Yeah that's kinda the thing, every night I see hundreds of zombies and can't really go out to search for the endermen that aren't swarming at me that might be behind them.The thing about mobs, I think it's due to the enormous amount of different zombies which take up the amount of entities, so anything else rarely spawns.
Could you guys add canola seeds to the possible items in Pam's recipe to make cooking oil?
My jetpack just exploded for some reason, turning into a steel chestplate. I was near some lava, does it have a hidden temp limit or some shit?
It's been there for several versions. Lava and (I think) fire will cause the jetpack to explode unless you have cooling fins on it. You can also add glider wings and a thrust booster (which I've never done because it requires a gas turbine.)Wow, if it does, that's new to me. You might want to check with Reika to see if he added some kind of instability or overheating mechanic.
This might be stupid, but in my first playthrough i found an iron pickaxe head on a village so i didnt have to think this through. How da**** do i go from a flint pickaxe head to be able to mine something?? i have been mining for at least 40 mins and nada, no lvlup ,not even able to mine coal.