[1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As for using rotational dynamos, I'm not too worried; each rotational dynamo uses more torque, and I have designed the pack in such a way that there are no mods installed that can completely replace RotaryCraft's machines.

The specific concern: I can use a DC pump, and 4 steam engines, feeding into a rotational dynamic, to make about 126 RF/t. Even with no conduits, I can put 4 of these next to a machine to generate 504 RF/t; if there are conduits, then the RF just adds. And all RF machines have an internal storage and will just take a little more time if they want more RF/t than that.

Other than saying Aluminum Alloy, or Inductive Metal, or Spring Steel being added to the recipe for blocks/machines that I want to gate, I don't see any real solution.

EDIT: Oh yea, storage cells.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And what machines do you plan to use that power on? There are some RF machines, but little that overlap with RoC... and I know you're aware of the nerfing that magnetostatics entail. ;)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
we might actually also do the dimensional shards thingy from the invasion mod to gate some more so that you have to survive invasion for that. also reteo, what about enderquarry? is it expensive enough so that it is actually a thing? i am kinda interested.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
we might actually also do the dimensional shards thingy from the invasion mod to gate some more so that you have to survive invasion for that. also reteo, what about enderquarry? is it expensive enough so that it is actually a thing? i am kinda interested.

Using rift flux to gate the Ender Quarry... that's an interesting idea.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alright, no clue how the changes will affect the manyullium progression, but I guess i'll leave it at that. :p
About being of two minds about the dungeon/biome mods, if you want to include them, without affecting worldgen for less beefy computers, why not just disable them by default like ChromatiCraft? Sure, adding them ourselves is easy enough (for most at least), but depending on the mod you may have to do some config changes, to not break progression. Not telling you to make changes for other people, don't worry. Your pack after all. :) But if you said you're already two minds about it... Maybe give it a thought sometime. :p

About the Invasion thing; damn, completely misunderstood it then. Well, guess I'll have a look at the configs then.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Technically, it's my design. It's Gerb's pack. I just provide input and work on the configs. Adding mods to the pack is ultimately his call, since he goes out, gets the permissions, and submits the files to FTB.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
between, reteo. i have an idea for a really crazy missile, but for that i kinda need to know how does the mcframes mod work? i have absulutly no clue


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And what machines do you plan to use that power on? There are some RF machines, but little that overlap with RoC... and I know you're aware of the nerfing that magnetostatics entail. ;)

I don't know the details of your pack. But I'm assuming you want people to advance in RoC to power the big machines in your pack. Getting 500 rf/t with entry-level RoC power, assuming you've eliminated all conduits and storage cells probably bypasses a lot.

RF machines that overlap RoC isn't the issue.
Bypassing RoC in a RoC-themed pack is.

My pack will contain forestry / binnies / gendustry, as well as rftools and dimension generation. Rf Dimensions will have resonance crystals, and deep resonance will provide RF native power. But you have to get there first, and then purify / enhance them.

I'm not sure if there will be anything else in the way of tech.

In general, the whole "Leave it running overnight" means that if something can trade "energy per tick" for "energy over time", then low power is plenty, and my goal here is to force RoC progress. Forestry generally has moderate power consumption, ditto binnie; gendustry, as I understand it, consumes massive power or massive time.

For RfTools, I can at least set the dimension power buffer equal to the level needed to avoid problems, so the dimensions have to be powered, and can't have energy stored overnight. But in general, the whole "machine buffers can't be eliminated" and no "minimum power needed to operate" means that RF/t is just a measure of time to complete, not actual power to run. (After all, if my computer is 10 times as powerful as I need, then I could switch from 120 V to 12 V, and still run it, right? :) (1)


Mad science needing really high-tech? Do you read Girl Genus? What little I know of mad science mods in minecraft is ... actually, no that's steam power, not mad science.

... well, what do you know? There's a 125 mad science mod, and there's a "run 125 mods in 1710" mod.

(1): Ok, so the battery probably is 12 V.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tbh all you need to make a good RoC style pack is RoC and something to suppliment it's lack luster item transport system.
I have a personal pack where the center peices are; RoC, ReC and ElC. Supplimented by; BC, RC, Forestry and that BC Additions for early and jumpy ore doubling. The rest of the mods are quality of life and adventure stuff like fast leaf decay, redpower and Better Dungeons.
I have made a rather slow paced pack though, but I think this time around I might actually utilize trains. The possibilities for engineering are almost unlimited.

You might want to beware when tinkering with RoCs balance though. While Reika has softened his policies up considerably there is still many regulations and rules to observe. You can't really change the recipies of things.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2015
Tbh all you need to make a good RoC style pack is RoC and something to suppliment it's lack luster item transport system.
I have a personal pack where the center peices are; RoC, ReC and ElC. Supplimented by; BC, RC, Forestry and that BC Additions for early and jumpy ore doubling. The rest of the mods are quality of life and adventure stuff like fast leaf decay, redpower and Better Dungeons.
I have made a rather slow paced pack though, but I think this time around I might actually utilize trains. The possibilities for engineering are almost unlimited.

You might want to beware when tinkering with RoCs balance though. While Reika has softened his policies up considerably there is still many regulations and rules to observe. You can't really change the recipies of things.

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Forestry. Can't believe that's not in this pack LOL. :p

IMO, it could work (but maybe with the only Binnie's mods being Botany and ExtraTrees, maybe gating Genetics past Manyullyn Bedrock. But Extra Bees, correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've seen, it's a bit powerful.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, I'm at my computer instead of typing in a cellphone, so let's see if I can address everything a little more lucidly.

I don't know the details of your pack. But I'm assuming you want people to advance in RoC to power the big machines in your pack. Getting 500 rf/t with entry-level RoC power, assuming you've eliminated all conduits and storage cells probably bypasses a lot.

RF machines that overlap RoC isn't the issue.
Bypassing RoC in a RoC-themed pack is.

First of all... seriously? You don't know the details of my pack? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there several pages worth of conversation in the modpack recipe thread between me and you about including Reasonable Realism in the pack? Didn't you read the first post? :p

As for the issue... Not quite. I want people to use the RoC machines in the pack. That's why they're kept as unique as possible. I don't care how quickly they progress in the pack, because the things that RotaryCraft machines do, nothing else in the default pack does. Simply put, if you want to automate mining, you use the boring machine or the pile driver. If you want to process ores beyond the smelter's 2X, it's the grinder or the extractor. Farms? Fans, sprinklers, and item vaccuums. Want to defend your home? Lasers, railguns, and force fields (both repulsion and containment). Need wood? The woodcutter. Farming? Breeding? Mob farming/grinding? RotaryCraft's got you covered.

Simply put, I don't care about the engine progression, except as a way to encourage the use of RotaryCraft machines. I want to address the whinging of all those people who complain about RoC being too OP, when they make that claim because it can power all the MFR, TE, or Buildcraft factories and processing centers. They focus on RoC's power generators, and completely ignore the machines that actually use that power. They complain about the dual-factor nature of the powertrain, without any understanding of the reason for those two components. There's a reason that torque and speed are different parts of the power. Each has its own importance, and until they start using the RoC machines, rather than just RF, any criticism they have is simply a waste of their time.

In case you haven't figured it out... it's a pet peeve of mine.

In this pack, as it is by default, those are the only machines that do what they do, so there is no getting around them... unless you install those other mods on your own, in which case, I cannot help you.

My pack will contain forestry / binnies / gendustry, as well as rftools and dimension generation. Rf Dimensions will have resonance crystals, and deep resonance will provide RF native power. But you have to get there first, and then purify / enhance them.

I'm not sure if there will be anything else in the way of tech.

I intend to return Forestry to the pack, but first, I have to go through the mod and ensure that all duplicating machines are disabled, first. This way, the trees, bees, and genetic toys (which will be gated) will be added to the game, but things like the multiblock farm won't. I don't know about extra bees, because they can be used to generate any material in the game, basically bypassing the need to prospect and mine ores.

On the other hand, if the player wants to add RF-type mods to the pack, such as TE, MFR, or EIO, then I will simply disavow any responsibility if they get to the end quickly and find the game boring. I've done that myself when I was younger, and I learned my lesson about short-circuiting a challenge. It becomes boring quickly.

In general, the whole "Leave it running overnight" means that if something can trade "energy per tick" for "energy over time", then low power is plenty, and my goal here is to force RoC progress. Forestry generally has moderate power consumption, ditto binnie; gendustry, as I understand it, consumes massive power or massive time.

For RfTools, I can at least set the dimension power buffer equal to the level needed to avoid problems, so the dimensions have to be powered, and can't have energy stored overnight. But in general, the whole "machine buffers can't be eliminated" and no "minimum power needed to operate" means that RF/t is just a measure of time to complete, not actual power to run. (After all, if my computer is 10 times as powerful as I need, then I could switch from 120 V to 12 V, and still run it, right? :) (1)

Yup. If you wish to do this, then more power to you (yes. I know. That was bad). Unless you add other tech mods to the pack, you'll be back to RoC to use its machines. ;) Like I said, you'd just be cheating yourself, and I will not take responsibility for anything you add to the pack outside of the launcher. :p

Mad science needing really high-tech? Do you read Girl Genus? What little I know of mad science mods in minecraft is ... actually, no that's steam power, not mad science.

... well, what do you know? There's a 125 mad science mod, and there's a "run 125 mods in 1710" mod.

"It was a world ruled by MAD SCIENCE! Monsters roam the countryside by day! Terror stalks the night! At twilight, all the good restaurants are FULL!!! It is a world where anything can happen! So go ahead, ask that cute thing sitting next to you for a drink after the show! You've never had a better chance, and if you succeed, thank.. Agatha Heterodyne, GIRL GENIUS!"

I am indeed a big "Girl Genius" fan. If Reika made a clank... er, robots mod for RoC, I'd be all over it.

Tbh all you need to make a good RoC style pack is RoC and something to suppliment it's lack luster item transport system.
I have a personal pack where the center peices are; RoC, ReC and ElC. Supplimented by; BC, RC, Forestry and that BC Additions for early and jumpy ore doubling. The rest of the mods are quality of life and adventure stuff like fast leaf decay, redpower and Better Dungeons.

I started with that plan, but decided to add difficulty to the game so that the basics were not neglected. Eating, sleeping, shelter, preparing for a bad time, as well as adding some challenges to the nighttime. Granted, it wasn't as challenging as Rewyn was hoping, but I find it plenty difficult to play. It's a little grindy, but once you have the basics down, they don't really require any more attention than the usual multi-step food recipes, and occasional crop harvesting.

I have made a rather slow paced pack though, but I think this time around I might actually utilize trains. The possibilities for engineering are almost unlimited.

That's why I added Railcraft to the pack. Expanding the minecart system into a full-on train simulator is... well, let's just say it kinda meets some of my childhood dreams. I was a born in the 70s... train sets were a much bigger deal than they are now.

You might want to beware when tinkering with RoCs balance though. While Reika has softened his policies up considerably there is still many regulations and rules to observe. You can't really change the recipies of things.

As a matter of fact, the only things I've touched in any of Reika's mods are the oregen (which I had already cleared with Reika himself) and the books and loot tables (both set from the mods' config files). I do not want to alter his progression in the slightest... this pack is, in fact, designed to emphasize that progression, not hinder it.


between, reteo. i have an idea for a really crazy missile, but for that i kinda need to know how does the mcframes mod work? i have absulutly no clue

I honestly don't know. I simply included Forge Relocation (which has mcframes) because I assumed it handled certain things that Project Red does, since it was on the Project Red website.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You don't know the details of my pack? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there several pages worth of conversation in the modpack recipe thread between me and you about including Reasonable Realism in the pack? Didn't you read the first post?

Yep. Reasonable Realism is a nice balance of difficulty I find.

Now, I don't know a lot of the rest of the mods you are using.

Simply put, I don't care about the engine progression, except as a way to encourage the use of RotaryCraft machines. I want to address the whinging of all those people who complain about RoC being too OP, when they make that claim because it can power all the MFR, TE, or Buildcraft factories and processing centers.

Ahh. We have different goals then.
I'm not planning to eliminate native RF power. But all the native RF power will involve the deep resonance crystals, and those will only be in RF dimensions. So, RoC-based power has to be running first.

(Even then, there's the processing and pollution from the resonance crystals as a power source, or the ender generators consuming ender pearls and needing redstone timing control)

Since I want to focus on the RoC power chain, I want to eliminate the bypass / RF addition (over time and over blocks)

I intend to return Forestry to the pack, but first, I have to go through the mod and ensure that all duplicating machines are disabled, first. This way, the trees, bees, and genetic toys (which will be gated) will be added to the game, but things like the multiblock farm won't. I don't know about extra bees, because they can be used to generate any material in the game, basically bypassing the need to prospect and mine ores.

One of my players is a med student; another is an ex-real life beekeeper. They have asked me to put Forestry in, as well as the genetic stuff.

I had thought the genetic stuff was excessive, but apparently, the power requirement prevents it from being excessive. Until, it is just run overnight at low power.

Since you've already looked at this, what issues will I run into with forestry obsoleting aspects of RoC? Keep in mind that what they want more than tree farming is breeding and genetics.

As for "supplies of materials", I'm now at the point of thinking that bee supply of resources is not excessive amounts. At least, from my playing with bees, they did not seem to supply that much until you put in lots of time, and then you could just as easily get a boring machine / etc. up and running instead.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep. Reasonable Realism is a nice balance of difficulty I find.

Now, I don't know a lot of the rest of the mods you are using.

Well, you can always review the modpack recipe here. It lists all the mods we're using here, and explains their purpose.

As for Reasonable Realism, the ore flowers and harder wildlife are doing quite well, and will be much better once SI 1.1.3 is released.

Ahh. We have different goals then.
I'm not planning to eliminate native RF power. But all the native RF power will involve the deep resonance crystals, and those will only be in RF dimensions. So, RoC-based power has to be running first.

(Even then, there's the processing and pollution from the resonance crystals as a power source, or the ender generators consuming ender pearls and needing redstone timing control)

Since I want to focus on the RoC power chain, I want to eliminate the bypass / RF addition (over time and over blocks)

Yeah, it definitely sounds like we have different goals. No worries, though. World's big enough for all types. :D

One of my players is a med student; another is an ex-real life beekeeper. They have asked me to put Forestry in, as well as the genetic stuff.

I had thought the genetic stuff was excessive, but apparently, the power requirement prevents it from being excessive. Until, it is just run overnight at low power.

Since you've already looked at this, what issues will I run into with forestry obsoleting aspects of RoC? Keep in mind that what they want more than tree farming is breeding and genetics.

As for "supplies of materials", I'm now at the point of thinking that bee supply of resources is not excessive amounts. At least, from my playing with bees, they did not seem to supply that much until you put in lots of time, and then you could just as easily get a boring machine / etc. up and running instead.

I'll be honest, I've never gotten into the bees myself, but there are a lot of people who swear by them (which is the key reason I wanted Forestry in the pack to begin with; it supports those players' playstyle, and RoC's centrifuge should work with the Forestry's bee products). However, I recall a comment in reddit where it was mentioned that bees can be used to produce every material in Minecraft, including ores. This is hearsay, so I'll admit some ignorance here, but I'm assuming this involves extra bees.

The thing in Forestry I'm trying to be careful about is the multiblock farm. It's familiar to people, so they will be inclined to use it instead of using the fans or woodcutter... especially since it has a much lower power requirement (one steam engine is enough for a large area).

On the other hand, there is no other way I know of that can harvest Pam's fruit trees. I wonder if I can disable various functions of the farm, and leave it available as an auto-orchard?

Another machine would be the Forestry Centrifuge; once again, it could be used in place of RoC's centrifuge, and I don't want that.

On the other hand, I am only aware of the compatibility on third-hand terms. I don't really have first-hand knowledge about whether the RoC centrifuge can be a complete drop-in replacement for the Forestry one, or if there are uses that it does not support.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RoC is actually quite OP, the fun kind though so I allow it. A good fan setup powered by steam engines is frankly the best set and forget method of farming around. BC gates detecting the produce chest signaling a clutch to prevent items pooling about.
The wood farm is a little awkward though and I can't figure out how to get it to yeild saplings and saplings seem to refuse to grow naturally propped up next to it.
Bonemeal gets them going though.
But yes you can do pretty much everything with it once you figure out it's methods. It's a very self sufficient mod however it's method for item movement could use some work.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for making this pack and continuing work on it. I am having a blast with it so far. I find this just difficult enough without being overwhelmed (or at least not too often) and that has had me coming back to this pack more then any other so far. I haven't progressed to far into the pack yet, just got obsidian level mining and found my first bits of redstone. I am planning on dipping my toes into rotatory this weekend and was hoping you could recommend either a video or other resource for getting started. Also having issues keeping up with the food situation, seems like each piece of food gives so little relief that I blow through lot's of it in one minecraft day. Any suggestions? Also is there a way to increase the stack size inside of the lunch box from 2 to something more?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
UPDATE - 6/11/2015: One thing you MUST do if using Custom Ore Generation: First Revival and Nether Ores together is disable exploding ores. The process COG uses in redistributing ores is noticed by Nether Ores, and triggers explosions. This leads to a massive chain reaction that makes the Nether completely unplayable... in fact, once you get to the Nether, good luck getting back to the Overworld!
Ohh, sounds like fun ...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for making this pack and continuing work on it. I am having a blast with it so far. I find this just difficult enough without being overwhelmed (or at least not too often) and that has had me coming back to this pack more then any other so far. I haven't progressed to far into the pack yet, just got obsidian level mining and found my first bits of redstone. I am planning on dipping my toes into rotatory this weekend and was hoping you could recommend either a video or other resource for getting started. Also having issues keeping up with the food situation, seems like each piece of food gives so little relief that I blow through lot's of it in one minecraft day. Any suggestions? Also is there a way to increase the stack size inside of the lunch box from 2 to something more?

Okay, first thing: make all the tools for Pam's HarvestCraft. Use them to make dishes (advanced food recipes); the more intermediate steps involved in a dish, the more filling the meal (for both hunger and saturation bars). Make sure you have a lot of soybeans planted, and at least three pressers... these will turn the soybeans into milk, cream, and meat substitutes, which are used in a lot of dishes. Then, when you fill your lunchbox with these dishes, you will likely use it a couple times before needing to refill it. A good quick boost would be to make bread, cook it in the furnace to make toast, and then craft two toasts to make a toast sandwich. Obviously, you can't depend solely on this, so a couple other things: if you have fruits make juice... or even better, if you also have snowballs, make smoothies. Even better, make 1/3 of your fruit into juices, 1/3 into smoothies, and leave 1/3 as fruit. Then, put them all in your lunchbox. They should feed you better than just scarfing down raw crops.

Also, the reason the lunchbox only accepts food 2 deep is because the third food is usually where Spice of Life starts sharply reducing the satisfaction of food. If your food fills one shank, it will do so twice, and then only work on half a shank the third time you eat it.

Second, RotaryCraft instruction: SentinalhMC has a series for each of the RoC progression, including RotaryCraft, ElectriCraft, and ReactorCraft. These cover an older version of the mods, so some things have since changed, but a lot of the machines, and virtually all of the basics are still true today. Additionally, Reika often provides comments below the video clarifying or correcting things that are wrong, so all in all, these are the best source of basic knowledge of Reika's tech mods.

As for Keybounce: not really fun... when I discovered this, it took me about 5 minutes to wait in the portal to return to the overworld... the game was lagging that badly. Some more recent changes have removed that as a consideration; the Nether Ores mod no longer places the ore by default, so the substitution step was removed. However, I also disabled the explosions in this mod.

The pigmen still get agitated if you break an ore without silk touch, so be careful out there. Pigmen aren't just in zombie format... I remember seeing a vampire pigman at one point.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

1.1.3 of Survival Industry has been released.
  • "Shiny," "Ferrous," and "Mana-Infused" ores are now relabeled as "Platinum," "Nickel," and "Mithril."
  • Oregen had been updated to use Thermal foundation Nickel and Platinum instead of ElectriCraft's. This should resolve the issue with iron-mineable platinum breaking progression, and allow furnace-smelted nickel and platinum to fix tools.
  • Affine should now spawn near aluminum.
  • Chisel has been updated to the latest version.
  • Java 8 Checker has been installed. There's no good reason for not keeping your Java up-to-date, and errors have occurred when servers and players used different versions.
  • WAILA Harvestability and WAILA Plugins have been removed for the time being until the issues with Reika's mods have been fixed.
At this time, I am assembling the gating recipes, which should be available for 1.1.4, when it comes out. These are the items that will be gated (and the gating material):
  • Applied Energistics Inscriber (Bedrock)
  • Fossils and Archaeology Analyzer and Culture Vat (Bedrock)
  • RFTools Dimension enscriber and builder, Matter transmitter and receiver (Bedrock)
  • Advanced Genetics Basic Dictionary (Bedrock)
  • MineChem Atomic Manipulator (Bedrock)
  • Invasion Mod's Phase Crystal (Bedrock)
  • Extra Utilities' Ender-Infused Obsidian (Rift Flux)
  • Ender Storage's Ender Chest, Ender Tank, and Ender Pouch (Ender-Infused Obsidian)
  • End Portal Stone (Ender-Infused Obsidian)
I decided to gate the Invasion mod, because Ender-dimensional machines and containers (in Extra Utilities and EnderStorage) will be gated using rift flux.

Additionally, I added a recipe for the saddle and horse armor, because it would be ridiculous to have recipes for different nuclear reactors, and not have one for leather saddles or horse armor.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2015
  • Applied Energistics Inscriber (Bedrock)
  • Fossils and Archaeology Analyzer and Culture Vat (Bedrock)
  • RFTools Dimension enscriber and builder, Matter transmitter and receiver (Bedrock)
  • Advanced Genetics Basic Dictionary (Bedrock)
  • MineChem Atomic Manipulator (Bedrock)
  • Invasion Mod's Phase Crystal (Bedrock)
What about Manyullyn Bedrock? Is that still what you mean? Cause I thought that was an amazing idea. (Unless Reika doesn't like it, that is)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Doing so would require that I actually make a mod. Since I have virtually no knowledge of Java or OOP programming (the last time I wrote anything in that family of languages was 20 years ago in C), it would require I learn a ton of stuff just to add two items... the trade-off didn't seem worth it. Besides, once you have bedrock, you can make a bedrock pickaxe, which pretty much eliminates any hint of TiC progression. Might as well just use the bedrock block as the mad science gating material, and rift flux to gate the "End"-game stuff.

As a side note, I added recipes for the different types of horse armor, as well as the previously-mentioned saddle.

If you want to have the updated recipes now, instead of waiting for 1.1.4, you can get them from the github.