[1.7.10][Not HQM!] Colony [Tech][No Set World][Automation Focus][Spaaace]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is the minechem replacement? I would like to learn it if i have never heard of it and i am 99% sure it is not EE3 or Project E. Also, why is carpenters blocks being removed?
I recommend adding interstellar ores just for not needing to see normal stone in ores underground, and also maybe a way to double meteoric iron (you could probably just change the smelting recipe to do so, and you might have written it down when i asked on the server, if not now its fresh in your mind).
The replacement is Matter Overdrive. Carpenter's Blocks is being removed because it's one fewer mod in the list, and from past experience I know that ~105 mods or above starts to lag seriously. :/
I haven't added a doubling recipe for meteoric iron (there isn't really a dust for it), but I have added an induction smelter recipe for it. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, @Type1Ninja, be sure to add the rich slag/cinnabar recipes too (for Meteoric Iron).

And add Too Many Keybinds, 'cause self explanatory. Also, if you want to remove another mod, I'd suggest chisel as a last resort, as Chisel is mostly aesthetic.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, @Type1Ninja, be sure to add the rich slag/cinnabar recipes too (for Meteoric Iron).

And add Too Many Keybinds, 'cause self explanatory. Also, if you want to remove another mod, I'd suggest chisel as a last resort, as Chisel is mostly aesthetic.
The thing with meteoric iron is that it comes as a sort of gem-y thingy... It's a little weird. I'll add that to the todo for next update, I suppose.
I'm not adding Too Many Keybinds, you can add it yourself. ;)
I'm probably not removing Chisel; the next two mods on the "remove it if I have to" list are Bibliocraft and Gravity Gun, because I haven't used Bibliocraft or seen it used very much and Gravity Gun is too easy to use for griefing. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't recommend removing bibliocraft. The Enchanted Book copying mechanism is just too useful. Also, I support the removal of Gravity Gun. It's not that much useful, since Portal Gun allows for the movement of blocks, and while it's fun, it doesn't nearly add as much as Portal Gun.

You could add TooManyKeybinds, but have it disabled by default. Also, is Opis in the pack?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't recommend removing bibliocraft. The Enchanted Book copying mechanism is just too useful. Also, I support the removal of Gravity Gun. It's not that much useful, since Portal Gun allows for the movement of blocks, and while it's fun, it doesn't nearly add as much as Portal Gun.

You could add TooManyKeybinds, but have it disabled by default. Also, is Opis in the pack?
Enchanted Book copying becomes redundant when you realize we have auto-enchanting. :p
Yeah... Gravity Gun will *probably* be removed next version...
TMK isn't going in by default. Add it yourself. That answer will not change. :p
Opis is not on the pack; it's hard to find a concrete description of what it does, apparently. If it doesn't directly increase TPS without user interaction, it won't go in; that's another thing people who want it bad enough can do themselves. ^^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Opis is not on the pack; it's hard to find a concrete description of what it does, apparently. If it doesn't directly increase TPS without user interaction, it won't go in; that's another thing people who want it bad enough can do themselves. ^^

Opis is a profiling tool that can collect data and show in-game what chunks, areas, blocks, or entities are using up all the server ticks and making things slow.
I'd agree someone that needs it and knows they do is likely very capable of adding it to a pack themselves.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Version 1.1.4 is now live! It'll be fully synced to all servers within an hour.
Several mods were REMOVED in this version, so be aware that if you load your old worlds in the new update, anything added by those mods will be removed from the world. Make sure to back up your worlds if you can't handle losing the mods that have been removed.

Here's the log of changes:
Mod Updates:
Simply Jetpacks
Forge Multipart

Mod Additions:
Thermal Recycling by OreCruncher
Matter Overdrive by simonradivoev
OpenModularTurrets by Poenjabiesous, Keridos, and UntouchedWagons

Mod Removals:
Minechem - due to the addition of Matter Overdrive
Carpenter’s Blocks
Extra Cells

Config/Script (recipe) Changes:
Fixed the freakin’ RFTools Matter Receiver/Transmitter crafting bug. That one was a pain.
Made Leadstone Drills and Chainsaws unbreakable, like their higher-tier counterparts.
Added a note about Crude Oil vs “Regular” Oil in the Oil Tycoon quest
Changed my rename of the Super Builder’s Wand from “Creative Construction Hammer” to “Super Construction Hammer”
Made RFTools Activity Probe MUCH more expensive
Made MFR Steam Boiler SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive - if you want non-nuclear steam, you’ll have to work for it.
Added an Induction Smelter recipe for Meteoric Iron
Added recipe for Ectoplasm using a snowball and some dimensional shards in an induction smelter. Those silly spectres are too hard to kill!
Made XU Drums more expensive to make OpenBlocks tanks easier to get early-game
Disabled Oreberry Bushes as a material dimlet
Disabled Steel replicating with Matter Overdrive
Disabled Matter Overdrive Teleporters and Solar Panels
Disabled Galacticraft Telepad
Re-Configured Iguana Tweaks, courtesy of @goth_chilld67. Thanks dude! :D
Added pulverizing recipes for Tritanium and Dilithium Ore from Matter Overdrive
Added a bunch of AE2 quests, also courtesy @@goth_child67, with edits by myself. I also tweaked a couple other quests, and added a “Skip Basic Quests” quest.
Added a recipe for the Gravitational Anomaly (Black Hole) from Matter Overdrive
Changed recipes for OpenModularTurrets ammo; they were mostly made harder. Set up production lines for ammo instead of just making it by hand.
I'm really excited about the added mods; they add a bunch of cool stuff I'm looking forward to playing with. :D

I'd also like to see screenies from those of you who have played. It makes me feel good to know others are playing my pack; screenshots are concrete evidence that it's happening. :)
Thanks and I hope you enjoy the update! ~Type1Ninja (CEO, Type1Ninjustries)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Version 1.1.4 is now live! It'll be fully synced to all servers within an hour.
Several mods were REMOVED in this version, so be aware that if you load your old worlds in the new update, anything added by those mods will be removed from the world. Make sure to back up your worlds if you can't handle losing the mods that have been removed.

Here's the log of changes:
Mod Updates:
Simply Jetpacks
Forge Multipart

Mod Additions:
Thermal Recycling by OreCruncher
Matter Overdrive by simonradivoev
OpenModularTurrets by Poenjabiesous, Keridos, and UntouchedWagons

Mod Removals:
Minechem - due to the addition of Matter Overdrive
Carpenter’s Blocks
Extra Cells

Config/Script (recipe) Changes:
Fixed the freakin’ RFTools Matter Receiver/Transmitter crafting bug. That one was a pain.
Made Leadstone Drills and Chainsaws unbreakable, like their higher-tier counterparts.
Added a note about Crude Oil vs “Regular” Oil in the Oil Tycoon quest
Changed my rename of the Super Builder’s Wand from “Creative Construction Hammer” to “Super Construction Hammer”
Made RFTools Activity Probe MUCH more expensive
Made MFR Steam Boiler SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive - if you want non-nuclear steam, you’ll have to work for it.
Added an Induction Smelter recipe for Meteoric Iron
Added recipe for Ectoplasm using a snowball and some dimensional shards in an induction smelter. Those silly spectres are too hard to kill!
Made XU Drums more expensive to make OpenBlocks tanks easier to get early-game
Disabled Oreberry Bushes as a material dimlet
Disabled Steel replicating with Matter Overdrive
Disabled Matter Overdrive Teleporters and Solar Panels
Disabled Galacticraft Telepad
Re-Configured Iguana Tweaks, courtesy of @goth_chilld67. Thanks dude! :D
Added pulverizing recipes for Tritanium and Dilithium Ore from Matter Overdrive
Added a bunch of AE2 quests, also courtesy @@goth_child67, with edits by myself. I also tweaked a couple other quests, and added a “Skip Basic Quests” quest.
Added a recipe for the Gravitational Anomaly (Black Hole) from Matter Overdrive
Changed recipes for OpenModularTurrets ammo; they were mostly made harder. Set up production lines for ammo instead of just making it by hand.
I'm really excited about the added mods; they add a bunch of cool stuff I'm looking forward to playing with. :D

I'd also like to see screenies from those of you who have played. It makes me feel good to know others are playing my pack; screenshots are concrete evidence that it's happening. :)
Thanks and I hope you enjoy the update! ~Type1Ninja (CEO, Type1Ninjustries)

Nice I will be able to update the server before I go to bed to get it done and over with.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do RFTools dimensions make all the normal overworld ores provided they are made correctly to be stable? If the server is the same world we either need to do that or generate new chunks to get the new MO ores. Edit: i forgot we had a laser drill never mind then


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server updated and booted! On Sunday I will clear out the whitelist of anyone who haven't gone on for a week/over a week and didn't informed me.
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Reactions: Type1Ninja


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Version 1.1.4 is now live! It'll be fully synced to all servers within an hour.
Several mods were REMOVED in this version, so be aware that if you load your old worlds in the new update, anything added by those mods will be removed from the world. Make sure to back up your worlds if you can't handle losing the mods that have been removed.

Here's the log of changes:
Mod Updates:
Simply Jetpacks
Forge Multipart

Mod Additions:
Thermal Recycling by OreCruncher
Matter Overdrive by simonradivoev
OpenModularTurrets by Poenjabiesous, Keridos, and UntouchedWagons

Mod Removals:
Minechem - due to the addition of Matter Overdrive
Carpenter’s Blocks
Extra Cells

Config/Script (recipe) Changes:
Fixed the freakin’ RFTools Matter Receiver/Transmitter crafting bug. That one was a pain.
Made Leadstone Drills and Chainsaws unbreakable, like their higher-tier counterparts.
Added a note about Crude Oil vs “Regular” Oil in the Oil Tycoon quest
Changed my rename of the Super Builder’s Wand from “Creative Construction Hammer” to “Super Construction Hammer”
Made RFTools Activity Probe MUCH more expensive
Made MFR Steam Boiler SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive - if you want non-nuclear steam, you’ll have to work for it.
Added an Induction Smelter recipe for Meteoric Iron
Added recipe for Ectoplasm using a snowball and some dimensional shards in an induction smelter. Those silly spectres are too hard to kill!
Made XU Drums more expensive to make OpenBlocks tanks easier to get early-game
Disabled Oreberry Bushes as a material dimlet
Disabled Steel replicating with Matter Overdrive
Disabled Matter Overdrive Teleporters and Solar Panels
Disabled Galacticraft Telepad
Re-Configured Iguana Tweaks, courtesy of @goth_chilld67. Thanks dude! :D
Added pulverizing recipes for Tritanium and Dilithium Ore from Matter Overdrive
Added a bunch of AE2 quests, also courtesy @@goth_child67, with edits by myself. I also tweaked a couple other quests, and added a “Skip Basic Quests” quest.
Added a recipe for the Gravitational Anomaly (Black Hole) from Matter Overdrive
Changed recipes for OpenModularTurrets ammo; they were mostly made harder. Set up production lines for ammo instead of just making it by hand.
I'm really excited about the added mods; they add a bunch of cool stuff I'm looking forward to playing with. :D

I'd also like to see screenies from those of you who have played. It makes me feel good to know others are playing my pack; screenshots are concrete evidence that it's happening. :)
Thanks and I hope you enjoy the update! ~Type1Ninja (CEO, Type1Ninjustries)
Well guess this means time to start a new world. Mostly because my old world is on a different computer.:mad: The pain of multiple computers.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay server got loads of room now that no one but two other players were active for the last 7 days. PM me if your interested.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone having any issues with high CPU usage for their servers? I feel bad coming only for issues, because I really like the pack. I have a server running on another really capable computer, which I've run many more demanding packs before. The CPU usage is about 250% all the time when running. No entities and its a pretty blank world. Any ideas?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone having any issues with high CPU usage for their servers? I feel bad coming only for issues, because I really like the pack. I have a server running on another really capable computer, which I've run many more demanding packs before. The CPU usage is about 250% all the time when running. No entities and its a pretty blank world. Any ideas?
It's fine that you only come here with issues. No worries. :p
As to that, I don't know... I play with a couple friends sometimes, and when I do, I run the dedicated server jar and my client on the same computer (and a bunch of other programs, generally), and I haven't ever had any issues. I haven't ever looked at the CPU usage, but we don't get any lag. Perhaps someone else can help you with the server stuff.
I'm glad you're playing the pack. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's fine that you only come here with issues. No worries. :p
As to that, I don't know... I play with a couple friends sometimes, and when I do, I run the dedicated server jar and my client on the same computer (and a bunch of other programs, generally), and I haven't ever had any issues. I haven't ever looked at the CPU usage, but we don't get any lag. Perhaps someone else can help you with the server stuff.
I'm glad you're playing the pack. :D
I really do enjoy it, I just always have block lag and all the entities lag around.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I really do enjoy it, I just always have block lag and all the entities lag around.
Hmm... That's definitely server lag. :p
As I said, I don't know what the issue could be. I don't think it's something with Colony; maybe try with a different mod pack and see what happens. Have you tried installing fastcraft on the server? You don't need to have it on your client. If that doesn't work, post in the tech support forum.
Just out of curiosity, what do you think of the recent update (applies to others as well)?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm... That's definitely server lag. :p
As I said, I don't know what the issue could be. I don't think it's something with Colony; maybe try with a different mod pack and see what happens. Have you tried installing fastcraft on the server? You don't need to have it on your client. If that doesn't work, post in the tech support forum.
Just out of curiosity, what do you think of the recent update (applies to others as well)?
I tried out another pack, and it worked just fine. I updated the pack, added fastcraft, turned off aroma backup (because I read that may have been the issue), and tried with a new world. None of that seems to have changed the CPU usage. It is still stuck at 250% usage.

I haven't gotten to try out the new update yet, sorry!
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