[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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I've now submitted 0.9.0 with a couple new mods, and 15 more quests. Oh, and there's a new essence crop in there too.
Mod Changes:
- Added AcademyCraft version 1.0pre3
- Added Gadomancy version 1.0.5
- Added LambdaLib version 1.1.0
- Added TC Inventory Scanning version 1.0.8
- Updated Minecraft Forge to
- Updated ACE to 1.11.0
- Updated Agricraft to 1.4.6-hotfix
- Updated Arcane Arteries to 0.8.2
- Updated Automagy to 0.27.1
- Update Botania to 1.8-248
- Updated Craftingtweaks to 1.0.62
- Updated Gravestone to 2.16.0
Config Changes:
- Agricraft
- Added new custom crop for Imag materials from AcademyCraft
- Quadrum
- Added new Imag Essence
- Minetweaker Scripts
- Add recipes using imag essence
- Add recipe for making imag seeds
- Add Crucible furnace and Smeltery melting recipes for imag essence
- Tweak a few AcademyCraft recipes to better amalgamate it into the pack
- Made Imag seeds require tilled garden soil as soil
Quest Changes:
- Changed detection of village scrolls in "Honorary Villager" to fuzzy detection, fixes it not working with non norman scrolls
- Changed task type of "Filling the Hohlraum" in "Fusion Ignition 2" to detection rather than crafting - woops
- Changed detection of Ritual Diviner in quest "Mighty Rites" to NBT independent
- Updated info on spawning Millenaire villages to include the fact that the gold block needs to be sitting on a block of dirt
- Added 10 quests covering AcademyCraft
- Added 3 quests for tier 4 Blood magic - more will be added at some point
- Added 2 new quests detailing returning to the outerlands through Gadomancy

Does 0.9 have a fix for Magic Bees Botania flowers (Beegonia, etc) being broken due to removal of a previous ingredient?
Could anyone else confirm a missing recipe? I've just started the pack, but I seem to be unable to find a way to crossbreed/mutate certain seeds though Agricraft. A few seeds are not too vital to my progression, but it's the missing Nature Seeds that worries me. It does exist as an item according to NEI, but I cannot view its crafting recipe no matter what I do. (Using latest update, which apparently is put up hours ago.)

I have noticed that a lot of the Magical Seeds recipes are missing and the required soil to plant/grow them has changed from Garden Soil to Podzol. I haven't been able to find a feasible way to acquire Podzol in the early game. Is this change intentional?
I am just really unlucky or do the snowbells not drop any snowballs anymore in 0.9? Harvested a field of 16, 3 times with all 10 stats but I am not getting any snowballs.

It's more reliable to use a pure daisy to turn water into snow blocks - just place water in the corners of the pure daisy work area and they'll turn into snow blocks.
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Please someone else have a look at this:
Infernal Brick Stairs become (get renamed to) Sandy Brick Stairs when placed. They are labeld IBS as long as they stay in inventory.

Edit: addded "get renamed to"
Okay, big problem: There's no non-mekanism recipe for podzol whatsoever, which means that you can't grow botania flowers until you have a crusher+metallurgic infuser. In the latest version they can only grow on podzol rather than garden soil. Zombie made me punch one of mine and my entire field of mystical flowers broke after updating.

If you think people are going to create floral fertiliser ad nauseum until midgame you're crazy. Balancing my dirt until I had earth seeds was a decent obstacle but if this lack of tweaking is intentional there's no way anybody but masochists are going to survive long enough to enjoy the pack.
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Okay, big problem: There's no non-mekanism recipe for podzol whatsoever, which means that you can't grow botania flowers until you have a crusher+metallurgic infuser. In the latest version they can only grow on podzol rather than garden soil. Zombie made me punch one of mine and my entire field of mystical flowers broke after updating.

If you think people are going to create floral fertiliser ad nauseum until midgame you're crazy. Balancing my dirt until I had earth seeds was a decent obstacle but if this lack of tweaking is intentional there's no way I'm playing Regrowth in the future.
It's possible I'm missing something. But why do you need podzol? My botania flowers are fine on garden soil in 0.9.0
Okay, big problem: There's no non-mekanism recipe for podzol whatsoever, which means that you can't grow botania flowers until you have a crusher+metallurgic infuser. In the latest version they can only grow on podzol rather than garden soil. Zombie made me punch one of mine and my entire field of mystical flowers broke after updating.

If you think people are going to create floral fertiliser ad nauseum until midgame you're crazy. Balancing my dirt until I had earth seeds was a decent obstacle but if this lack of tweaking is intentional there's no way anybody but masochists are going to survive long enough to enjoy the pack.

You can get podzol by using Boreal Seeds (dead bush into a mana pool), there's also Jaded Amaranthus to generate mystical flowers from mana.
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Ok, I am trying to get the Imag seeds. I have a 10:10:10 Osmium seed in the Metallurgic infuser and 1000 diamond in the reserve and nothing is occurring.
I can't seem to complete the "another side another story" quest in the third set.
I've trown my lexica botania thru the portal, it now contains the elven knowledge but the item detect still says Lexica Botania 0/1. Manual detect does nothing. Any thoughts?
(v 0.8.8)

I'm experiencing the same issue. I tried crafting a new Lexica Botania and throwing that through, still nothing. I also tried cheating in the completed book, and still nothing. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Maybe try to use MCEdit? Anyway how did you break the End Portal Frame? You're not supposed to be able to do that in vanilla.

its not the standard minecraft Ender portal its one from the quest book you get to place it down and I was able to break it with my pick I didn't know I could until it happened it broke fast like glass its from the mod Quadrum you use End essence from the ender essence seeds to make it and after I broke the first one I thought that the portal would break but it didnt
I was trying to grow Shimmerleaf seeds, but couldn't get them to 'work'. Tried all sorts of soil, including the podzol: no, 'this plant can not grow here'. Finally decided to plant them next to a silverwood tree. And that was the trick. Hope someone else can benefit from this.
my Botania stuff is not working any more it was but now win i use the wand the stuff does not start up
and add the mana from the pool it does not do anything i have a full mana pool and the right stuff ?
unfortunately I have no clue how to use world edit so I was hoping there was a config file I could just change then replace to get the portal to go away because it still works as the end portal even thou I had moved it
It's easy to change blocks with WorldEdit.

1. Type "//wand" - that should give you a wooden axe.
2. Left click with the wooden axe on one corner of the portal you want to remove
3. Right click with the wooden axe on the opposite corner of the portal - the left and right clicks selects an area
4. Type "//set air" to replace the portal blocks with air.

Hope that helps.
It's possible I'm missing something. But why do you need podzol? My botania flowers are fine on garden soil in 0.9.0

Mine were quite happy as well until they received a block update and then committed suicide because they aren't registered to grow on it anymore. Did you casually glance at them or actually try breaking/placing them? I can't even put crops onto the garden soil anymore without it being tilled. What's your NEI entries look like for mystical flower seeds?


I seem to be having problems with mutations with 0.9.0, NEI shows no recipe for nature seeds or cotton seeds

Ditto, just tested and same deal.

Oh, and there seems to be a missing bracket somewhere around line 195 in agricraft.zs according to output from /mt reload, just tried it to see if it fixed my garden soil problems (it didn't) and it spat that out.

Downgrading to 8.8 to see if I can plant them properly in that. EDIT: Blockproperties crashing instance for some reason, so I'll get around to testing it later when I'm not hungry. Have to backup world and re-install etc.
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on pack ver 8.8

the Jabba dolly doesn't carry Improved chests (From enhanced inventories) but it carries drawers just fine.
I wanna suggest adding the mod Inventory Tools http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/235172-inventory-tools to add a dolly that can properly pick up all the storage alternatives.

Also the version of Chisel (Chisel 2) is outdated (abandoned) and bugged (auto chisel is broken). I suggest switching to the new Chisel (which is backwards compatible with Chisel 2) http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/chisel

Minor fixes but I'm sure it would make the experience of playing regrowth just a bit less frustrating ^^

Loving the quests and having a blast playing this!
Academycraft is really cool but leveling is too boring : having to wait 15mn to refill my "mana" and emptying it in 20s to get 10%xp at lvl 1 isn't good design.
Mine were quite happy as well until they received a block update and then committed suicide because they aren't registered to grow on it anymore. Did you casually glance at them or actually try breaking/placing them? I can't even put crops onto the garden soil anymore without it being tilled. What's your NEI entries look like for mystical flower seeds?


Ditto, just tested and same deal.

Oh, and there seems to be a missing bracket somewhere around line 195 in agricraft.zs according to output from /mt reload, just tried it to see if it fixed my garden soil problems (it didn't) and it spat that out.

Downgrading to 8.8 to see if I can plant them properly in that. EDIT: Blockproperties crashing instance for some reason, so I'll get around to testing it later when I'm not hungry. Have to backup world and re-install etc.

What is really really strange is mine isn't like that.


That said, the Imag seeds need to be made with none agricraft seeds. Which means making a new seed on the altar. Not sure if that is actually intended but it worked for me.