[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Hey Caigan, about magic bee's botania flowers, on regrowth the recipes was changed by mMineTweaker/ModTweaker, i don't know if you just can get it... but ask for it to
thephoenixlodge, to put on next update plz, cuz.. update forestry is a big problem...
Being a bit more specific, the problem is botania changed its flower recipes, replacing mana petals with mana dust. Mana petals were removed from the mod outright, so magic bees' flower recipes are entirely broken, making the beegonia and hiveacynth uncraftable.
How do I convert a bag of coins back into coins? I can't seem to do anything with the bags of coins that I have.
Survey submitted; Would have done it earlier if the forum was highlighting alerts correctly. :p

It, and any other aquatic mob adding mod have the same problem as with the project zulu fish, inherited from the squids, where in 1.7.10 they spawn in obscene amounts. JAFF is very nice though.

You can always take the 'nuclear' option and disable squid spawning completely (will probably need a revised spawn egg recipie). Not sure if inherited mobs, like the aforementioned fish, would be affected.
i was surprised there was no middle option in the survey question "how far have u gotten in the quest lines" between all quests besides the new ones done and 1 major line done .
Hmm, good point.

In short, with the default configs, virtually no villages spawn. Setting B:"Enable village modifications"=true to false fixes that problem. Alternatively, you could go into the witchery config and disable their modifications which should theoretically also fix the problem.
Oh dear, that's not good. Added to the trello to fix when I can get to it. =)

Can't revert to frozen GameData state without freezing first
That's an odd. Check the crashlog folder for the server, there should be an actual crashlog generated which you can upload, will give me a better idea of what's causing this.

What: The Ferret Business: The Labors Of Valentine & Friends
Oh geez, I can't believe I missed this! That is super awesome! Sounds like you guys had great fun. =D

Try adding just a few fish: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/235261-just-a-few-fish

It adds just a few fish, plus a fish tank thing that stops fish inside from despawning. It's a pretty good replacement for project zulu's fish.
Yeah, unfortunately most mods that add fish have the same problem Squids do, in that their spawns go out of control and lag the world. =(

Hi Caigan. I have found a bug with the current build.(0.1.2) Or i cant pick up tesseracts. I can place them down but when i wrench them they are on the ground just fine but if i picke them up my entire game crashes.
Oof, that's not a good bug. I'll add it to the Trello to investigate.

Hey Caigan, about magic bee's botania flowers, on regrowth the recipes was changed by mMineTweaker/ModTweaker, i don't know if you just can get it... but ask for it to
thephoenixlodge, to put on next update plz, cuz.. update forestry is a big problem...
Oh, I thought the magic bee botania flower recipes were updated too. Added to trello to fix as well.

@Caigan you are welcome to use the script I wrote to update the magic bees recipes for the new changes in botania. Can download it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/25y1t3otxo8s7kr/magicbeestemp.zs?dl=0
Awesome, thanks! =)

How do I convert a bag of coins back into coins? I can't seem to do anything with the bags of coins that I have.
Just hold them in your hand and Right Click.

You can always take the 'nuclear' option and disable squid spawning completely (will probably need a revised spawn egg recipie). Not sure if inherited mobs, like the aforementioned fish, would be affected.
Squid spawning is already mostly nuked in the pack, but it doesn't effect mobs which inherit the Squid mob traits (pretty much all fish), sadly.
I just created this account to let you know, I enjoy this modpack I really do, but I need to report a bug I've come across that seems repeatable. My game seems to freeze whenever I kill an alligator from project zulu. Like hard freeze to where I have to either kill minecraft through the launcher or through task manager. 2nd, I think adding the apple core mod might be a nice addition, It adds the ability to see how filling food is without adding difficulty like spice of life or hunger overhaul, just the UI of how much hunger and saturation the food fills.
Oops, almost missed this message, sorry about that!

Adding the alligator issue to trello for investigation, as well as Apple Core.
@Caigan So in Version 0.12 there is a reward in the Quest Book named "Invalid Item" Is that suppost to be there err?...
and if yes, What is it? Never seen it in the 4 years I've been playing modded ._.
@Caigan So in Version 0.12 there is a reward in the Quest Book named "Invalid Item" Is that suppost to be there err?...
and if yes, What is it? Never seen it in the 4 years I've been playing modded ._.
Ah, these used to be TInker's Tailor very low level armor, but I had to remove the mod and forgot I had put them as early quest rewards.

They are put as Invalid Item by HQM since they no longer exist.
Absolutely, many death from those accursed baby skeles (i never though there could be anything worse than a baby zombie...i was wrong)
u have not seen some of the lyncanites mobs that used to be in the pack have u ? they sounded creepy and the flyers were quite alot harder then blizz to kill (even with nerfed stats on them)
This was awesome! Finally got the Awakened Draconium Trader Chit Which put us up to a respectable 1075 trader rank. The awesome thing was it unlocked the ability to do the weak magical seed exchange.

The bad news is we don't have Magical Crops mod anymore:(

Is there a way to change that out so the promotion would be meaningful? As it is, the trader rank increase didn't unlock anything else.
This was awesome! Finally got the Awakened Draconium Trader Chit Which put us up to a respectable 1075 trader rank. The awesome thing was it unlocked the ability to do the weak magical seed exchange.

The bad news is we don't have Magical Crops mod anymore:(

Is there a way to change that out so the promotion would be meaningful? As it is, the trader rank increase didn't unlock anything else.
Thats odd, those quests shouldn't be there anymore. I'll check that when I can.
Try adding just a few fish: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/235261-just-a-few-fish

It adds just a few fish, plus a fish tank thing that stops fish inside from despawning. It's a pretty good replacement for project zulu's fish.

Ok. . . two days later a HUGE warning. . . It may be called a FEW LITTLE FISH but after two days, the two fish we had as pets turned into a game crippling hundreds in our base. Install with caution.
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Truely Your Own - a quest in the Malisis' Doors gives a different kind of blind bags. Some older version? They are called "A Blind Bag of Blind Bags" and only have their quality in the description (4695:1 is a Good version). I got an empty reward from it - it told me I got a Malisis' Doors reward - 0.5%