[1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RE: Multiplying Redstone Pump

The redstone pump seems to be collecting liquid from not only source blocks, but also flow blocks. I've posted on Reika's forum (on Minecraft Forums) regarding this issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RE: Raw ender pumping

I've notified Reika of the problem pumping raw ender using the RotaryCraft pump. If the problem is on his side, I'm sure he'll fix it. Otherwise, I will try Squeek to see if he can fix the issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I turn my back on my industrial coil for ~one second~....

Al my machines, all my ethanol crystals, three stacks of iron ore waiting to be processed by the now nonexistent extractor....:(

I'm sorry to hear that. In the future, you might find it useful to know that the redstone comparator can detect the charge level of the industrial coil, and its output can be used to change the coil from charge to discharge when it reaches a desired level (using the appropriate redstone distance). This will prevent the coil from reaching critical tension.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I turn my back on my industrial coil for ~one second~....

Al my machines, all my ethanol crystals, three stacks of iron ore waiting to be processed by the now nonexistent extractor....


Oh, I know that feeling... The same happened pretty much to me as well, first time I fiddled around with RC. Blew up 2 resonant tanks from TE as well, full of lubricant. Byebye 1mil mB ...

Edit: Aside from that, does someone here run a server with this pack/knows a server that does? And would kindly accept some random stranger from the interwebs on it? Still can't find people to play this with and I'm just losing my motivation way too fast in SSP. >_>
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RE: Anything TiC-based

I'm beginning to look for alternatives to Tinker's Construct; At this point, it pretty much seems to be the policy of the Tinker's Construct crew that anything to do with the 1.7.10 version of their mod is going to go unfixed. Since this modpack is strictly 1.7.10 (being based off of RotaryCraft), that means we're left out in the cold.

As such, I'm currently looking for an alternative mod that:
  • Includes the ability to expand the mining progression to the current level (Stone->Copper->Tin/Bronze->Iron->Diamond->Obsidian), and ensures ores respect this harvesting progression.
  • Includes an experience system so that a tool will not be able to move to the next level without some actual use.
The Block Properties mod allows for adjusting block harvest levels, but not tool harvest levels.

So, If you encounter anything with TInker's Construct or Iguana Tweaks, odds are good I won't be able to do anything about it. :(

Still, submit the bugs anyways so I can keep track of them against the vain hope that something will happen.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's not a bedrock coil. I'm currently at the "Use my AC engines to charge a steel industrial coil to run an extractor and try to get some tungsten" level of RC. I've rebuilt in creative, but still experimenting with redstone trying to get a good shutoff valve. I've got a RC clutch in front of the coil to shut off the input, but I'm terrible with redstone and its mod extras.

Ironically, if the RC clutch would be active by default and turn OFF with redstone I'd be fine, I could just run a redstone line 14 blocks long from the coil to the clutch and be done with it. Sadly, I still haven't figured out how to stop a redstone signal to the clutch based on a high redstone signal from another source. Still experimenting.

edit: Found a vanilla solution by googling. Writing this post helped me think it through enough. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why bother with the clutch? All you need to do is apply a redstone signal directly to the coil; when it receives a redstone signal, the coil goes from charge mode to discharge mode... if you have it set to 0 torque and 0 speed, you effectively turn it off with a redstone signal.

Using a redstone comparator and a 13-long redstone path pointing right at the coil should help you avert disaster.

Additionally, the "not gate from Project Red switches redstone off when getting a redstone signal, and gives off a redstone signal when not receiving it.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't want to have to go in and reset the output settings every time I'm done charging it. Turning off the clutch is super easy, the clutch is cheap, and it means I don't have to worry about the block sides of the coil: I need two sides for input and output, two sides for redstone input and output, one side for access, that is kinda messy sounding imo :p

I'm trying to figure out how to get a hot enough blast furnace right now. I have discovered sadly that the heater melts the fuck down the instant it touches 1000C, meaning it won't help me make spring ingots.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IIRC, it's the regular furnace that has a maximum temperature.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So the blast furnace won't melt if I make it super hot? Okay, cool. Guess I just need to reroute my power all into a friction heater and blast furnace, because I want to start making hydro power.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

The redstone comparator outputs the state of the coil. The redstone line goes beneath the floor in the background and comes back out in the foreground, 14 blocks later. On the other side of the block it ends on is a redstone torch, under the clutch. The clutch is kept open by the torch, and thus the power from the AC generators, until the coil is 14/15ths full, when the signal is finally strong enough to go all the way down the line, reaching the redstone torch, turning it off and closing the clutch, cutting off more power. Wastes a bit of capacity compared to watching it manually, of course (1/15th of the coil capacity), but a whole lot better than the explosions.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh, I know that feeling... The same happened pretty much to me as well, first time I fiddled around with RC. Blew up 2 resonant tanks from TE as well, full of lubricant. Byebye 1mil mB ...

Edit: Aside from that, does someone here run a server with this pack/knows a server that does? And would kindly accept some random stranger from the interwebs on it? Still can't find people to play this with and I'm just losing my motivation way too fast in SSP. >_>

Give it some time. The modpack is still quite new, and still unlisted. Obviously I can do nothing about the latter (but hope that the FTB gods smile on my little creation), but time will tell what happens. I'm still actively trying to squash bugs (and if things I've seen so far are correct, the WAILA issues should be resolved by 1.2.0 with the next release of Reika's mods), and with each version we advance, things are getting more and more stable.

You're not the only one who's going a little nuts... Keep in mind, I was playing this modpack in SSP for over a year before I released the modpack recipe, and that was months before Gerb brought this modpack to the FTB launcher. I'm scanning YouTube daily to see if anyone actually is trying this out in a "Let's Play." I can't imagine better marketing for an unknown modpack. But, if you like it, let others know. Add it to your FTB and MCF signatures. With enough time and exposure, I'm sure someone will hit upon the bright idea of making a Survival Industry public server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I feel embarrassed it took me over a day to come up with the idea of making a second extractor. With two gas engines through a 2:1 gearbox, I can run the first and fourth stages just fine (and plus they don't need water, even simpler infrastructure). I have ethanol semi-automated (I still grind and place the sugar manually into the first fermenter, and smelt the sludge piling up in a barrel whenever I walk by it, but everything in between is handled by Extra Utility pipes), so this is pretty cheap. Way, way faster, too. I've got ten tungsten flakes now, but have yet to get the setup working right to get a furnace to reach 1350C. My industrial coil + the two gas engines (that I have repurposed to run the second extractor) only managed to get a friction heater to 1250. Guess maybe to make things easy I could just have the gas engines feed a second industrial coil...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quick tip: grinder+sugarcane=3 sugar.
Been using that for a while, yeah. Thinking of making a dedicated grinder + steam generator + 4:1 gearbox (made of diamond so I don't ever have to worry about it getting damaged once I've put lube in it: I found out the hard way even a 1% damage makes this combo useless) at the start of my setup, but the fermenter doesn't use sugar that quickly and I've more than kept up with its demand by hand.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
actually, i have an idea if someone is looking for a good rc system, for the one i am using.
steam engine = steam engine with lava below and a cooling fin above.

a pump powered by a steam engine.
than the water is connected to our greenhouse with 3 roof sprinklers.
than it is connected down to an underground canola farm about 3x9 powered by 3 fans each with a steam engine, and a ground sprinkler from one block near the 5 line. than a vacum with steam engine collects the seeds. than pneumatic item pumps powered by one dc engine move it to a chest. from the chest, half is getting voided, and half is getting to a barrel with pneumatic item pumps with dc engines. (the voiding is to make sure there is no overflow, and it still makes more than it uses.) than there is a grinder connected to the barrel with pneumatic item pump with a dc engine. than the grinder grinds the seeds and makes lubricant and hasks. it is powered by a steam engine with a 16:1 gearbox from steel. than the lubricant gets piped out and the husks get pumped with a pneumatic item pump with a dc engine, into a centrifuge, which makes the husks into more lubricant, and also gets piped out. the centrifuge is powered by a steam engine with a 16:1 steel gearbox. than the lubricant is piped out into all of our gearboxes, including the ones from the lubricant production, and into a resovior as a buffer, and into the hydrokinetic engine, which has a tower of water from the sky falling onto. than we have a normal grinder, connected to a 16:1 steel gearbox, an obsidian factory connected to a steam engine and to water, we have two friction heater connected to steam engines and to furnaces, we have a drying bed connected to water to make salt, we have to steam engines connected to a friction heater to the blast furnace. we have an industrial coil wondering around, we have a gas engine to connect to the blast furnace if we do something spacial, we have a woodcutter, connected to 2 steam engines, an item vacum near it connected to a steam engine, and to a pneumatic item pump with a dc engine, connected to a chest, connected to 4 barrels (sawdust, apples, logs, saplings) with a transfer node filtered for these 4 items, than we have a fermenter connected to one steam engine, and than finnaly the hydrokinetic engine connected to 4 diamond 4:1 gearboxes set to speed mode, and then connected to an extractor. than we switch the 4th gearbox between modes dependant on if we want the 1+4 steps, or the 2+3 steps. ideally we go to sleep in game when the extractor runs to run it faster.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The extractor emits a Redstone pulse when it cannot do any more work. Use this with a Redstone latch and a multiclutch with two lines of gears and it can self-regulate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An additional note: the project red toggle latch will switch its redstone output between on and off with each incoming redstone pulse.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The extractor emits a Redstone pulse when it cannot do any more work. Use this with a Redstone latch and a multiclutch with two lines of gears and it can self-regulate.
Does that include when it has no incoming power? The main reason, after tinkering around for a bit, I don't have the redstone logic turning off the coil directly is because I couldn't figure out how to fully drain it before re-engaging the powering up, so instead I've just made a safety shutoff and manually toggle it between power and charge by hand.