[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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If you had to use 4 pipes, it must have been cobblestone (10 mb/tick), while the industrial engines need 40 mb/tick. So 1 quartz pipe should be enough. You can also attach the engines without any pipes directly to the boiler.

Too sad, as this was supposed to be my main power source. So the questin remains: Is there anybody out there who is using a steam boiler in regrowth and has actually verified the rf output of the engines, or would be so kind to do so?
Ok - this seems to be an issue with the buildcraft kinesis pipes. I was able to extract the expected amount of power when connecting two lasers to a single industrial engine, but I couldn't reproduce this with another engine. Both with almost 100 % steam and both in the "red" state. I also wasn't able to use the full power of multiple engines connecting to one and the same central golden kinesis pipe power line.

All those issues disappeared in 0.8 when using mekanism universal cables (In 0.74, those don't connect). I guess I'll wait now until 0.81 comes out. Too many issues in 0.8.
So here's an odd problem I've encountered. I've been playing Regrowth for a couple of weeks now on a server. It's been running passably well for me. I've had to install Optifine and Fastcraft to add options to turn the graphics way down because despite having 4gigs of RAM dedicated to it, I'm still getting like 4 fps on normal render distance and average graphics. With opti and fastcraft, I'm pulling 35-40 fps on average, which is acceptable for me.

I've got a nice base going with some friends of mine and things have been running very smoothly all along up until now. We have an ME system (very simple, just a few drives and a terminal) being powered by a high-pressure steam tank feeding some industrial steam engines. I've recently built a water turbine via mariculture and am tweaking it to get it to work properly. Other than that, we don't have much in the way of moving parts. Just a loooot of magical crops, a smeltery, a blast furnace, and an infusion altar.

All of this ran fine for the last two weeks and for most of today. About an hour ago, I started having my game run really choppy. By choppy, I mean that I would be able to contrl my game for a few seconds, maybe 4-5 seconds, but then everything would freeze for 5-10 seconds before allowing me to move for another 4-5. It wasn't movement: chat was frozen too. If I hit ESC to go to options, my mouse cursor would freeze every few seconds and when I clicked on option buttons they would freeze.

I've had this happen a couple of other times in the last few days, and I responded by closing all the way out of the client to desktop. Upon relaunching Regrowth, things were okay. But this is no longer fixing the problem. I've not only shut down minecraft altogether, but I've tried rebooting a few times. I also updated Java to make sure I'm on the most up to date version. I was running Java 8 update 51 and am now on Java 8 update 60 which is the most recent release at this time. I was also careful to make sure I have the 64-bit version (why the heck do they tuck that away anyway?). I'm running Windows 10, 64-bit. I have 4 gigs of RAM allocated to Minecraft. The RAM isn't what is getting used up though, it's the CPU apparently...when I pull up the ctrl-alt-del menu it shows me getting regular spikes ranging from 50% CPU usage up to 85% or so, and it seems that the spikes to 85% correspond with the freezes in game chronologically. Literally the only processes I have running that take u more than 1% CPU usage are Team Speak and Minecraft.

I've tried launching this in both FTB and MultiMC launchers. I get the same problem in both.

Could anyone offer me a suggestion as to what I should try next?

Many thanks!

I load the modpack on cursed voice and i have no issue with fps at all . i dont use opti or fastcraft. Just have to turn vsync off and everything is cool
just spawned in a brand new world next to this should i setup here or run as far away as possible o_O

Far as I remember that is mostly just a structure for story purposes, and doesn't do anything besides give you some early lava and a very early blood magic teleposer.
I'd still put a little bit of distance between you and it though. XD
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Does the enrichment chamber no longer process certus quartz ore or is that a bug? Or is this related to the current bug of not being able to produce any more certus quartz ore atm
I can't seem to get osmium ore, I've put nether osmium in the Railcraft blast furnace with coke coal as fuel but it produces rutile. NEI says this is how to get osmium ore but it doesn't seem to work. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?

Just tryed it, and... same problem :/

This is a problem with the minetweaker script earlytech.zs, line 127, for some reason this causes Nether Osmium Ore to output Rutile ore * 2. Disabling it fixes the issue. I've got no idea how adding a recipe for nether rutile ore affects nether osmium ore, but somehow it does. I've even tried replacing the variable oreNetherRutile with the name given by /mt hand and still the same problem. I've just resorted to removing the blast furnace recipe for nether rutile ore and re-adding the furnace recipe until an update fixes this.
When I clicked launch it said that my version was later than the selected version, but I have it set to recommended... Why is 0.8.0 not recommended?
Here's what it says between when I open the launcher and the "do you want to downgrade" thing pops up:
Logging in...
Beginning authlib authentication attempt
successfully created YggdrasilAuthenticationService
Login complete.
0.7.4 0.8.0
As far as I can tell, when I updated to 0.8.0, it was fine. but for some reason the launcher now thinks that 0.8.0 never existed and is asking me if I want it to "correct" it. (Or it forgot about 0.8.0)
As far as I can tell, when I updated to 0.8.0, it was fine. but for some reason the launcher now thinks that 0.8.0 never existed and is asking me if I want it to "correct" it. (Or it forgot about 0.8.0)
Yes, that's why we need the full Launcher log. Use the Upload log button on the console and then link the result here.
Crash Log
I had lots of trouble uploading this log. It is set to expire in roughly 4 weeks.

Launcher: Curse Voice
Mod pack: Regrowth
Version: 0.8.0

Issue: Every time I try to find the usage of a item the game crashes. Have had one crash trying to open the 1st tier chisel, the only time I tried using it.

While this has happened multiple times I have repeated it once for the purpose of this report with Minecraft Glass.

This only happens in multiplayer LAN with the other player being the host.

Curse Voice locks the java version that minecraft uses. There is no way to update it or force it to use a different Java version.
I don't use any other launcher, and would prefer not to install any other launcher. So any solutions that involves using a different launcher is of no use to me.

Any help would be appreciated.
Crash Log
I had lots of trouble uploading this log. It is set to expire in roughly 4 weeks.

Launcher: Curse Voice
Mod pack: Regrowth
Version: 0.8.0

Issue: Every time I try to find the usage of a item the game crashes. Have had one crash trying to open the 1st tier chisel, the only time I tried using it.

While this has happened multiple times I have repeated it once for the purpose of this report with Minecraft Glass.

This only happens in multiplayer LAN with the other player being the host.

Curse Voice locks the java version that minecraft uses. There is no way to update it or force it to use a different Java version.
I don't use any other launcher, and would prefer not to install any other launcher. So any solutions that involves using a different launcher is of no use to me.

Any help would be appreciated.
Known issue with that version of chisel. Update manually or wait for 0.8.1.