Okay, I am having issues with this pack. These might be do to my computer being under powered with only 4 gigs of ram, I do however have an intell quadcore processor in it, one of the older models but still... Anyway, I got to play the pack all of one time. I made it into the game, I managed to do a few basics, on my 4th night I had trouble with a creeper and boom the game crashed. I have tried to start it back up and it won't launch, or it launches and it won't create a world when I tell it too. Just a constant stream of crashes over the past few days.
http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/6c4ca0e7 Here is the pastebin link for the latest crash log.
Now to save myself and everyone a headache, I have not tweaked the modpack in any way shape or form. If there is a mod in the pack known for causing issues please let me know so that I may remove it.
K first off a quadcore is kind of useless for MC as java is single core only still, well that should change soon, now 4gb ram should work, try this in lanucher set the ram to 2gb, that leaves 2 for your OS, in game turn off particles, clouds, erm everything & set view distance to very short try 4-6 chunks, oh & install fastcraft, one last thing that may help set pregen to 512 in launcher advanced settings.
edit: add this line to the additional java parameters field, -XX: PermSize512m (removed the space before PermSize, I had to add a space or it became a

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