[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Wow, the heck xD. The fact it takes so long is amusing. Not sure if I'll fix it, I'm knee deep in other things and that'd require me looking on how to change harvest levels on an item. Maaaybe will change it, we'll see.

I didn't even know that mod was for weapons. I never used it.
I love it, and with the new update you can use any armor on a Mannequin (which is what I used to have Automatic_Maiden's statue mod for). Its fantastic for making custom 3D weapons and armor and whatnot for yourself, like this.

Anything else you want me to test out while I'm playing guinea pig?
Nah, thanks though!

I also see that Mekanism had a huge update an hour ago....I doubt everything else works right with it yet, specifically AOBD, but I'll add that to my testing. 90% sure something will explode....

Alas, all my Caigan has is a piece of string.
And apparently a hidden stash of webs to throw at me on my way to bed.
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I also see that Mekanism had a huge update an hour ago....I doubt everything else works right with it yet, specifically AOBD, but I'll add that to my testing. 90% sure something will explode....

I don't care if anything explodes but i found a new love for Mekanism windmills and solar panels which make my previous Ender IO power attempts laughable i think i was making almost 2.5k more RF/T 1 windmill at height 172 than all 5 stirling generators with full upgrades. The Fact it works with all RF required machines is a huge + in my books for a always to have mod in any pack now since i found my windmills can power my dimensions easily enough without little loss.

Edit: Also the ducts from Thermal expansion are a decent alt to the conduits from Ender IO, and if i do say harden glass + electum + 12 redstone that transfer 5k power to replace the 2nd tier conduits that require gold + glowstone + redstone from ender IO.

Edit 2: o.o wow i didn't know Ender IO had such a cool feature that you can pull charged items from activator into a bank charge it and send it back with item conduits finally found a use for the power conduct you find in chests and that lol. Heres the link if anyone wants to see TheOnlyBently shows it,
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A little sneak peak at 0.0.6 for everyone. I'm aiming for submitting it at the end of next week.





Also, initial testing of Mekanism is showing no issues since AOBD and a few other mods were updated to support it as well.

EDIT : I'm also considering splitting out the Hardware Store items into individual ores, and getting rid of the Large shipments (due to max quest restriction). Instead you'll have a chance of getting 10% more ore in a Shipment or something, I'm still working that out.
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A little sneak peak at 0.0.6 for everyone. I'm aiming for submitting it at the end of next week.
EDIT : I'm also considering splitting out the Hardware Store items into individual ores, and getting rid of the Large shipments (due to max quest restriction). Instead you'll have a chance of getting 10% more ore in a Shipment or something, I'm still working that out.
Neat-o! I'm looking forward to it. Finally something to do with all those creepy missing-children Decocraft toys.

You might want to seriously tone down the reward requirements of the energy quests though. Unless that blank slot is something seriously expensive. 10M RF seems like a whole lot, but resource-wise it isn't that much. It's really just an investment in idle time. You can fill one of those up with 20 blocks of coal in Double-Capacitor EnderIO sterling engines. Or a few ingots of yellorium in a decently designed Big Reactor. Or a bit of time on a Mekanism windmill. Power will be the absolutely only thing to make sense turning in with that much.

If you're going to give out amounts of coins in that range you might want to put in a few quests to mass-turn-in coins too, in the company store. Especially at higher rep. That's like seventy-something quest turn-ins at my reputation level, getting only five store vouchers at a time. I already have to do it in ten repetitions when I harvest my diamond fields and turn in a block and a single diamond, and that's quite enough as-is. :p

As for the shipment thing, I haven't really used them. Nothing else on that page opens up for me but the first shipment. But if you made ones where I could choose the reward specifically out of several, that sounds pretty useful to me. It'd be nice to be able to call in some rarer stuff like Shiny metal or emeralds or such things if you're out. I could actually see using it then.
You might want to seriously tone down the reward requirements of the energy quests though.
The higher quests you'll only be able to turn in once every 3 to 10 hours. Real hours. I balance rewards given with how long you have to wait between submissions.
But yes, that isn't the final amount given, as I haven't balanced it vs upgraded enderio, big reactors, or the new mekanism stuff

If you're going to give out amounts of coins in that range you might want to put in a few quests to mass-turn-in coins too
I'm going to include a quest to bag up 50 coins, and turn in bags of coins so you don't have to carry giant stacks of coins.

. Nothing else on that page opens up for me but the first shipment.
That's cause I forgot to change them when I was working on them in the latest update, so they don't unlock properly. That's my fault.
Just got a legendary blind bag from a basic bag which gave me a class A simply jetpacks bag.. which gave me a resonant flux pack..... also got a ender pouch full of nether ores and miscellaneous items... ^-^ Love it
Not sure if this one is known. I didn't see it on the running (and increasingly enormous!) changelog.

The Biome Essence quests. They're a bit borked up currently. They're non-repeatable, so you can only ever get two biome essences (Bog and Mushroom Forest in my case. I have a bog right by my base, darn it! But at least I know I can get Mooshrooms. :D). Also, instead of turning in vouchers for them, they seem to be set to detect. Apparently the company is just happy you have a lot of their scrip!

Also, don't know if this is repeatable, and you probably can't do anything about it, but capturing celebrities (at least, maybe others, didn't test) in soul vials from EIO seemingly turns them into Elite Mobs.

It's an infinite blind bag farm. :confused:

I found that out with that Caigan I grabbed. You weren't a web-throwing, ultra-tough, multi-lived monster when I saw you on my map and tunneled my way down to capture you. Apparently you were so angry at being crammed into a Poke-bottle that you hulked right out. That happened with a few others I accidentally grabbed in the celebrity swarm too. I swear, that dank cave must have been a Minecraft convention or something.

CaveCon 2015! Where? The inaccessible cave under the highest sacred oak. Some tunneling or teleportation required to attend. Bring your pet skeletons!
The Biome Essence quests. They're a bit borked up currently.
Man, I really wonked that entire section didn't I. Marked down to fix when I can.Another super busy Monday complete with SNOOOW :confused: so I don't know if I'll be able to do much modpack work today.

Also, don't know if this is repeatable, and you probably can't do anything about it, but capturing celebrities (at least, maybe others, didn't test) in soul vials from EIO seemingly turns them into Elite Mobs.
Oh dear, I'll mark that for testing too, but I think taking them out of a Soul Vial just basically 'spawns' them again, so Infernal Mobs has a chance of triggering. If it keeps turning them into elites every time, I'll blacklist Celebrities from Soul Vials.
Darn. There's so few options for m
If it keeps turning them into elites every time, I'll blacklist Celebrities from Soul Vials.
Darn. There's so few options for moving them as-is. Safari nets already don't work on them or Lycanites, as far as I can tell. Neither do golden lassos (on passive Lycan mobs).

I'm glad I got my collectable Caigan before then. Maybe I'll have to rename him so he doesn't despawn and do something cool with him before I lose the ability to.

I'll try to poke it and test myself. It was 100% when I did it, but I suppose it could have been a string of absolutely insane good luck (or bad luck, since I died in the attempt). But I'm going to guess it was a bug, since they all seemed to have more or less the same abilities. But you never knoooow.

Another super busy Monday complete with SNOOOW :confused:
Well, if it's falling on you, it isn't falling on me. :p

This icebox winter has been totally screwy though. I can't wait for it to end. Seemingly one last super-cold day up here in Toronto, then delicious above-freezing weather on the forecast.
Caigan taking a break from Ferret life, Jaden just released MF3 and been dying to give it a run through since if u couldn't tell i'm a fearless death person who like seeing how many times a pack can kill ya.
i really don't like the sky island in hardcore xD, makes me rush and do many mistakes which end with me dying at least with MF3 i can spawn and kill the sheep that kills me haha.
May I suggest a mod?
Oh hey, didn't realize he cut it out of the bigger mod it was part of.

Looking into it, it seems it might have some world corruption issues. I'll keep an eye on it though until those issues are examined and fixed.
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Oh hey, didn't realize he cut it out of the bigger mod it was part of.

Looking into it, it seems it might have some world corruption issues. I'll keep an eye on it though until those issues are examined and fixed.
Same fuctionality as the ring of correction from the latest version of Botania that not corrupt world.