[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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um so yeah 0.8.0! yay! i wanted to say that i've started a new world so that my old one will still be in 0.7.4 and i used the seed 'Boom!' and started in some cool wasted mountains next to an ocean, if anyone wants to try living in the mountains with me.
'of staves and scepters' quest (make a silverwood scepter) doesn't seem to be detecting the finished scepter.
So here's an odd problem I've encountered. I've been playing Regrowth for a couple of weeks now on a server. It's been running passably well for me. I've had to install Optifine and Fastcraft to add options to turn the graphics way down because despite having 4gigs of RAM dedicated to it, I'm still getting like 4 fps on normal render distance and average graphics. With opti and fastcraft, I'm pulling 35-40 fps on average, which is acceptable for me.

I've got a nice base going with some friends of mine and things have been running very smoothly all along up until now. We have an ME system (very simple, just a few drives and a terminal) being powered by a high-pressure steam tank feeding some industrial steam engines. I've recently built a water turbine via mariculture and am tweaking it to get it to work properly. Other than that, we don't have much in the way of moving parts. Just a loooot of magical crops, a smeltery, a blast furnace, and an infusion altar.

All of this ran fine for the last two weeks and for most of today. About an hour ago, I started having my game run really choppy. By choppy, I mean that I would be able to contrl my game for a few seconds, maybe 4-5 seconds, but then everything would freeze for 5-10 seconds before allowing me to move for another 4-5. It wasn't movement: chat was frozen too. If I hit ESC to go to options, my mouse cursor would freeze every few seconds and when I clicked on option buttons they would freeze.

I've had this happen a couple of other times in the last few days, and I responded by closing all the way out of the client to desktop. Upon relaunching Regrowth, things were okay. But this is no longer fixing the problem. I've not only shut down minecraft altogether, but I've tried rebooting a few times. I also updated Java to make sure I'm on the most up to date version. I was running Java 8 update 51 and am now on Java 8 update 60 which is the most recent release at this time. I was also careful to make sure I have the 64-bit version (why the heck do they tuck that away anyway?). I'm running Windows 10, 64-bit. I have 4 gigs of RAM allocated to Minecraft. The RAM isn't what is getting used up though, it's the CPU apparently...when I pull up the ctrl-alt-del menu it shows me getting regular spikes ranging from 50% CPU usage up to 85% or so, and it seems that the spikes to 85% correspond with the freezes in game chronologically. Literally the only processes I have running that take u more than 1% CPU usage are Team Speak and Minecraft.

I've tried launching this in both FTB and MultiMC launchers. I get the same problem in both.

Could anyone offer me a suggestion as to what I should try next?

Many thanks!
So here's an odd problem I've encountered. I've been playing Regrowth for a couple of weeks now on a server. It's been running passably well for me. I've had to install Optifine and Fastcraft to add options to turn the graphics way down because despite having 4gigs of RAM dedicated to it, I'm still getting like 4 fps on normal render distance and average graphics. With opti and fastcraft, I'm pulling 35-40 fps on average, which is acceptable for me.

I've got a nice base going with some friends of mine and things have been running very smoothly all along up until now. We have an ME system (very simple, just a few drives and a terminal) being powered by a high-pressure steam tank feeding some industrial steam engines. I've recently built a water turbine via mariculture and am tweaking it to get it to work properly. Other than that, we don't have much in the way of moving parts. Just a loooot of magical crops, a smeltery, a blast furnace, and an infusion altar.

All of this ran fine for the last two weeks and for most of today. About an hour ago, I started having my game run really choppy. By choppy, I mean that I would be able to contrl my game for a few seconds, maybe 4-5 seconds, but then everything would freeze for 5-10 seconds before allowing me to move for another 4-5. It wasn't movement: chat was frozen too. If I hit ESC to go to options, my mouse cursor would freeze every few seconds and when I clicked on option buttons they would freeze.

I've had this happen a couple of other times in the last few days, and I responded by closing all the way out of the client to desktop. Upon relaunching Regrowth, things were okay. But this is no longer fixing the problem. I've not only shut down minecraft altogether, but I've tried rebooting a few times. I also updated Java to make sure I'm on the most up to date version. I was running Java 8 update 51 and am now on Java 8 update 60 which is the most recent release at this time. I was also careful to make sure I have the 64-bit version (why the heck do they tuck that away anyway?). I'm running Windows 10, 64-bit. I have 4 gigs of RAM allocated to Minecraft. The RAM isn't what is getting used up though, it's the CPU apparently...when I pull up the ctrl-alt-del menu it shows me getting regular spikes ranging from 50% CPU usage up to 85% or so, and it seems that the spikes to 85% correspond with the freezes in game chronologically. Literally the only processes I have running that take u more than 1% CPU usage are Team Speak and Minecraft.

I've tried launching this in both FTB and MultiMC launchers. I get the same problem in both.

Could anyone offer me a suggestion as to what I should try next?

Many thanks!

Do you have any buildcraft fluid pipes connected to mariculture tanks/machines? Buildcraft fluid pipes and mariculture don't always like each other. If so and if you can, when the problem starts try breaking the fluid pipes and see if the problem stops. This is a problem that I had.
When putting flint tools on the biblocraft tool rack, they no longer lay flat. They stick out like the anvil assitant. Tested Mana steel (highest metal atm) and iron shears, bow, barrel hammer and they all layed flat like before.

So here's an odd problem I've encountered. I've been playing Regrowth for a couple of weeks now on a server. It's been running passably well for me. I've had to install Optifine and Fastcraft to add options to turn the graphics way down because despite having 4gigs of RAM dedicated to it, I'm still getting like 4 fps on normal render distance and average graphics. With opti and fastcraft, I'm pulling 35-40 fps on average, which is acceptable for me.

I've got a nice base going with some friends of mine and things have been running very smoothly all along up until now. We have an ME system (very simple, just a few drives and a terminal) being powered by a high-pressure steam tank feeding some industrial steam engines. I've recently built a water turbine via mariculture and am tweaking it to get it to work properly. Other than that, we don't have much in the way of moving parts. Just a loooot of magical crops, a smeltery, a blast furnace, and an infusion altar.

All of this ran fine for the last two weeks and for most of today. About an hour ago, I started having my game run really choppy. By choppy, I mean that I would be able to contrl my game for a few seconds, maybe 4-5 seconds, but then everything would freeze for 5-10 seconds before allowing me to move for another 4-5. It wasn't movement: chat was frozen too. If I hit ESC to go to options, my mouse cursor would freeze every few seconds and when I clicked on option buttons they would freeze.

I've had this happen a couple of other times in the last few days, and I responded by closing all the way out of the client to desktop. Upon relaunching Regrowth, things were okay. But this is no longer fixing the problem. I've not only shut down minecraft altogether, but I've tried rebooting a few times. I also updated Java to make sure I'm on the most up to date version. I was running Java 8 update 51 and am now on Java 8 update 60 which is the most recent release at this time. I was also careful to make sure I have the 64-bit version (why the heck do they tuck that away anyway?). I'm running Windows 10, 64-bit. I have 4 gigs of RAM allocated to Minecraft. The RAM isn't what is getting used up though, it's the CPU apparently...when I pull up the ctrl-alt-del menu it shows me getting regular spikes ranging from 50% CPU usage up to 85% or so, and it seems that the spikes to 85% correspond with the freezes in game chronologically. Literally the only processes I have running that take u more than 1% CPU usage are Team Speak and Minecraft.

I've tried launching this in both FTB and MultiMC launchers. I get the same problem in both.

Could anyone offer me a suggestion as to what I should try next?

Many thanks!
Well... something is not right. You have a PC running Win10 with more then 4Gb of RAM since you can allocate 4 to minecraft. So I am assuming you dont have an old potato pc but you still need optifine and fastcraft to be able to get more then 4fps!!! For some reason, MC does not run properly on your PC, opti and fastcraft are just 'hiding' the issue...
This issue kept getting worst as you play, since the world get bigger, with more modded blocks and stuff and reached a point of 'total failure'.

I think it might be worth understanding why you only get 4fps on an empty world without optifine and fastcraft. These mods are awesome to help old PC's that cant handle a pack making it possible to play it, at least for some time until all gets so heavy that is impossible. They are also awesome to boost the good PC into awesome FPS. But, if a PC that should be getting average FPS is having awful FPS,they are not the solution, at least permanently. The solution is finding the real issue and fixing it.

Try pressing F3 and check carefully to the amount of memory in use(the number before the parenthesis, the one in parenthesis is the allocated memory), specially how much you have before MC freezes and after MC 'recovers'. If it goes way down, then your freezes are caused by the garbage collector. If this happens, check your client parameters, make sure you are not passing special parameters to the java client. Most of the threads you see on internet about special parameters are just some nonsense compiled by someone that thinks he understood the documentation...
Many of them conflict with themselves and many of the specific configurations are very machine specific. What works on one machine does not always work on another. Best GC configuration is no configuration at all, Java will figure out what is best for him in 95% of the cases. If you dont have any parameters, then run a memory check program(and run it for a couple hours not 10 mins. You need to stress the system, not say hello to him :)). You might have a problem on the memory sticks that is more noticeable when the client tries to move a lot of memory...

Other useful tips, Shift+F3 gives you a nice graph that shows where the CPU is being used(wasted) on the client. It might help understand why or what is causing it..
Nice quick tutorial how to use it:
Check the mc log. There might be some error that is causing a lot of log dumping which might give a tip to the problem or even be the problem. Massive logs in a short period kill the performance on any PC...
Do not thrust the Processes tab in task manager, this tab groups process and hides system process usage . Always use the Details tab.

And I am out of ideas for now :P
so my regrowth crashes when its loading on initilazing cofh core
last line in crash log is :
[16:45:40] [Client thread/TRACE] [CoFHCore/CoFHCore]: Sending event FMLPreInitializationEvent to mod CoFHCore
and then the game stops working
can somebody help me
Try re-downloading the pack. CoFH core might got corrupted and makes the client insta-crash on load.
Seems the issue with netherwart not growing in bright light has returned? Mushrooms won't grow in bright light either.

In both cases I can plant them okay on the appropriate soil and force them to grow with magical fertilizer but they won't grow on their own and won't spread to neighbouring crops.

I thought to try and fix this for myself but the minetweaker script for agricraft is setting the brightness for netherwart as expected so maybe a bug?

The discussion on agricraft issue 322 on github makes it sound like there was a bug with setting brightness but it was fixed after 1.4.0-beta-1, not clear whether the bug was fixed in 1.4.0-beta-2 though.
In 0.8.0, Netherwart grows fine in light, but refuses to grow in direct sunlight (sl=15). However, mushrooms require dark rooms to grow (rl<8).

Pretty sure in the last version (0.7.4?) Netherwart needed to be almost completely out of sunlight (sl<8 maybe?) to grow.
In 0.8.0, Netherwart grows fine in light, but refuses to grow in direct sunlight (sl=15). However, mushrooms require dark rooms to grow (rl<8

Last night i got Netherwart and attempted to grow it in the overworld as normal. I First tried to grow it in sunlight, nope. Then i tried it out of direct sunlight like previously, nope. Even boxed it a cobblestone container with no light at all, still refused to grow. Have not tried going back to the nether yet to see if i can get it to grow there.
Using the upgraded frames on enhanced chests doesn't work. (I've only tried this on Mk II -> Mk. III double chest.) It changes for a split second, then reverts.

EDIT: So far it appears to only have happened with the one chest, and only with the first try of the II->III, the second II->III worked fine and so has III->IV and IV->V
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I can't seem to get osmium ore, I've put nether osmium in the Railcraft blast furnace with coke coal as fuel but it produces rutile. NEI says this is how to get osmium ore but it doesn't seem to work. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?
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Last night i got Netherwart and attempted to grow it in the overworld as normal. I First tried to grow it in sunlight, nope. Then i tried it out of direct sunlight like previously, nope. Even boxed it a cobblestone container with no light at all, still refused to grow. Have not tried going back to the nether yet to see if i can get it to grow there.
Interesting. I fresh installed regrowth on curse voice, started a new world, and those were my results (netherwart grows in sl < 15). Are you using an upgraded install on FTB by chance? I wonder if the two packs are behaving differently.
I only get about 40 rf from my industrial steam engines and 20 rf from the commercial ones, while WAILA and the engine gui show the supposed values of 80 rf industrial, 40 rf commercial. I have verified this in regrowth 0.7.4 and 0.8 by the value my assembly table shows and by connecting a mekanism energy cube and calculating the resulting rf per tick. As this must be an old issue, I wonder why I couldn't find anything about it. Is nobody using those steam engines? Is there maybe a config option where this can be changed?
I only get about 40 rf from my industrial steam engines and 20 rf from the commercial ones, while WAILA and the engine gui show the supposed values of 80 rf industrial, 40 rf commercial. I have verified this in regrowth 0.7.4 and 0.8 by the value my assembly table shows and by connecting a mekanism energy cube and calculating the resulting rf per tick. As this must be an old issue, I wonder why I couldn't find anything about it. Is nobody using those steam engines? Is there maybe a config option where this can be changed?
How many pipes do you have coming out of them? I think you need 4 pipes from the industrial?