Uwah! Nevermind then. I had no idea! The condensing makes a lot of sense to me now. I can see why you compress some of the side quests.HQM has a hard limit of 1023 quests
I just found myself a desert anyway not five minutes ago. My pretty pink fairy wings really do help me explore (in addition to my far cooler mechanical wings. All the wings.) So I won't complain about the Biomes quest anymore.

But yes. Just went through a night, checking out the various Lycanite fauna in different biomes. Over half of the mobs are headcrumbs celebrities in deserts. In some places like forests, it's even more. 75% or higher. But at least half seems to be a rule of thumb. At least in my instance. It isn't just an isolated incident. I've logged a lot of hours into into the pack, and it's really consistent. The only change I made to spawning was to disable the water elementally lycanite mob in its particular config. I doubt that's the issue. It's just a shame, because I'm really digging all the strange new mobs. I was sure I would revile Lycanite's, but I'm actually finding it pretty cool. It makes the nether... well... hellish too. Darn DOOM monsters.
If you're conserving quests and want a power supply quest, the most universal thing is probably a basic EnderIO capacitor bank. They store 1M RF and require only copper, gold, iron and redstone to make, and can be charged directly from a power line or generator without needing something special like another capacitor or energetic infuser. They retain their charge when you pick them up. You don't have to actually make any EnderIO machines to craft one, so even people ignoring EnderIO could still use it. The problem is that they can be configured and retain that when picked up, I think. So that might cause problems when submitting, if someone messes with the sides. Though I guess you could put a disclaimer it has to be a 'virgin' capacitor and shouldn't be messed with beyond plonking it down and picking it up. But it might need some testing to check the matching.