I've been playing this modpack for weeks and haven't felt the need to pop into this thread any make any comments, at least until today.
These wolves aren't just bloody annoying, they're very unbalanced.
- Spawn everywhere, including inside your base. (I even used F7 to check light levels everywhere, so they must spawn at > 8)
- Can 2 hit kill you in the beginning of the game.
- Did I mention they are bloody annoying, "ARRROOOOO"
To Alienfish, do this:
- Find your EnderZoo.cfg file, mine is in: C:\Program Files\FTB\Regrowth\minecraft\config\enderzoo
- Edit this line, "B:direWolfEnabled=true" to be "B:direWolfEnabled=false"
I've been playing FTB for probably two years now, and I can honestly say that this is the first time I've ever gone and made a "difficulty" change to a configuration file, and I played Blood 'n Bones for about 6 months straight. It's not that they're just "too hard", it's that they're implemented in a way that is a hassle. I'd humbly suggest that unless this is an attempt to rebrand "Regrowth" as "Dances with Wolves: The Minecraft Version" that perhaps they be toned down or otherwise removed from the mod.