Okay, Brew of Sleeping giving me trouble. Triple checked ingredients and instructions, still spoiled brew from start.
Book and NEI say kettle, so using kettle. Did make a bunch of Love potions, so know it's not a case of not knowing how to make kettle work.
Recipe shows no indication of power from altar needed, but within 16 of altar with over 9000 power. And my distillery and spinning wheel are both in line (and a couple blocks off the x axis) from altar, so know I'm in range. Have arthana too, but I counted my range from altar at 14.
I am wearing hat and robe. (Should not be necessary, but a bonus brew is a good thing.)
I have netherrack under kettle and fire going. I dump in water (kettle is only one bucket, unlike cauldron, but I tried adding more just in case... won't accept more).
I start tossing in ingredients with the purified milk. Potion in kettle turns brown with black particles. Can throw in rest but stays brown.
What am I missing? Here's a screenie after tossing in just the purified milk.
I know others have gone to spirit world, so must be possible to make this thing!
Searched thread but found no post about problems. Found a page and some mentioning "sleeping" and some of those are regarding the brew, but no one I saw saying they couldn't make brew.
Dang it, figured it out. Fire was too low. When I moved kettle from research base to altar area, I broke through into underground room and didn't notice that meant a multi block drop to where I placed netherrack. Flames are high enough it was obscuring the missing block.
Just made brews successfully.