Thanks.Known issue with that version of chisel. Update manually or wait for 0.8.1.
Make sure you are starting the one one that is listed and not one you added months ago to the 3th party packs. The one added manually, is not updated anymore so it will always say 0.7.4 as last version. The correct one should be right next to Hubris and Pathfinder. Both will use the same folder and files, so you might have used the listed pack to update and now you are trying to start with the one added manually and FTB sees 0.8 on disk and 0.7.4 as last and recommended version.When I drop down the menu, the one just below "recommended" is 0.7.4.
There is no 0.8.0 anywhere in the drop-down menu...
I spent hours searching the web for a solution, or even someone else having the issue. Couldn't find anything on it.
Glad to know it is relatively easy to thing to fix. I was really worried that it was some complex issue having to do with software and hardware interaction.
Massive Edit:
Updated both instances (mine and the host PCs) to Chisel2- . Added ".bak" to the old chisel version
Crash Log
Changed some software settings for the hosts PC's OS. Cleaned up unrelated files. Restarted my computer.
Updated Chisel Facades to "ChiselFacades-1.7.10-2.11-cricket.jar" to see what would happen. No change. It is still throwing errors.
You sure its Chisel? Both crash logs are caused by Agricraft.....Known issue with that version of chisel. Update manually or wait for 0.8.1.
Thank you, it was a real issue that stopped me from continuing playingThis is a problem with the minetweaker script earlytech.zs, line 127, for some reason this causes Nether Osmium Ore to output Rutile ore * 2. Disabling it fixes the issue. I've got no idea how adding a recipe for nether rutile ore affects nether osmium ore, but somehow it does. I've even tried replacing the variable oreNetherRutile with the name given by /mt hand and still the same problem. I've just resorted to removing the blast furnace recipe for nether rutile ore and re-adding the furnace recipe until an update fixes this.
You sure its Chisel? Both crash logs are caused by Agricraft.....
Also, Curse does not lock you on the Java version. Curse only launches MC vanilla launcher and nothing else. The MC launcher, by default, will use the latest Java version on your PC. But, you can always press the 'Edit profile' button and change the java settings. Sadly(and stupidly), this profile is created at runtime and deleted when you close the launcher, so the settings are not persistent and you will have to change them every time you start the launcher....
Vanilla MC launcher brings a Java runtime with it and uses it when you start MC, so when they decided to start supporting a more recent version, players dont have to manually update their java client and also to fix issues where some players were still using java 6... But, you can override and say to use the java instalation you want!I really am trying to figure out how to read the logs that are generated. Not getting anywhere with it though. Still not for sure how to really fix this issue. The constant crashes have ruined the play experience for me.
It launches the vanilla launcher only?
"-Xmx4096m -Xms256m -XXermSize=256m -Dminecraft.applet.TargetDirectory="C:\Users\redbi\Documents\Curse\Minecraft\Instances\Regrowth - An HQM Pack" -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true "
It isn't setting the profile options?
"Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_25"
VS -from "Programs and Features"
and -from "Java"
Curse not only launches the Launcher. It does all of the configuring of it. Except for the passwords and IDs. The profile options can be changed every time the launcher is opened. All the settings are lost when the launcher is closed though. I have looked in the 2 curse folders and have found no way to change this. I have looked for any other folders that might have been created by curse or the minecraft launcher and have found none.
Thanks, FTB launcher for some reason auto-selected the non-listed oneMake sure you are starting the one one that is listed and not one you added months ago to the 3th party packs. The one added manually, is not updated anymore so it will always say 0.7.4 as last version. The correct one should be right next to Hubris and Pathfinder. Both will use the same folder and files, so you might have used the listed pack to update and now you are trying to start with the one added manually and FTB sees 0.8 on disk and 0.7.4 as last and recommended version.
To clean this mess, just press the pack codes button, and the regrowth code and press the remove button. It will remove the manually added entry and will not touch your files and you will with only one regrowth pack, the correct one
About your error... There are some other strange errors about file corruption.... Maybe try to reinstall the pack?
Remove the pack from the curse launcher and also go to your Curse Minecraft instalation folder and go to "Install\versions". Delete the folder "forge-" so when you reinstall Regrowth, it downloads Forge again. One of the errors was about the Forge.jar being corrupted....
I just launched Regrowth with the Curse launcher and had no problems but I didnt connect to a server....
I have run across a bit of weirdness. When I pull something from a barrel (single item or stack), I get this message in chat:
BlockName [Better Barrel], blockID [JABBA:barrel], metadata [0]. It does not seem to be effecting anything, but I am sure it is not intended.
This old Dragon gets a bit nervous when unexplained things start happening. As my old dungeon master was fond of saying (usually just before hitting us with something on the order of a neutral hungry T-Rex): "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean the world isn't out to get you!"
PS: Float spell worked quite nicely. The wizard lifted him up about 50 feet and turned the spell off. Roast T-Rex is yummy if a bit gamey.
Just a heads up, in 0.8.0 Thaumcraft harvest Golems destroy magical crops planted in agricraft crop sticks. They "harvest" any magical crop planted in the crop sticks at any maturity causing the seed and a crop stick to drop.
When you click with a stick in your hand you get that message indicating what you just hit. No side effects.I have run across a bit of weirdness. When I pull something from a barrel (single item or stack), I get this message in chat:
BlockName [Better Barrel], blockID [JABBA:barrel], metadata [0]. It does not seem to be effecting anything, but I am sure it is not intended.
This old Dragon gets a bit nervous when unexplained things start happening. As my old dungeon master was fond of saying (usually just before hitting us with something on the order of a neutral hungry T-Rex): "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean the world isn't out to get you!"
PS: Float spell worked quite nicely. The wizard lifted him up about 50 feet and turned the spell off. Roast T-Rex is yummy if a bit gamey.
Or robots......Yhea, we already know that :'(
You can use a ritual from blood magic (need altar tier 4) or a multi block from ... forestry if I remember well
Pretty sure the equal trade and excavation foci also work on pretty much anything. Although both of those are much deeper in progression.The Rod of the Shifting Crust can be used to bypass the progression, as it can equal trade all of the nether ores, just letting you know