currently as well. I'll consider either one of these as they ARE decent mods and add more variety. =)

As for progress on 0.0.6 : Right now, writing new quests is taking a slight backseat as I work on ironing out some crash bugs from my test servers, update older quest lines, and tweak more configs for better performance.

I'm also working on adding some stuff to flesh out the Supply and Production Contracts. As with the discussion earlier, I figure the best idea for now is to use Thermal Expansion's Flux Capacitors, as things like Energy Cells, Capacitor Banks, Capacitor Backpacks etc all have lots of settings you can change, which are stored in NBT, so they become a problem when you want to have a turn-in that is simple. Flux Capacitors have two settings : On and Off
Can you make sure to update to the newest TCon in it?

My poor Shiny-headed TCon tools are unrepairable by normal means (and that would be the same if you used other Thermal Expansion materials) And moss hasn't been able to keep up with my base renovations. They fix that in 1.8.3b.

I don't think I've bothered making a decent aesthetically pleasing base in any pack in ages. Must be love!

If you're going to update Agricraft, what difficulty are you going to set it at?
If I recall there are 3 now.
1 is like the version the pack is on now, which means you can cross-breed to up stats with different plants, so stuff like the sugarcane trick works to easily level up seeds.
2 means you can only cross-breed with plants of the same type to increase stats.
3 is the same as two, but seeds can lose attribute points by being around 'weak' seeds of the same type.

i like the pack but i think u could add primitive mobs and special mobs it will be cool
keep on the great work
Blarg. I hope not. I don't know primitive mobs too well, but I find special mobs annoying. Especially thief skeletons, ender creepers and lightning endermen. Or getting two-shot by every random brute mob. What a pain in the rear!

i find pointless since you mainly use it to double in the beginning than you quickly make your Sag Mill which quickly replaces it after the first deep down mining trip.
That isn't true for everyone. I tend to use the Smeltery all through the game for everything but handling automated resource processing if I have a quarry. Or if I desperately need rare materials like pulverizing ferrous for shiny dust. The SAG Mill gives you more out of your ores, but I can do huge batches quickly in the Smeltery. And it's trivial to expand once you get one going just by melting compressed cobblestone. Being able to make two stacks of ingots in a few seconds is very nice.'

i think for ever normal mob i get like 3-4 special mobs which is a total pain.
Do you mean the celebrities? The player-looking things? Because I get that.

Certain biomes seem worse. Swamps and forests seem to mostly be them.

If you're talking about the infernal mobs, I seem to mostly get the normal amount. Though I was laughing yesterday about a boss ectoplasm. Until he started chucking potions, then it suddenly became less funny.
They fix that in 1.8.3b.
Ah didn't know that. I"ll mark that down as another mod to update and do some quick tests with.

If you're going to update Agricraft, what difficulty are you going to set it at?
I'll probably set it at 1 or 2. 3 is too punishing for a pack like this.

I don't know primitive mobs too well, but I find special mobs annoying.
Primitive Mobs looks interesting, and ability to disable the really annoying ones is good. Not sure if I'll add it or not, but having wandering merchants and stuff is a plus to me.

And it's trivial to expand once you get one going just by melting compressed cobblestone.
You know, I didn't even think about trying to melt compressed cobblestone.

Though I was laughing yesterday about a boss ectoplasm.
Thats always amusing then horrifying when that happens. "Aw its soul is floatingaway OH GOD ITS ANGRY!"

It was worse when I didn't turn off a few of the infernal effects, specificaly Ghastly.

I had a skeleton wander into my house, I killed it, the little spirit was an infernal. "Aww how cute" *FIREBALL* Aaand then half my house burned down.