[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Hi Caigan and thank you for this modpack.
I started playing it like 30-40min and I already have a steel pick, I am not sure was your intention to let me upgrade this fast ( I think not), but in case you don't want to let people melt chain armor into steel then look up what maker of " stranded on the beach" modpack did and disable it the way he did.
As I said I just started but having a steel pick in this short time might make it easy for future upgrades ( or maybe that's intentional)
Please let me know will this stay or will it be removed as I will stop playing until I know ( I might run this as server so I don't want complaints)
Thank you
Caigan made getting steel easy because dieing in this modpack is very common i found out with all the mobs that will murder you if not careful xD.
Also anyone know if they stopped tinker tools from working in the activators? i wanted put together a unbreaking scythe to farm withers for coal and skulls but it doesn't seem to work.
I"ll mark that down as another mod to update and do some quick tests with.
I'll install it and play a bit and see if it causes me trouble.
For what it's worth, the latest Botania and Agricraft all seem to be behaving in the pack without issue.

You know, I didn't even think about trying to melt compressed cobblestone.
Yup! All the way up to double or triple compressed. But even single compressed gives you a scary amount of blocks or bricks.

I think it works for compressed sand too, if you need lots of clear glass.

Aaand then half my house burned down.
Well, thanks for disabling it. Infernal mobs is only cool when all of the really silly stuff is turned off.

Also, the fact that they seem to drop blind bags in this is pure <3.

? i wanted put together a unbreaking scythe to farm withers for coal and skulls but it doesn't seem to work.
Did you give it power? Autonomous activators take power to run now. It's a change that makes everyone sad, but... I guess nobody can say it was unwarranted. :p
Did you give it power? Autonomous activators take power to run now. It's a change that makes everyone sad, but... I guess nobody can say it was unwarranted.

It had power, I just moved some fluid conducts around since i shorten it to go from the sewer to the auto spawner but otherwise it was still connected to the power conducts from the grinder that it replaced.
I have new respect for pack creators. :(

Tried to install the newest TCon. Success! Tinker's weapons are all invisible.

Hum. Ah! I probably need the latest Iguana Tweaks, derp. Install! Not loading. Needs Forge Multipart

H'okay! Hunt. Seek. Install! .324. Newer is better, right? Loaded, huzzah! Crash on world startup. Crash logs unhelpful.

Try .321. Maybe newer isn't better. Crash on world startup. New worlds same.

Roll back to old files. Don't want to try installing a newer forge. It's Caigan's problem now. Crash on world startup. :eek:

Oh hell! What did I break?! Backup saves. Fresh install. Create new world. Works. Ahh!

Put in all the new stuff again. :cool: Must know if I screwed up. Multipart .321. There's only so much 'deal with it' I'm willing to go with.

New world. Works!
Copy of old save. Works!

Yay! Finally, no more invisi...
Weapons are still invisible.


And that's when I learned I have no idea what I'm doing. Total elapsed time of lesson: One hour, forty-five minutes.

All the various tinker's swords appear to be invisible in the latest TCon and Iguana Tweaks.
Daggers, bows, axes, scythes etc are all still visible though.

It had power, I just moved some fluid conducts around since i shorten it to go from the sewer to the auto spawner but otherwise it was still connected to the power conducts from the grinder that it replaced.
Tested it in my world with a TCon obsidian scythe, an autonomous activator fed power and set to left click and pointed horizontally. Tested it pointed vertically. Tested all aim modes.
It successfully hits me every time.

Admittedly, after my desk-flipping session I'm not on the same version as you. So I rolled back and tested again.

Ow! Still works. Both horizontal and vertical.

You're totally sure it has power and is set to left click, not right, correct? Maybe set it to only use the first slot, to be safe too?
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I don't know if it was a bug or what but i got it working now i think its because i needed to relog or something but its working now.
using morph don't you get the abilities of the mob your using? cause that would be very helped in the nether and mining around lava as a zombie pigman.
I have new respect for pack creators.
Yep, not finding much on the issue so I'm reverting until I know the cause and can fix it.

Looks good, but what the heck is Morph doing in there?
Initially I wasn't going to include it, but a combination of my testers/private group all requesting it, plus the fact that most flying forms have much lower HP, I don't mind it too much.
Its also very helpful when you have small forms like bats and kobolds when you are running cables inside walls and tunnels.
There's a recipe conflict between the Futura block from chisel and wired modem from Computercraft fyi :)
There's a recipe conflict between the Futura block from chisel and wired modem from Computercraft fyi

Only thing i see fixing this until his next update would be just to spawn it in and delete the items used to make it so it would seem you made it normally.
Hmm, could you update to the latest Armourer's Workshop ( Link ) and see if that fixes TiCon weapons for you as well with latest TiCon??
That did it. Weapons are now visible. I didn't even know that mod was for weapons. I never used it.

I think I'll keep the updates. I like the idea of being able to do all the Thermal Foundations alloys in the smeltery.

I'll play some tonight. We'll see if everything is properly stable.
So currently playing with Agricraft 1.3.1 and Botania 169. TCon 1.8.3b, Iguana's 2.1.4, Forge Multipart .321 and Armourer's Workshop 28.0.70.
Well, and Morph removed. Since I never use it and I don't need more hotkey clutter and black things flying at me all the time.

Anything else you want me to test out while I'm playing guinea pig?

Only thing i see fixing this until his next update would be just to spawn it in and delete the items used to make it so it would seem you made it normally.
There's a recipe conflict between the Futura block from chisel and wired modem from Computercraft fyi :)
The futura blocks use oreDict Stone, while the modem doesn't. If you use even one block of something ore dictionaried to stone that isn't stone, you can get the futura blocks. All extra utilities coloured stone works, and so does smooth whitestone and blackstone from Minefactory.

Just tested it. It totally can mine it. :D But it takes ~42 seconds to get a piece of Ardite.
I can only imagine how long it would take to get Obsidian.
Luminary its called vein miner? maybe a minute but 16 pieces for 1 minute of work good trade off i think to save 3 diamonds.
Go nuts. But in the five minutes you spend hacking away at that piece of obsidian, I can probably branch mine my way to three or more diamonds along with other stuff. Or one diamond for on a lame TCon tool. :p But then, I can have Alumite waaaaay before all that anyway. So really I never make diamond picks as it is.