[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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For me it opened up when I made the Greatwood sapling.
Haha, holy crap. It worked when I crafted another one!

I appear to be well along in that quest line. :)

Well, I figured out where I was going wrong - I'm used to going for the 'sustainable food supply' first off, and since the 'grass punching' quest was being particularly cantankerous... Well yeah.

After going with the 'make tools' route, it still took me a couple MC days to get the last of the grass drops. ^^; All sorted, and probably going to start a fresh play to record tomorrow.
Get a scuba mask, or preferably a big daddy suit (not the name, but is the hqm reference) or even more preferably, a diving suit. But if you haven't found natural gas, then good luck. Mariculture is annoying, but cool. Oh, if you haven't figured it out, you need to go deep sea diving. You can do it early, but basic infrastructure is preferred. Air pumps help, but you need some tech or a non trolley friend.
Seen on a video someone use a ring of chordota from botania (not certain of the name). It works great in the water. Except the swimming was a little hard to control for me. It works best with the breathing mask thingy.
Seen on a video someone use a ring of chordota from botania (not certain of the name). It works great in the water. Except the swimming was a little hard to control for me. It works best with the breathing mask thingy.

Yeah, Ring of Chordata and the diving suit (at least the leather one, haven't tried the other one from Mariculture) interact in such a way as to completely bork underwater movement. Like, it gets crazy. Granted, it's a pretty good combo for high speed travel so long as you go straight.
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Seen on a video someone use a ring of chordota from botania (not certain of the name). It works great in the water. Except the swimming was a little hard to control for me. It works best with the breathing mask thingy.
Dang it, I never thought of that. What tier tech is that? Is it before gold and aluminum?
No I feel bad that no one commented on my pictures I posted. I know that my build is not that good, but come on. :p http://imgur.com/a/U1yME

Anyways:) Besides the Witchery broom, and the Thaumcraft Harness, what if any other types of flight are in this pack?
I like it! What's up with the sand though? Did you used to have a bee house out front? Your walls look like mine. But my ceiling is mana glass. Mana glass everywhere. No torches inside, and I get to admire the beautiful moons from the steam punk resource pack I am using.
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I put together @jaquadro's notes and added to the FAQ. Is the vertical range of the altar also 16/32?
Edit: Full text below, check my accuracy. :)

The blade is called Arthana. It doubles the output range.
FTB Wiki gives the range of 15
The Witchery Mod site gives ranges of 14 (to 16) with Arthana doubling the output range to 28 (to 32)
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I like it! What's up with the sand though? Did you used to have a bee house out front? Your walls look like mine. But my ceiling is mana glass. Mana glass everywhere. No torches I side, and I get to admire the beautiful moons from the steam punk resource pack I am using.

The sand was a natural gas leak block. I went down and filled 17 tanks I think(I still have yet to use it), but I just put the sand back to mark it. I have never used the gas before and don't know if a lot is needed. As for Mana glass I used a lot to line the walls under ground to see into the ocean. The best part is my altar power is over 9000! I know, I know, that's been said to death.lol The altar sits at about 1100, and I haven't filled the chalice yet, or add the last few things that can be used.

Speaking of altar power, what is the max it can hold, or what is the highest amount need for brews/rituals?
So is there a reason all the files for Regrowth download every time I start the game? I have to sit and wait for the same files that are already sitting locally each and every time I start it up. It's getting monotonous. No other FTB mod pack has done this.
So is there a reason all the files for Regrowth download every time I start the game? I have to sit and wait for the same files that are already sitting locally each and every time I start it up. It's getting monotonous. No other FTB mod pack has done this.
Sounds like you might have selected force update in the launcher options? I haven't heard of this happening before.
Ooh ooh ohh!!! Botania update is out! I need a 7x7 mana pool in my life. I can't just update though can I? It will break the pack, right? I hope Thephoenixlodge is excited to work that into the pack. It sounds cool.
how? You probably meant this for someone else to use. I wouldn't mind using it. I just don't know how.
Oh yeah. That would help. Just copy the contents of the zip file into your Minecraft folder. It only contains the howling sound file. The directory structure should be the same.
No I feel bad that no one commented on my pictures I posted. I know that my build is not that good, but come on. :p http://imgur.com/a/U1yME

Anyways:) Besides the Witchery broom, and the Thaumcraft Harness, what if any other types of flight are in this pack?

I think I gave it a like, doesn't that count?

I need to get a witchery hut/workshop up still. Mine will be floating on a raft right at the beach though.

Yours is very tidy. Building a spirit world cottage at the moment. Nothing too fancy. Not a lot of choice in building materials at the moment. :)
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Building a spirit world cottage at the moment. Nothing too fancy. Not a lot of choice in building materials at the moment. :)

I've read horror stories and exploits about the spirit world. Haven't gotten to it yet, but are we supposed to be stranded there for a long time and re-tech back up yo get back?
seems like some real cool stuff has been added to botania :) liking the railcraft intergration, nothing like massive mana stored :P
R1.6 173
  • Added Relics. New unique, soulbound items with really powerful effects. There's currently 6 of them along with 2 extras.
  • Added the ability to enter the Alfheim dimension through the portal if you have a specific item...
  • Added fluid mana that you can store in railcraft, buildcraft, and so on, tanks. The conversion rate isn't 1:1 if you do it both ways.
  • Added multiblock mana pools, 3x3, 5x5 and even 7x7. They store way more than normal ones, as expected.
  • Added radius viewer functionality to the Manaseer Monocle. While looking at a flower with it equipped one will be able to see the flower's effective range visually.
  • Added the Black Hole Talisman. It's the unlimited cobblestone works. Wait, that's from thaumic tinkerer. STOP STEALING CODE FROM YOURSELF VAZKII YOU SCUMLORD
  • Added the Resolute Ivy, an Ivy item similar to the Timeless Ivy that lets you keep the item it's attached to through death.
  • Added the Reverse Mana Fluxfield that transforms RF to mana. Again, the conversion rate isn't too generous so get your big reactors dusted.
  • Added the Spriggan Mana Tablet, an upgrade to the normal Mana Tablet using Dragonstones that holds 10x as much.
  • Botania tile entities no longer register non-prefixed names (eg, "pump" rather than "botania:pump"). This fixes incompatibilities with mods that have similar names. Since both names were registered previously, transition will work with no problems.
  • Changed the Gaia Guardian to be able to be killed by fake players after I got spammed with requests for it.
  • Edited the Thaumcraft Integration page to tell the user that the Botanurgist's Inkwell needs to be charged when created.
  • Entries that come from botania addons will not have the "View Online" button.
  • Fixed Ancient Wills rendering on a Terrasteel Helmet that has Phantom Ink.
  • Fixed double flowers being able to be duplicated through bone meal.
  • Fixed glimmering flowers being able to be bonemealed to create double flowers.
  • Fixed the Hyacidus, Pollidisiac, Tigerseye, Narslimmus and Medumone having their range be lower in one side.
  • Fixed the Phantom Ink recipe working if more than one piece of armor is put in the grid.
  • Floral Powder can now dye sheep.
  • Moved the Life Aggregator to the Ender Artifacts section and made it require two Bottles of Ender Air.
  • Redid all the flowers, spreaders and pool HUDs. They now show exactly (in numbers) how much mana the blocks have, are producing and are receiving.
  • Removed the cooldown on Thermalilies and returned their production rate to the original speed they were at before.
  • The Mana Pump will not stop outputting a comparator signal once it stops pumping as long as it has a cart on the rail.
  • [API] Added IManaFluidContainer and IRFManaAcceptor for compatibility.
  • [API] Added IRelic, IWireframeCoordinateListProvider, ISequentialBreaker.
  • [API] Added RELIC EnumRarity.
  • [API] Added breakOnAllCursors() to the internal method handler.
  • [API] Increased version number to 37.
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Im not saying the mods shouldnt be in the pack and shouldnt work together. I am saying the flow isnt right. Its a backward step to introduce Thaumcraft and then leave it until witchery has caught up isnt flowing right. Dont introduce thaumcraft until the witchery is at the right stage is what Im saying. I think the pack is great just not flowing right. There are lots of stop moments until a stagnant quest is fulfilled. Like it should not take 10 stacks of mutandis to get witchery going but in practise thats what happend which in turn makes you not want to level witchery but then you find you have all this thaumcraft essence waiting for witchery to grow you a greatwood tree to carry on. Kinda make you not want to level either of them. Im happy with the pack just its not flowing.
I agree that adding all the EBXL plants into the mutandis list made that part quite annoying. While I'm ok with it not changing if I was making the pack I'd either give alternate ways to get the EBXL plants or I would award a stack or two of mutandis in one of the early quests. Early game mandrake harvesting is only fun a few times. Then it gets slightly annoying. =)

As for Thaumcraft.... I could totally see chapter 11 staying locked until you complete the treefyd quest. That makes a lot of sense to me.