is there any good way to remove lots of water in a closed space? i've built domes under the ocean (really love this bifrost block) and just realized i had no idea how to get rid of all the water...
You could try the Mechanized Sponge from maricultureis there any good way to remove lots of water in a closed space? i've built domes under the ocean (really love this bifrost block) and just realized i had no idea how to get rid of all the water...
and bloodmagic has a ritual for exactly this purpose. the dome of supresion in combination with the song of evaporation removes water in a dome shape around the rituals.is there any good way to remove lots of water in a closed space? i've built domes under the ocean (really love this bifrost block) and just realized i had no idea how to get rid of all the water...
I'm trying to get the Primordial Pearl needed to summon villages, but before I spend time trying to get high end thaumaturgy, get all the forbidden magiks, then open the eye, go through and finish the bosses there.....
I thought I might ask if there's an easier way.
is there any good way to remove lots of water in a closed space? i've built domes under the ocean (really love this bifrost block) and just realized i had no idea how to get rid of all the water...
Anyone? thanks!
You could also try a pump with a void liquid pipe attached. Not sure how fast that would be, though.
And there is a botania flower, the Bubbell, that creates a dome of air but needs a constant mana supply to keep the water away.
I imagine that once there's no water to flow back into a space, the Bubbell could be removed. So, you could plant one, keep it supplied for long enough to build a wall around the open area, then remove it. Shift to new locations and mop up as needed.
it'll be some work (does mana travel underwater?) but thats probably my best option since i've not even touched tech mods and i'm not far enough along to be able to use bloodmagic. much better idea then sand that i used in the first dome, thanks both of you.
AFAIK as soon as you build above Y:128 (that's what I'm remembering, could be very wrong) it's doing double duty on every chunk you have loaded...Hello guys, I have serious problem with this pack. I allocated 4096MB for it and normally its usage is bellow 2GB. I decided to make sky mob grinder. Started in the middle of ocean, pillaring up using ladders. As soon as I hit Y 192, the memory usage skyrockets. It doesn't matter how much memory I allocate it always use all of it and Minecraft freeze. I already downgraded Railcraft to v9.7 because reported bug with World Anchor but it didn't help. Completely removing the only Anchor I made did't help either. My "base" (just a mess on nice botania grass) is within spawn chunks and only "machines" constantly working are two railcraft water tank muliblocks feeding one agricraft sprinkler and one coalcoke furnace.
The pack is slightly modified - I added AromaBackup and its core mod. Started as SPP v0.9.1, Java1.8.0_073. Unfortunately I have no crashlog as the game is not crashing, just freezing. There's also no significant error before gamelog start spamming "Can't keep up...". Changing and/or removing JVM arguments have no positive effect.
Any help appreciated, thank you in advance.
Hello guys, I have serious problem with this pack. I allocated 4096MB for it and normally its usage is bellow 2GB. I decided to make sky mob grinder. Started in the middle of ocean, pillaring up using ladders. As soon as I hit Y 192, the memory usage skyrockets. It doesn't matter how much memory I allocate it always use all of it and Minecraft freeze. I already downgraded Railcraft to v9.7 because reported bug with World Anchor but it didn't help. Completely removing the only Anchor I made did't help either. My "base" (just a mess on nice botania grass) is within spawn chunks and only "machines" constantly working are two railcraft water tank muliblocks feeding one agricraft sprinkler and one coalcoke furnace.
The pack is slightly modified - I added AromaBackup and its core mod. Started as SPP v0.9.1, Java1.8.0_073. Unfortunately I have no crashlog as the game is not crashing, just freezing. There's also no significant error before gamelog start spamming "Can't keep up...". Changing and/or removing JVM arguments have no positive effect.
Any help appreciated, thank you in advance.
AFAIK as soon as you build above Y:128 (that's what I'm remembering, could be very wrong) it's doing double duty on every chunk you have loaded...
Don't remember seeing any advice or notes on this one, but is there a way to remove or purge the existing gas in a Mekanism Gas generator? Waiting for them to empty while converting to Ethelyne is somewhat tiring.And I'm still crafting everything by hand.
OniyaMCD: Thank you for advice, did't know that but you know what, I'm already old, rusty, slow and lazy and I like to play it my wayI never build vanilla flush sky mob grinder before and decided it's 'bout time. No flight, no OP armor, no curse earth, just ton of cobble and redstone, pure oldschool (eh, back in MC Beta I was not that young either )
Sorry for OT.
Redstone in a mob grinder? Ton of cobble, some water, and a really long drop!(Although now that I think about it, there are mob spawners around the map that you can - abscond with. Spawners count as vanilla, right?
I'm sure there is some mechanic to move them, Botania I guess. For me, it surely take just a couple of weeks/months to get it.
There is, without using Botania, and without a whole lot of prep-work - just the right kind of shiny to add to your trusty barrel-mover. NEI will give you details. Also, you can often find zombie spawners under the big strawman things.