[1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

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would you like the modpack to grow bigger with new mod?

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  • yes, more tech

  • yes, stronger mobs/other

  • no, keep it as it is

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Found how to do it.
2 industrial coils on full 1024 on both parameters with a junction.
Makes exactly 1350 degrees. Just did it.
Also 1.1.4 should be up
To anyone getting the out of bounds error on start, we accidentally put version 3.2.0 of Special Mobs back in. Just follow the steps in the third comment on this thread, and you should be able to play it with no further issue.
Having a tough time finding endermen, or emeralds (to make vegan ender pearls). Are villages disabled? How is emerald ore spawning changed by the oregen in this pack?
Emeralds spawn similar to diamonds, but surrounding a vein of silverfish egg stones instead of lava. Like vanilla, emeralds will only spawn in mountain biomes.

Villages are not disabled that I know of. And endermen are not only enabled, there are several variants.

Quick tip: if you see an endermen with a backpack, he's not hostile. Additionally, placing an ender chest next to him will cause him to trade you his pack for the chest.

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What you can try (it's what I did) is go search for the railcraft things (Abyssal stone clusters) in the ocean. Usually has a couple of ore for diamonds, emeralds and lapis.
The thing about mobs, I think it's due to the enormous amount of different zombies which take up the amount of entities, so anything else rarely spawns.
Have you tried setting a mob farm? ExU conveyor belts allow spawning, and won't cause endermen to vanish like water channels do.

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The thing about mobs, I think it's due to the enormous amount of different zombies which take up the amount of entities, so anything else rarely spawns.
Yeah that's kinda the thing, every night I see hundreds of zombies and can't really go out to search for the endermen that aren't swarming at me that might be behind them.

Just found a use for the enormous pile of lapis I have, though. Lapis blocks, when combined with 1/2 slab microblocks, can be made into walls from extra utilities. Keepin' those zombies out in style :D
There is a way to exploit zombie swarming mechanics to trap them. A zombie taking damage will attract other zombies. ExU iron spikes will damage and kill mobs without damaging their drops.

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several things. villages spawn, i checked.
enderman spawn rarely.
also some times hordes of mobs spawn in a cave underground and don't despawn because they are in water or something. then you reach the mob cap and boom, no mobs at night.
if that happens try something that will make them despawn (i think unloading the chunks should do).
also, there are some issues with the 1.1.4 release. for now we will try to fix them as fast as possible (already fixed most of them, only one with servers is left) but because reika's mods's new update is getting released in a bit we will hold off for until this is released.
for now use 1.1.3
My jetpack just exploded for some reason, turning into a steel chestplate. I was near some lava, does it have a hidden temp limit or some shit?
My jetpack just exploded for some reason, turning into a steel chestplate. I was near some lava, does it have a hidden temp limit or some shit?

Wow, if it does, that's new to me. You might want to check with Reika to see if he added some kind of instability or overheating mechanic.
Hey guys i dont know if i should be posting this here but i'm having problems with the pack. It starts, but as soon as the mods are loaded the client just shuts down. Like there isn't even the normal menu.
Also, dont know if it would affect this but since i don't rly like SpiceOfLife i took it down. Don't think this would affect anything but well. There is some extra info.

On a side Note: this happened before u guys posted that 1.1.4 was broken, when i saw that i just deleted all my Survival Industry folder(dont worry, i love the early game so its not that much to loose my save)and went ahead and re-installed 1.1.3; and still the error persists.
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downgrade to the version 1.1.3 of the pack.
we are working on the hotfix, but for now the recommended version (1.1.4) is not a functional release.
1.1.3 does work so try it instead
This might be stupid, but in my first playthrough i found an iron pickaxe head on a village so i didnt have to think this through. How da**** do i go from a flint pickaxe head to be able to mine something?? i have been mining for at least 40 mins and nada, no lvlup ,not even able to mine coal.
Wow, if it does, that's new to me. You might want to check with Reika to see if he added some kind of instability or overheating mechanic.
It's been there for several versions. Lava and (I think) fire will cause the jetpack to explode unless you have cooling fins on it. You can also add glider wings and a thrust booster (which I've never done because it requires a gas turbine.)
This might be stupid, but in my first playthrough i found an iron pickaxe head on a village so i didnt have to think this through. How da**** do i go from a flint pickaxe head to be able to mine something?? i have been mining for at least 40 mins and nada, no lvlup ,not even able to mine coal.

When you mouse over the pickaxe, it should have "mining XP". This has two numbers: The number of blocks you've mined using this pickaxe, and the number of blocks required to be mined before the pickaxe advances to the next level.

The flint pickaxe can be leveled to copper mining. Once this happens, you need to mine copper and aluminum, make a TiC smelter, and smelt yourself a copper pickaxe head. Then, apply the copper head to your flint pickaxe (once it's been completely repaired). Then, keep mining until your copper pickaxe can mine iron. Rinse and repeat.

Something to be aware of: I'm currently working on removing Tinker's Construct from the early-game progression. Once I complete the new early-game progression, it will still be installed, but it will no longer be required to advance your mining.