[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Ok, dosnt show up in NEI... so thats why the question asked... testing out the cross mutation now on stream

Edit: Nope, nothing in NEI, the crops wont cross breed. No change to the NEI in the overworld either
Edit Edit: A couple of times when I die to get back to the Overworld I get a mass spawn of Squid I have to MCedit out
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When I open up the Mariculture's Crucible Furnace's GUI, I get huge lagspike. Anyone else has this issue? Is there a solution?
I can confirm after 20 mins of testing the wheat+belladona= potato/carrot doesn't work.

Fixed it in the mutation configs you have it as Agricraft:seedPotato=minecraft:wheat_seeds+witchery:seedsbelladonna but.. you accidently forgot to capitalize the C in AgriCraft but... if you want to fix it yourselves before the next fix comes out just copy/paste this over the revelant entry in the Mutations file in the AgriCraft config folder.

  1. potato - AgriCraft:seedPotato=minecraft:wheat_seeds+witchery:seedsbelladonna
  2. carrot - AgriCraft:seedCarrot=minecraft:wheat_seeds+witchery:seedsbelladonna
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Lol what I did is I just went around killing zombies...
Anybody else having trouble using the botania magical enchanting thing? Im trying to put sharpness on my sword and prot on my armor, but it wont work
Hi Guys,

I'm having problems to plant brown and red mushroom seeds from agricraft, I try tiled soil in the dark, light, moreless dark, sand and nothing...

I'm running 0.6.5

THKS Great Pack i'm raving too much fun with!!!
will there be any big changes in furture updates
i want to start playing this pack but i need to know that.

also is this pack mostly about farming and what more?
Lol what I did is I just went around killing zombies...
Anybody else having trouble using the botania magical enchanting thing? Im trying to put sharpness on my sword and prot on my armor, but it wont work

For some reason the botania enchanter doesn't like the enchanted book you get from the quest book I think it's because they are counted as gotten via creative as they have blue name text where as the standard ones have yellow/gold name text.

I am having trouble with the recipe for a piston, it switches from a lever to a piece of redstone.

It could be a bug but... it could also be intentional as to say the recipe changes once you have access/pick-up your 1st piece of redstone.

also is it worth waiting for v1.0?

I would say play as a few things have been mentioned for 0.7 and we don't as yet know how long til it will reach v1.0. This is an amazing pack and most people seem to really enjoy and I'm a Regrowth addict lol ;)
Quick question does anyone else get a double click when using the left click function of the chisel from Chisel 2 both me and Raeteac seem to get it when we use its left click function.
I must have been mistaken doing research now.

EDIT: found the recipe for infernal brick in NEI look up/make an infernal block with 2 x soul and 2 x nether brick then place the infernal block in crafting grid for fitted infernal stone and then place the fitted infernal stone in crafting grid again for infernal bricks.

Oh my God, thank you so much! I was really confused there , and I needed steel so bad to do the last ore seeds of cobalt, ardite and osmium. Thank you again
Is anyone finding a good use for these Creosote bottles? I hate to just dump it all into a void pipe, but all the bottles are... excessive... Times like this I wish Drums were in the game.
I have an idea.. still untested in the game, but the math works. I'm working on this in a new world to see if it's really viable.
Using the magical fertiliser, you can turn this pack into a tree-chopping/bone-mealing pack instead of a farming pack. I'm assuming 3 bone meal/magical fertiliser are needed to grow a crop or a tree, and that a tree will provide you 2 saplings: 1 for replanting, and 1 that can be burnt for wood ash. (Acacia seems to be reliable.) This is conservative, so the numbers below are a worst-case scenario, and not counting any natural growth.

Requirements: Green Mystical Flower or Cactus seed gain 1, Mandrake seed gain 4, Skeleton Soul seed gain 7, Nature seed gain 10, 15 magical fertiliser.
Start off with 15 magical fertiliser.
Grow 2 skeleton crops (yield 6) and 3 nature crops (yield 12). Inventory: 6 skeleton essence, 12 nature essence.
6 skeleton essence becomes 60 bone meal. Inventory: 60 bone meal, 12 nature essence.
6 bone meal grows 2 mandrakes (yield 4). Inventory: 54 bone meal, 12 nature essence, 4 mandrake roots.
12 bone meal grows 4 green petals (cactus is also an option). Inventory: 42 bone meal, 12 nature essence, 4 mandrake roots, 4 green dye.
24 bone meal grows 8 trees, yielding 8 saplings for wood ash. Inventory: 18 bone meal, 12 nature essence, 6 mandrake roots, 6 green dye, 8 wood ash.
2 bone meal + 4 mandrake + 4 green dye + 8 wood ash = 6 mutandis. Inventory: 16 bone meal, 12 nature essence, 6 mutandis.
6 bone meal + mana* = 6 floral fertilizer. Inventory: 10 bone meal, 12 nature essence, 6 mutandis, 6 floral fertilizer.
6 bone meal + 6 floral fertilizer + 6 mutandis + 12 nature essence = 18 magical fertiliser. Inventory: 4 bone meal, 18 magical fertiliser.

* mana can be self-sustaining with an endoflame and some wood/charcoal from the trees.
Sure, only 3 extra magical fertiliser, but this is just the simplest case, and can be achieved prior to creating any of the first tier seeds. Alternatively getting all 4 required seeds to gain 10 brings the profit per cycle up to 6 magical fertiliser. If you let everthing grow on its own, you get the full profit of 18.
Realistically, with the time it takes to get a gain 10 Nature seed (ignoring the OP inter-species breeding that will be fixed in the future), you'll have the first tier of crops and be capable of basic automation, so with a sufficient tree farm, your work becomes chopping down trees and collecting saplings. Chopping down trees is a pain, but with copper/iron/coal, you can make an obsidian lumber axe.
With this, you can get away with only having one of each crop, drastically reducing your foot print, and since you have infinite magical fertiliser, no need to breed them.
A while ago, I killed an ent and it dropped 3 wither skeleton skulls. Definitely wasn't the current version, but it did happen. Only happened the once. Was that supposed to happen or what?