[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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I does seem a little counter-intuitive that buckets don't translate into ingots, but some mod some time for some reason decided that an ingot is 144 millibuckets or something like that. Weird amount, and every mod wanting to be compatible then used the same amount and now we're stuck with that. I'm thinking of dedicating a casting table to each type of ingot, so it won't matter if a small amount is stuck in there, it will pile up with the next set coming through.

Conveying feelings through text is difficult, reading them just as much so. I can see how it can easily be interpreted with a demeaning tone. That was not my intention.
I try to always read internet communication as positive as I can - just to give the author the benefit of the doubt :)
Clearly it's because ingots are "Gross".
I know the feeling, 144 is a weird number, but 1000mb wouldn't work well for ingots either. 1000÷9= 111.11~ (repeating) so breaking to nuggets would cause issues with either an increase in nuggets every ~10th or a loss of one.
I don't really know how it could have been done better using the 1000mb basis...
...I had more but lost all train of thought due to the constant backup alarm outside (been going for 3+ hours on and off...)
Swish. Thanks!

After actually looking in the launcher I can't find any way to convert an existing installation to a specific version, however it is possible to install version 0.8.3 as a new instance in the version tab on the modpack information page. If you want your old world you can either go the Backups way, or copy the world from the downgraded instance to a newly installed 0.8.3 instance.

Clearly it's because ingots are "Gross".
I know the feeling, 144 is a weird number, but 1000mb wouldn't work well for ingots either. 1000÷9= 111.11~ (repeating) so breaking to nuggets would cause issues with either an increase in nuggets every ~10th or a loss of one.
I don't really know how it could have been done better using the 1000mb basis...
...I had more but lost all train of thought due to the constant backup alarm outside (been going for 3+ hours on and off...)

Hadn't thought of that at all. Suddenly the odd numbers make sense - thanks for explaining!

And lastly I tested the Runic Altar tooltip thing. It is indeed because the alpha setting of WAILA is set to 0 making the "background" of the tooltip transparent. For the Runic altar the green circle is considered the background :)
I tried changing the alpha setting to 0.5 which makes the tooltip background somewhat see-through, and I clearly see the green circle for the Runic altar now.
Clearly it's because ingots are "Gross".
I know the feeling, 144 is a weird number, but 1000mb wouldn't work well for ingots either. 1000÷9= 111.11~ (repeating) so breaking to nuggets would cause issues with either an increase in nuggets every ~10th or a loss of one.
I don't really know how it could have been done better using the 1000mb basis...
...I had more but lost all train of thought due to the constant backup alarm outside (been going for 3+ hours on and off...)

What would have been nice is if instead of trying to sound all scientific with 'millibuckets', they had simply designated one bucket to hold one block-worth of liquid (1296 'units') 144 is a handy number for dividing by many different factors (hence its use in commerce as the 'gross').
What would have been nice is if instead of trying to sound all scientific with 'millibuckets', they had simply designated one bucket to hold one block-worth of liquid (1296 'units') 144 is a handy number for dividing by many different factors (hence its use in commerce as the 'gross').
Railcraft was the first to coin the term mB with its tanks IIRC, and the amount is based on real world volumes. Since a bucket is supposed to hold a full block of liquid, which is supposed to be a cubic metre, that equates to 1000L in real life - hence mB=L. And the term was coined long before TiC brought its molten metals into the mainstream fold, so there was no precedent that there would be a need for such factors of division. TiC just went along with the already set standard.
What I did to automate smelters was creating two TC smelters, one for copper, gold and aluminum and another for the rest each one with one drain for each kind of ore. On each drain I attached a pipe with sorting for each kind o metal into an ingot caster or block one... This way never got an ingot stuck into the smeltery. Not at home right now but can send screen shots later if you want. Did this on sky factory but the process can be repeated on regrowth.

Edit: you may want to separate ardite and cobalt too

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I had that Exact setup as well, works great.
although i derped and made a 5x5 patch of each ore and had them automated with golems-crafty crates-bc pipes, even with a huge buffer chest i was producing ore quicker than the smeltery's could melt.
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Because its simply impossible to look through if anyone has talked about this I think i have found a bug maybe When I found the bloodied temple through Mysterious maps i broke one of the bone piles and when i tried to stack them with my barrel of bones at home they wouldnt go in and then when i pulled some out and made those 4 into a stack it made a stack of bones with no different NBT from the rest that cannot stack with the rest of the bones and the only recipes that they show up in NEI are the TInker stats for NEI
a simple solution is to drop all of the Different bones in world then get at least one normal bone from your barrel in your inventory then pick the rest up and they should stack with the proper meta data of the original.
I need to vent and look for guidance. Let's start with venting. The Mariculture quest to get naturalg gas: what sort of evil beast comes up with this?! I have a Big Daddy suit to run around with and look for bubbles? Are you serious? And it has a ridiculous range of 64? Drop it. Just drop the damn quest. Might as well be that the last step of the quest is the previous and after completing you get a neat little information box telling you that natural gas is a thing, where to get it and we can all move on with our lives.

On with the guidance: is there an efficient way to look for pockets of gas? I tried it on crative mode with underwater flying and still god nothing...
I need to vent and look for guidance. Let's start with venting. The Mariculture quest to get naturalg gas: what sort of evil beast comes up with this?! I have a Big Daddy suit to run around with and look for bubbles? Are you serious? And it has a ridiculous range of 64? Drop it. Just drop the damn quest. Might as well be that the last step of the quest is the previous and after completing you get a neat little information box telling you that natural gas is a thing, where to get it and we can all move on with our lives.

On with the guidance: is there an efficient way to look for pockets of gas? I tried it on crative mode with underwater flying and still god nothing...

Look for a large pond of water. If you have progressed in Botania you should be able to get a Ring of Chordata. Wear that along with the Mariculture diving suit. If you find a large pond of water there should be dead corals all over the ocean floor. If there is not, find another ocean which has it. From there I found the gas leak block pretty quickly by swimming around and looking for bubbles. The Ring of Chordata makes you able to breathe under water, so you're not dependent on the 64 block radius of the air pump. That's how I did it at least :)
Remember to bring an air pump and tanks to retrieve the gas.
I need to vent and look for guidance. Let's start with venting. The Mariculture quest to get naturalg gas: what sort of evil beast comes up with this?! I have a Big Daddy suit to run around with and look for bubbles? Are you serious? And it has a ridiculous range of 64? Drop it. Just drop the damn quest. Might as well be that the last step of the quest is the previous and after completing you get a neat little information box telling you that natural gas is a thing, where to get it and we can all move on with our lives.

On with the guidance: is there an efficient way to look for pockets of gas? I tried it on crative mode with underwater flying and still god nothing...
Finding those tiny bubbles is a bit difficult but this is where some cross-mod interaction experience comes in handy. As mentioned a few times previousl in this thread, with just the Diver's Helmet, a Ring of Chordata and a mana tablet, you can swim around and see clearly without a problem.

It won't make the bubbles glow and highlight them with a big red arrow, but it should make finding them a little easier.
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I am having a strange issue with Storage Drawers ever since I moved to version 8.2 I am wondering if anyone else is experience it. So I can deposit items fine but when I go to take out an item the only way I can do so now (wasn't like this pre 8.2) I HAVE to be using the appropriate tool to destroy the block in order to withdraw from it i.e. Axe or Mattock for drawer. Anyone else know of this issue?

Solved: Game loaded my map in adventure mode (Derp)
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I'm having difficulty making Terrasteel. I have a full mana pool with a spark on it, and a plate with a spark, I drop a Mana Pearl, Mana Diamond, and Mana Steel on the plate and the process starts. Mana flows from the pool to the plate, green glow appears around it, converges on the plate, and... the three items on the plate just stay there for ages and nothing happens. Still plenty of mana in the pool, green glow hovering around the plate. Any suggestions? I tried dropping more items after a minute or so but that broke the process.

I have no Alfheim portal yet, I could probably make one though if it would help to make a dominant spark.

*Edit* Got it- had to use the wand.
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I'm having difficulty making Terrasteel. I have a full mana pool with a spark on it, and a plate with a spark, I drop a Mana Pearl, Mana Diamond, and Mana Steel on the plate and the process starts. Mana flows from the pool to the plate, green glow appears around it, converges on the plate, and... the three items on the plate just stay there for ages and nothing happens. Still plenty of mana in the pool, green glow hovering around the plate. Any suggestions? I tried dropping more items after a minute or so but that broke the process.

I have no Alfheim portal yet, I could probably make one though if it would help to make a dominant spark.

*Edit* Got it- had to use the wand.
Maybe this has to do with a new botania update. Previously all you had to do was drop the stuff and the process would start. But if it does need the wand now as you say, it is better, since if you picked any of the items while dropping you would waste mana.

Also, thanks to all the guys that took time giving me hints on how to find the natural gas cave.

Edit: found one (finally)! The different sand block tip helped a lot. I dug until I found a cave, but there were no negative effects on me. So I thought "in for a penny, in for a pound". I was ready to dig to bedrock. The next cave beneath the first one had the damn gas.
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I found that if you look at patches of red-sand and then look for 1 normal sand block in the midst of the red-sand it will be gas! hope this helps! :)

This is mostly because the 'gas leak' block that spawns over the pocket looks like normal sand (it doesn't come in a red version). Kind of like how Silverfish Blocks are never any of the new stone types.
I'm having difficulty making Terrasteel. I have a full mana pool with a spark on it, and a plate with a spark, I drop a Mana Pearl, Mana Diamond, and Mana Steel on the plate and the process starts. Mana flows from the pool to the plate, green glow appears around it, converges on the plate, and... the three items on the plate just stay there for ages and nothing happens. Still plenty of mana in the pool, green glow hovering around the plate. Any suggestions? I tried dropping more items after a minute or so but that broke the process.

I have no Alfheim portal yet, I could probably make one though if it would help to make a dominant spark.

*Edit* Got it- had to use the wand.

Maybe this has to do with a new botania update. Previously all you had to do was drop the stuff and the process would start. But if it does need the wand now as you say, it is better, since if you picked any of the items while dropping you would waste mana.

Also, thanks to all the guys that took time giving me hints on how to find the natural gas cave.

Edit: found one (finally)! The different sand block tip helped a lot. I dug until I found a cave, but there were no negative effects on me. So I thought "in for a penny, in for a pound". I was ready to dig to bedrock. The next cave beneath the first one had the damn gas.

The terrestrial aglomeration plate is really...screwy...I only needed to use the wand the first time, but it doesn't start taking mana till all 3 are down.
Spark augments on machines won't do anything btw. Sparks always give to machines (including isolation augmented ones).

And yes the ring of cordata+helmet works really well for underwater exploration. Just an additional tip, you can actually find sources on land, the block looks the same too so it really stands out.
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Okay. I'm going to ask you because I'm stumped. (This is the last bug I want to fix before I pack my bags from BC development, as it's a pretty critical one)

I started up a new Regrowth 0.8.3 world, set up a Lumberjack robot to chop down trees, set up an oak tree, gave it a Thaumium axe, told it to work. It cut down the tree properly. I set up a Miner robot to mine some ores, and gave it a Thaumium pickaxe. It worked.

My question is: how do I reproduce this strange "robots can't mine anything" bug that I've heard so often here?
Is there a way to automate the seeds analysis? The analyser inventory isn't attainable by pipes but I've a lot of "undefined" seeds to discover... please help XD