So this morning I spent some time building a vertical farm with neon glowstone panels for lighting - then it updated to 0.7.1 just now. When it went to load my world it gave this warning: 2015-03-15 17.51.40.png?dl=0
Then, when the world finished loading, all of my neon glowstone panels, as well as my marble panels were replaced with limestone panels. Is that expected? I don't see a lot of the panels and covers available any longer in NEI.
I had that problem too. Glowstone microblocks change to limestone. I just went creative and smashied, then replaced - took a few minutes compared to the very long soil switchover. Not sure why the ID swap - I'm guessing the microblocks changed, not Regrowth.
So, just to confirm: Quests going from 0.6.5 to 0.7.1: You either have to start completely over, or follow rivvist's guide to cheating the quests up. Those are the only two real options?
Any idea if HQM progress being wiped will be fixed in the next update? I'd really like to upgrade but dont fancy distributing HQM OP books to everyone, i'll hold out if there is any chance the next update will remedy this.
Definitely my big Q. I have a few games with friends, so our party data was reset, and I have to wait to re-party with them, explain how we all have to fix, etc etc...