Numbers in parenthesis are Item Id numbers
I got my witchery altar up to 57,102 altar power. I have Vazkii's Head, Redstone Soup Filled Chalice, Dragon Egg, Candelabra, and a Arthana on top of my altar. (Need to get a Pentacle for the max altar regeneration). The 2 items 10 Grasspers (1603), 10 Critter Snare 1602 give the altar power but they are useful on the level of the altar (surface) everything else is in the 9 blocks below(height) the length and with of the space used to place items was centered on the last block placed on the 2x3 altar. example
The "o" is where I placed my "last" block for the "center" the length and width on the center is 28x29 the 28 is on the 2 and the 29 is on the 3. the 28 includes the 2 blocks within the altar in its count, as does the 29 include the 3 in its count. Okay more plants and things. 72 Dirt(3)[You can use more but the altar power caps at 72], AN ADDITIONAL 100 Dirt(3) that is tilled into FARMLAND,50 or 100 Grass Block (2)[Not entirely sure got cramped and forgot to count them, will retest on a new altar later and edit and correct the block count], 50 water, 20 Spanish Moss(1598), 50 Vines(106), 20 [Brown]Mushroom(39),20 [Red] Mushroom(40), 80 Mycelium(110), 20 Sand(110) for the sugarcane to be placed on {Not agricraft} OR use 20 Dirt (3), 60 Sugarcane(338) is 3 tall, so divide 60 by 3 is 20 sugarcane 3 tall, 50 Cactus(81)[17 Cactus 3 tall = 51, which is one over the cap but who cares about one extra?] and 17 Sand(110) only one stack does not need to be 3 tall before the altar caps on power from the cactus, 20 Wispy Cotton (1605), 30 Dandelion (37), 30 Poppy (38), 20 Oak Sapling (6), 4 Bluebells (1295), 20 Glint Weed (1597), 10 Blood Poppy (1604), 20 Pumpkin(86), 20 Melon(103), 50 Acacia Wood (162), 106 Acacia Leaves (161) I placed the wood down as floor blocks 2x26 and the leaf blocks on top in a 2wide 26 long 2 tall any extra just went to 3 tall. That goes for any leaf blocks I list with the same type of wood. 50 Pine Wood(634), 100 Bull Pine Leaves(657) these grow on the pine, 50 Fir Log (539), 100 Fir Leaves (532), 50 Willow Wood (632), 100 Willow Leaves (1260:3), 50 Maple Wood (1292), 100 Maple Leaves(1293), 50 Hawthorn Wood (1593:2), 100 Hawthorn Leaves (1594:2), 50 Sakura Wood (1256:1), 100 Sakura Leaves (534), 50 Sakura Log (541), 100 Japanese Maple Leaves (533:1), 50 Fern (31:2), 20 Ember Moss (1601), 4 Mystical White Flower (767), 50 Jungle Wood (17:3), 100 Cocoa Beans (351:3), 4 Cattail (526), 20 Japanese Maple Sapling (538:1), 20 Vermillion Autumn Sapling (537:2), 4 Brown Grass (531), 20 Eucalyptus Sapling (1261:1), 20 Maple Sapling (1294), 20 Shimmerleaf (250:2), 4 Strawberries (551), 100 Vermillion Autumn Leaves (525:2), 100 Redwood Leaves (1259), 50 Bald Cypress Elbow Log (547), 50 Bald Cypress Quarter Log (542), 50 Bald Cypress Log (540:2), 50 Fir Quarter Log (545), 50 Rainbow Eucalyptus Quarter Log (543), 50 Rainbow Eucalyptus Elbow Log (548), 50 Redwood Quarter Log (546), 50 Oak Quarter Log (544), 50 Willow Wood (1263), 50 Darkwood (1274), 100 Darkwood Leaves (1275), 50 Greatwood Log (248) The 20 saplings of Redwood Sapling (1261) and 20 Redwood Sapling (537:5) were not worth the trouble of figuring out how to keep them as saplings with out growing and replacing all/large portions of the blocks that I have listed above, however they do give altar power the trick is them staying a sapling and not growing into a tree. Greatwood(250) trees and Silverwood(250:1) Trees also add to altar power but I think they give more power as a "grown" tree, rather than being cut/sheared and placed compactly. SO they as well do not account in my altar power. 2 Demon Hearts (5317:23) Haven't gotten around to trading with them yet. But I will


Tainthistle (771)(see OniyaMCD's comment on the next page of this thread) I am not messing with taint just yet. Need a lot of Silverwood Saplings. Or I could make taint in the Dreamworld or Nether.
These following blocks are from tree breeding (I did this in creative just to see the power I could get up to, my set up doesn't have these trees yet, maybe never will but I hope to get into tree breeding after I finish my fish!)
50 Chestnut Wood(630), 50 Chestnut Wood Fireproof (638), 50 Kapok Wood (631), 50 Kapok Wood Fireproof (639), 50 Larch Wood (629), Larch Wood Fireproof (637), 50 Mahoe Wood (633), 50 Mahoe Wood Fireproof(641), 50 Giant Sequoia Wood (635), 50 Giant Sequoia Wood Fireproof (643), 50 Zebrawood Wood (636), 50 Zebrawood Wood Fireproof (644), 50 Apple Wood (719), 50 Willow Wood Fireproof (640), 50 Pine Wood Fireproof (642)
If any of the plants listed above are not obtainable in game (creative only) please let me know and I will move them to the list below.
The following don't count towards my 57,102 altar power since I think they might be creative obtainable only but I do know the give power , however I don't know their item cap out for altar power So I shall just list them for the sake of it. Strange Plant (1492), Umbral Rose (1458), Devil's Ivy (1491)
I don't think I have missed anything minus the Greatwood(250)/Silverwood(250:1) trees, and both Redwoods(1261)/(537:5). Some plants /wood/leaves share a Item Id Number(its pretty much all the numbers I put inside of parenthesis) so only 1 of the vanilla saplings will work if you put 20 oak saplings you wont get anymore power by adding 20 spruce/birch/jungle saplings. You can however mix and match them(that would drive me nuts and be to hard to count without super focused concentration. Also some plants just don't give altar power. I took some screenshots but I have no idea how to upload a top view of my altar. The 2 layers underneath are just packed in as tight as I could make it, so It isn't worth posting a picture. Almost forgot to say that by the end of making this set up some numbers on the amount not the item id could be off. +/- I am not sure but shouldn't be far off if any amounts are off. Anyways I am now having a beer! Well have fun getting your altar powered up!