P.S. Time to tell Kmad to update his server

I'd be down for some of that.Oh I can smell a new world been started, might be looking at a SMP series. Server clients looking good?
Oh yeah, that it is. This is the issue with such a long development time for the update, I start forgetting what mods have had major updates @_@.BuildCraft 7 is in, too, but that update should be mostly harmless.
Anyway, awesome job!
Oh yeah, that it is. This is the issue with such a long development time for the update, I start forgetting what mods have had major updates @_@.
Re: TC and BM; they very much belong in the pack, you're interpreting the cataclysm that precedes Regrowth quite differently to what it is. From what you're saying you seem to think its along the lines of a nuclear fallout (I'm guessing possibly due to prior association of the wasteland with the Fallout games, which fyi I've not played a single one of). The lore I've built into the pack however is that it is very specifically tied to the absence of ore and how that came to happen, and is actually a magical desolation type event, not related to the tech side of things at all. Regrowth is definitely more heavily tied to being a magic pack than a tech one, and that's very much on purpose.\o/
There goes my free time away
Question: (please lower the pitchforks you crazy pointed hats people, its just a question/suggestion.)
Is thaumcraft in the pack mostly because farm automation? I always had the feeling there wasnt a proper place in the pack for thaumcraft except the farm automation with golems. And its even worse with blood magic!!
Is BC robots compatible with Agricraft?
You can see where I am going with this... Light levels of magic like botania or stuff has witchery might make sense in the lore but the rest of the magical mods make no sense, at least for me. The pack is so heavy on a real world catastrophe and then... TC and BM... I dont know man....
And using BC robots is a nice way to introduce technology (aka, mekanism/AE) in the lore/quests...
PS: Just one more thing. I dont know if you ever changed this, since I played the pack a long time ago but... Makes no sense the dream world being a wasteland. Common, its a dream!! It should be normal world generation since... you are dreaming with the perfect world. I can accept not having ores for quest reasons, but at least, give us the grass or a normal biome...
Ok, I might had forgot a little bit of the lore with the time...Re: TC and BM; they very much belong in the pack, you're interpreting the cataclysm that precedes Regrowth quite differently to what it is. From what you're saying you seem to think its along the lines of a nuclear fallout (I'm guessing possibly due to prior association of the wasteland with the Fallout games, which fyi I've not played a single one of). The lore I've built into the pack however is that it is very specifically tied to the absence of ore and how that came to happen, and is actually a magical desolation type event, not related to the tech side of things at all. Regrowth is definitely more heavily tied to being a magic pack than a tech one, and that's very much on purpose.
As for automation options for Agricraft; In 0.8, TC golems, Forestry multifarms, BC robots, and BM Ritual of the Harvest Moon(not 100% that's the right name) are all capable of automating Agricraft.
The Spirit World is something I don't have much control over. It's generation is very specifically a mirror of the overworld (think of it more like an out of body experience rather than a dream), hence why it too is a wasteland. However, there is grass there which I generate with COFH core (always has been in the release versions) and ores, along with living saplings dotting the land too.
Uh no it doesn't? It's supposed to say exactly what it says. Nether Rutile and Nether Osmium ores now can't be turned into the regular versions of those ores except through the blast furnace - it was done in the regular furnace before. Steel has required the blast furnace the whole time, nothing has changed there.Hey @thephoenixlodge I think i saw a problem with your change log.
Changed Smelting of Nether Rutile -> Rutile and Nether Osmium -> Osmium ore to occur in blast furnace - gates Titanium and Osmium behind the blast furnace
It says Osmium instead of steel.
Is anyone else pressing there hands against there face while checking FTB for the I stopped playing Regrowth shortly after the info about the new updated started dripping in. So for me it a Whole NEW GAMEHowever I have been stalking this thread and reading every page waiting to strike. Thanks again for TPL for the awesome pack and work you have put in!
Yup thats me tooIs anyone else pressing there hands against there face while checking FTB for the I stopped playing Regrowth shortly after the info about the new updated started dripping in. So for me it a Whole NEW GAME![]()
Is BC robots compatible with Agricraft?