[1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, about the Ore Flowers. In the same chunk as where they spawn, there should be some ore of that type, right?
Well yea. Not a single piece of silver, despite a couple of silver flowers growing above that (about 2-3 layers of dirt till above ground where the flowers are).
Not sure if I simply have some misunderstanding about the flowers, or if there's something wrong with them? I'd guess it's the former, but just making sure... (yes, I'm pretty damn desperate for silver!)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually, from the wiki: "They are also very imprecise, spawning somewhere within 30 blocks (measured along the X and Z directions) of the vein, regardless of how far underground it is."

So, it's a little less precise than either of us thought. Sorry for the confusion.

TiC seems to have changed the status of the submitted issue (Platinum/Nickel from Electricraft not repairing shiny/ferrous tools) as "unsupported." Additionally, I can't seem to get those materials added using ModTweaker, so at this point, I can either accept that the problem can't be fixed, or use "Ferrous" and "Shiny" ore in place of Platinum or Nickel. I'm going to have to see if the names can be changed, because those names really rub me the wrong way. :(
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alright, guess it's time for some more digging then... About the Platinum/Nickel issue, changing the ore doesn't really help. You can get both Ferrous and Nickel Ingots out of Nickel Ore. Just depends on how you process it, Furnace (flakes) makes Nickel, smeltery (ore or ingots) makes Ferrous, for example. So if you'd use Ferrous Ore, make it to flakes and smelt it in a furnace it would probably still end up as Nickel Ore.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem is a localization one; I just need to change unlocalized names to their appropriate localized ones, except replace "shiny" with "platinum," "ferrous" with "nickel," etc. I think I can do this with MineTweaker, but on the one day I have off, I'm stuck waiting for the authentication servers to come up.

The localization seemed easy enough; now I just need to test it before I can upload the changes for addition into the modpack. If things work correctly, Thermal Foundation Nickel and Platinum will be used instead of ElectriCraft ores, but with the Electricraft spawn rules, and using their modern scientific names, rather than "Ferrous" and "Shiny." While I was at it, I also replaced "Mana Infused" with "Mithril." I just wish I wasn't locked out of even an offline game. :( On the upside, if this works, all items that previously had "Shiny" or "Ferrous" in their names will now have the modern names instead. Including Tinker's Construct parts and tools.

As a side note, if this works, this should also close the progression hole with the iron-minable platinum.

As for the Nickel/Platinum problem, have you tried RotaryCraft nickel/platinum, rather than ElectriCraft nickel/platinum?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh derp. Yea, tried to use RotaryCraft Nickel to repair the Ferrous tools, not ElectriCraft.
So basically what you're doing (regarding the repair part) is to tell TiCon "Your tools are now Nickel, so look for Nickel Ingots for repairing them.", did I get that right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, I changed the Nickel and Platinum oregen from ElectriCraft to Thermal Foundation ores. I then changed the Thermal Foundation localization names so I won't need to cringe every time I see names like "Shiny" and "Ferrous." There's nothing that can be done about Electri/RotaryCraft ingots that I know of; the issue was marked "Unsupported" in the TiC github issue tracker. If RotaryCraft and ElectriCraft ores won't work (I checked ElectriCraft), then there really is nothing I can do unless someone knows the secret to adding them using ModTweaker, because all my efforts to make that happen have failed so far. The main bright side I can get out of this is that I closed a hole in progression by removing the iron-harvestable ElectriCraft platinum, and replaced it with the Ardite-harvestable TF platinum.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, I changed the Nickel and Platinum oregen from ElectriCraft to Thermal Foundation ores. I then changed the Thermal Foundation localization names so I won't need to cringe every time I see names like "Shiny" and "Ferrous." There's nothing that can be done about Electri/RotaryCraft ingots that I know of; the issue was marked "Unsupported" in the TiC github issue tracker. If RotaryCraft and ElectriCraft ores won't work (I checked ElectriCraft), then there really is nothing I can do unless someone knows the secret to adding them using ModTweaker, because all my efforts to make that happen have failed so far. The main bright side I can get out of this is that I closed a hole in progression by removing the iron-harvestable ElectriCraft platinum, and replaced it with the Ardite-harvestable TF platinum.
I'm not 100% sure, but this mod might be able to help with the nickel and platinum tools repair issue: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/224971-tinkers-modifiers


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not really; what that mod does is allow me to change modifiers, such as silk - touch or auto-smelt.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Last part:
"When using Iguana Tweaks, you'll need iguanaman.iguanatweakstconstruct.replacing.ModPartReplacement for part replacement. In Vanilla Tinkers', tconstruct.modifiers.tools.ModToolRepair handles the repairing of tools"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So it does... I might just lick this sucker yet! At least I've abolished all traces of "shiny" and "ferrous" from platinum and nickel (with the exception of the "shiny" effect).

... maybe for the next update. I'm pretty much out of my depth with this mod.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah my bad, completely misunderstodd that part it seems. And I think having the "shiny" effect is completely fine. I mean, platinum is shiny! :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Survival Industry now has an official bug tracker!

If you are having issues with the modpack, or want to make suggestions, feel free to make use of the issue tracker on the Survival Industry Github. This will help me keep track of what needs to be fixed, and what has been fixed. On the other hand, if you wish to help, the github is also the central repository for the modpack's configuration files and MineTweaker script; feel free to fork a copy and submit pull requests if you feel up to helping out. If not, no worries, just have fun! :)

There is also the start of a Wiki on the site, although it's a long way from being comprehensive.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ladies and Gentlemen, version 1.1.2 of Survival Industry is now available! Let the bug reports flow like water!

Keep in mind, some of my recent changes did not make it into this version, but should be available for 1.1.3; also, keep in mind that the MineTweaker script and all configuration files are available in their latest versions from the Github site, if you don't want to wait. Sorry, due to some mods' distribution rules, I can only make the configurations available; newer mods will have to be downloaded from their respective threads/pages.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Later today will send the 1.1.3 update.

And it's much more quit here now with the issue tracker, not sure if it's good though, it's boring here :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well for me, just don't get to play much minecraft the last days :p Playing solo doesn't really help my motivation either, but the only ones I could play with go like "rotarcraft? omgnopeI'mouttahere" due to the power system :D