[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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So, I realized today that you can automate Koboldite production using ore instead of smoothstone.


Should have done that WAY sooner, it increased the throughput by an order of magnitude. Also made my setup self-sustaining.
The Ring of Far Reach is quite helpful too. Oh and if you have any Infernal Wand from Thaumcraft in your inventory it will negate Wither effect completely.
Where's the research for Infernal Wand? *Edit* Found it, on the Apocrypha tab. So now I just need Pride Shards... killing Withers in the Nether? *Edit* Yes, 2 per kill.
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@PhilHibbs - My setup for defeating the Gaia 1 and 2 is fairly simple. Full terra armor with protection 4 (not needed for 1, but definitely 2). Ring of Far reach, Globetrotters Sash, Blood pendant with strength 2. Then under the battlefield i setup the healing and harming botania flowers. With the speed boost from sash and far reach my terra blade with sharpness 3 makes quick work of it.

2016-01-09_18.38.33.png 2016-01-09_18.38.53.png
I've now submitted 0.9.0 with a couple new mods, and 15 more quests. Oh, and there's a new essence crop in there too.
Mod Changes:
- Added AcademyCraft version 1.0pre3
- Added Gadomancy version 1.0.5
- Added LambdaLib version 1.1.0
- Added TC Inventory Scanning version 1.0.8
- Updated Minecraft Forge to
- Updated ACE to 1.11.0
- Updated Agricraft to 1.4.6-hotfix
- Updated Arcane Arteries to 0.8.2
- Updated Automagy to 0.27.1
- Update Botania to 1.8-248
- Updated Craftingtweaks to 1.0.62
- Updated Gravestone to 2.16.0
Config Changes:
- Agricraft
- Added new custom crop for Imag materials from AcademyCraft
- Quadrum
- Added new Imag Essence
- Minetweaker Scripts
- Add recipes using imag essence
- Add recipe for making imag seeds
- Add Crucible furnace and Smeltery melting recipes for imag essence
- Tweak a few AcademyCraft recipes to better amalgamate it into the pack
- Made Imag seeds require tilled garden soil as soil
Quest Changes:
- Changed detection of village scrolls in "Honorary Villager" to fuzzy detection, fixes it not working with non norman scrolls
- Changed task type of "Filling the Hohlraum" in "Fusion Ignition 2" to detection rather than crafting - woops
- Changed detection of Ritual Diviner in quest "Mighty Rites" to NBT independent
- Updated info on spawning Millenaire villages to include the fact that the gold block needs to be sitting on a block of dirt
- Added 10 quests covering AcademyCraft
- Added 3 quests for tier 4 Blood magic - more will be added at some point
- Added 2 new quests detailing returning to the outerlands through Gadomancy
It looks to me like your install is missing Railcraft for some reason. (The error is referring to Railcraft, but it's not in the list of loaded mods)

I think you might have missed a comma in agricraft.zs down where you include seedImag (the line before, seedCinnabar is missing a comma at the end)
Crap, you are correct. Of course I made a typo in a last minute fix. -.-
Guess I'm setting recommended back to 0.8.8 for now.
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Could anyone else confirm a missing recipe? I've just started the pack, but I seem to be unable to find a way to crossbreed/mutate certain seeds though Agricraft. A few seeds are not too vital to my progression, but it's the missing Nature Seeds that worries me. It does exist as an item according to NEI, but I cannot view its crafting recipe no matter what I do. (Using latest update, which apparently is put up hours ago.)
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@Phoenix getting this with latest update
http://pastebin.com/8MPi43Yz, im trying a forced update to see if it fixes it

o.o it got worse after a force upgrade ... much worse red text everywhere, im going back to 0.8.8

i may be jumping the gun on this... if i am ignore me
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I am on 0.8.8 and just can't get a fish feeder to work. I've tried replacing it serveral times, reputting the fish in a million times, building the tank again. Why isn't it working??
My solegnolia isn't working, it has mana and the range covers the drop area. I used the manaseer thing and I know it cover the area but coal coke keeps coming to me
My solegnolia isn't working, it has mana and the range covers the drop area. I used the manaseer thing and I know it cover the area but coal coke keeps coming to me
Did you put it down right next to the pressure plate for the coke? Solegnolias are deactivated by a redstone signal.
I am just really unlucky or do the snowbells not drop any snowballs anymore in 0.9? Harvested a field of 16, 3 times with all 10 stats but I am not getting any snowballs.
Bind Mode of the Wand of the Forest is not working with 0.9.0 - Botania Bug or Regrowth?

Recrafting the wand solves the problem
I am just really unlucky or do the snowbells not drop any snowballs anymore in 0.9? Harvested a field of 16, 3 times with all 10 stats but I am not getting any snowballs.

Same here. Also an other Witchery crop the water artichokes doesn't work the right way anymore. Water artichokes seeds aren't compatible anymore with argricraft cropsticks and waterpads. My seeds were almost 10, 10, 10 and now their values have reset to 1, 1, 1.
I can't seem to complete the "another side another story" quest in the third set.
I've trown my lexica botania thru the portal, it now contains the elven knowledge but the item detect still says Lexica Botania 0/1. Manual detect does nothing. Any thoughts?
(v 0.8.8)
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