[1.7.10]Modular Mayhem

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Have you checked to see if the Key is part of the loot tables?

I have, but NEI says it has only it's crafting'recipe, for which you need to find a kontron-crystal.
I checked the loot-table for these pneumaticcraft nuke-virus, which seems the most common you find in many chests.
So not sure if the crystal was moved to a very special loot-table in which the nuke-virus not appears, but at the moment it seems like an update removed the crystal to be found. That's why I'm asking to make sure if that's the case or if it was made really rare on purpose.

Clicking on the crystal in NEI shows nothing. But since the tardis recipes are not shown in NEI, I'm wondering if that counts for loot-tables, too
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Unless it's now a boss drop? That would both suck, and be reasonably balanced. Want the magic flight box? All you have to do is kill the Wither.
Unless it's now a boss drop? That would both suck, and be reasonably balanced. Want the magic flight box? All you have to do is kill the Wither.

Tested it in an extra world (in my playthrough I'm still a bit away of being able to fight a wither ^^), wither doesn't seem to drop it, tested on killing 5 withers.
So unless it's a very rare drop or the enderdragon drops it, it doesn't seem to be a boss'drop.

Though difficult to say for me, since I don't have the technical knowledge of looking into config files or where these tables are put in.
The reason I'm asking here to see if it really is my bad luck of not finding one or if there went something wrong and I should just cheat in the first kontron crystal.
Been playing the pack again after my break and started a new world (gone the Magneticraft-way this time, this mod is so much fun!)

One question about Tardis:
Was the kontron-crystal taken out of the loot-table?

In my old world (which was version 1.14 or so, so a bit older) I found them quiet often. Now after several hidden strongholds, burrows and such I havn't found one yet and then I noticed that the crystals don't appear in these loot-tables you can see through NEI. Not sure if they are not part of the NEI-loottables, so wanted to make sure it's not something that went wrong.

Unless the tardis-mod changed it's way of how to achieve your first key to it.
Bugged in the current version in the pack. I'll fix that when I have the time to update
Sorry, Modular Mayhem 1.21 is now live on Curse. Lots of mod updates, including a fix for Silent Gem's fluffy puff crash and the TARDIS mod's kontron crystals.
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Sorry, Modular Mayhem 1.21 is now live on Curse. Lots of mod updates, including a fix for Silent Gem's fluffy puff crash and the TARDIS mod's kontron crystals.

Thank you!
And absolutely no reason to apologize, else it makes me feel bad to have asked after such a long time not playing xD

And I finally know what happens when you forget to put tritanium-platings into the replicator... ugh I will never ever forget them again!
Totally working with the mods I don't know yet is really fun... wonder when I will dare to look into nuclear-craft. So worried that I might end blowing up my whole base in a nuclear explosion x.x
(guess I try it out far away from my base first *smirks*)
Thanks for the fix.

Nuclearcraft doesn't seem so bad. Lensmanoz did a perfectly stable 3x3, with 18 fuel bits and 9 cooling things, and it generated a lot of juice, without ever exploding.
Thanks for the fix.

Nuclearcraft doesn't seem so bad. Lensmanoz did a perfectly stable 3x3, with 18 fuel bits and 9 cooling things, and it generated a lot of juice, without ever exploding.
I didn't know NC was added to this pack.

I've been monitoring its development closely; I chat with the dev periodically. Some nice things are coming down the pipe, such as particle accelerators, actively cooled reactors and a more emergent fuel rod implementation.

Also: its impossible to blow up a reactor in NC so long as you check its heat generation before you flip the switch.

Also also: you can really take advantage of the heat mechanics if you want to by generating what I've dubbed a "pulse reactor": It runs (way) above the heat safety threshold, but flips on and off via redstone signals to keep the heat levels down. This lets you squeeze more power out per fuel if efficiency is important to you.
Thanks for the fix.

Nuclearcraft doesn't seem so bad. Lensmanoz did a perfectly stable 3x3, with 18 fuel bits and 9 cooling things, and it generated a lot of juice, without ever exploding.

I did see that video - in the current public release, the only place you need, or really should have the fuel cell compartment blocks is right down the middle of the reactor interior - the other 15 he had were doing nothing. The other spaces are for coolant, graphite, speed upgrades etc. I planned to make a full spotlight, explaining everything in detail so that people could understand the mod fully, but recently I've had a lot of work to do - my A-levels are coming up, after all! I still hope to do this as soon as I can. The mod is quite complex underneath, so I really want to shed some light on the less obvious things (i.e. everything :P).
The mod will, in principle, really start to take a new direction over the next few versions and hopefully introduce things that have not been seen in the game before, or at least introduce new concepts and tech. This starts with the addition of particle accelerators and colliders afterwards, and there will definitely be a lot of quantum mechanics-oriented additions, which I can't wait to get to. As Pyure says though, I'm first working on fleshing out the fission and fusion a bit more, effectively making them more flexible, so that I can leave it for a bit and feel happy with them.
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Uh... read a bit into Nuclearcraft... I guess I need to test alot once I reach the fusion-reactor-age. Looks quiet complicated, but fun to test around (as least until I have to run and scream before seeing it explode :D )

Still working alot with magneticraft and I just love this mod so much. Used a ore-processing-layout I found in a reddit-post, cause it shows so nicely just how big this process becomes (I really begin to love complex systems... as long as I don't need to write programs, heh).
Having a ~36 blocks long processing plant looks so much more interessting than 2 blocks and that's it. *smirks*

One thing I'm wondering: Anyone knows how much oil you can get out of an oil-source?
With the one I'm working on at the moment I already got like 8 drums full of oil and these numbers of the magneticraft-tool for finding oil don't go down at all. Unless I missunderstand these numbers.
So slowly wondering if it's worth to create some sort of railcraft transport for the oil or if it would be wasted time on the long run and I better wait for a tesseract.

So all in all a big, giant thanks to Iskandar for this modpack. It's so much fun playing around with all these mods I hardly knew before :D

And after finding a nice tutorial to nuclearcraft I think I will start soon with it... once I get more iron. Everything eats so much iron x.x

And the maker of the tutorial-video made me realize again: I need to force myself to build more overground... I just make too many simple rooms underground again xD
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I've not quite determined the upper limit to how much you can pull out of an oil source. I've filled a couple of drums worth. (I love the fact I can sell it for emeralds with Pneaumaticraft.

Personally, I always prefer rails over Tesseracts. Except for moving power, because there's no rail based power system, except for dragging fuel to the point of generation.
I usually try to avoid using tesseracts, too. Mainly using them for moving power, where I would have trouble with laying nice setups of other power-transfer-systems or when the distance is just too big to keep all the way chunkloaded (still trying to figure out the railcraft-minecart-chunkloader or the one from steve's carts...)

Just from another modpack I played quiet a while ago I remember that whenever I set up another system for oil, the oil-source was empty and I had to work towards the next one. Not sure if I was unlucky with finding only small-sized oil sources (were the ones from Buildcraft) but after the third time I just used a tesseract ^^"

Wondered about having a giant pipe-system... but for that I would have to even more work with alot of chunks to be loaded. Since I hardly found any magneticraft-oil sources near me... yet. This 3x3 range of the prospector is really not that helpful with finding the oil (you 'can' find oil with it, but you need to pretty much search chunk by chunk for being effective with it)
I do tend to like Extra Utilities transfer nodes for wireless power. Removes the temptation to just teleport things, and they transport moderate quantities of power.

Having constructed a four thousand block long oil train line, I can safely say Buildcraft oil sources tend to be microscopic. Mostly you get small oil pools on the surface that do not contain huge amounts of oil. For best results, you want geysers on mountains. Geysers have pretty massive underground reservoirs, instead of the small surface pools.

Railcraft anchor carts load a 3x1 in the direction of travel of the cart. So it's most effective on long straight tracks. Though I have had to set them up in the middle of long trains and on either end of my massive quarry trains on occasion. Use a 3x3 size dimensional anchor on corners if you have long trains, or it'll get jammed there. I also tend to set my pumps up as close to the tracks as possible, so I can have the train load the pump while it's in the station being loaded, and then when it drives off, the pump is no longer loaded. Unless it's prohibitively far from where I can reasonably park a train. I also disable fuel in the RC config, since I am not on a server and don't have to worry about leaving system resources for other people.

For Modular Mayhem, you're not looking for oil sources. You're looking for small pools of Magneticraft oil on the surface. Then you use the prospector around the edge of the pool to find the best place to lay down the pumpjack.
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Thanks for the tipps.
Still havn't gone far into Railcraft and long trains and what you can do with it. Usually I loose motivation to play before reaching that point :( luckily this seems not the case with this modpack, so still alot to learn.

For magneticraft oil: I tried finding these oil-places, but only found two spaces where "Tar" was visible on the ground, which seems an oil-indicator, too. Just from running around and using the prospector every few blocks I found a few more oil-spaces, but that was far away from my base. Still have to do the same around my base, maybe I find more oil this way.
It's just that you need alot of luck, or patience to really search chunk by chunk for the oil. So I'm quiet happy, that it seems to hold a while, once you find an oil source. And using these long-range-energy-transport things from magneticraft (I hate forgetting names!) actually looks good, too :D
Just on a long distance I might use tesseract or these energy nodes for at least power. Have to figure out how this wireless power of extra utilities work. Never worked with it yet.
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Railcraft is one of those awesome mods that doesn't see enough use. Too many people want that instant movement, or are on a server that can't handle having trains and such. I actually did a video showing off one of my rail networks. That one's from Monster though, which is good because the 1.7.10 version fixed a few power problems the locomotives had. IE, they just plain weren't strong enough for the size of train I was using. 14 carts was a bit of an annoying limit.

I ended up gliding around with my power suit until I found an oil pool, and then punching down from that. Basically swooping from tree top to tree top watching the map for black spots. Since I had Chromaticraft disabled, I wasn't getting false positives from Pylons.

It's not really hard. Just two energy nodes, and the ender transmitter and receiver. One on each end and blam, instant power anywhere. You can technically name them in an anvil if you're on a server, but I never bothered. It defaults to public, and I think you can have multiple power sources feeding in. Haven't tried out the long distance mag craft things yet.

I kind of stalled out of Mod Mayhem on my second world, just the sheer done-it-ness of the first world. Might be time to give it another go at it. I'm just going to flat out drop Chromaticraft. I keep trying to play with it and just... I can't do it. It's just so boring. And if I'm not using it, there's no reason to have it in.
Railcraft always looked so very complex for me. With all the signals and so.
But seeing your video (what you built looks really great! Confusing, but great :D) I think I really should slowly get my fear away and learn to use it. Seems like you really can do alot with it... if you understand how it works ^^"

Powersuit... *cough* I'm still running around in no armor or armor I found. I blame the iron, need so much for all the machines that I had no extra yet for actually making things for myself.

Good thing is, my first line of ore processing works now, at least to the dust. Still need to decide on a furnace and then work towards the second line. With so many extra ores in the pack all the sorting that the machines don't get stuck sure takes a bit of work. Could have used transfer nodes... but with inserters and conveyer belts it looks just too nice :)

I actually like chromaticraft, though I hardly have advanced much in it yet (up to the third tier of crafting). The progression is very very slow and you need to explore alot to actually really get going with it. A difficult thing for someone like me, who usually stays in one place unless forced to leave my base. *smirks*
It's really a complicated mod, especially since you don't have many ways of 'really' making it easier (like crystall-finding... the drop'rate of the crystal-flowers seems horrible low), but I kind of begin to love such mods, which force me to change my usual playstyle a bit.
So far most of the mods in the pack really keeps me going and defend me from getting demotivated.

Thanks for explaining this wireless power. I only saw a video to it once - like one year ago or so - which looks complicated, like you needed more receivers to get more power going but only one transmitter or something like that. It looked confusing, so I usually used the "easier" tesseracts, even though trying to make enderium can be quiet annoying.

*laughs* Hope I don't babble too much at the moment.
Yeah, Signals are something that's very simple once you start playing with them, but until you play with them, you'll never understand them. I watched a dozen videos on them, but until I actually started using them, they were a complete mystery.

You can also use the ExU hang-glider, but I like the ability to leap around with the powersuit legs as well. It's a little frustrating trying to leap and turn on the ExU glider at the same time.

What ore processing are you using? I usually setup Engineer's Toolbox as my early processing, and then switch up to Magneticraft once I've found tungsten. I wanted to use conveyors and inserters, but I didn't get around to Magneticraft plastic, and so I ended up using AE busses.

Chromaticraft feels too much like TC3. You spend huge amounts of time and resources guessing what the next thing you need to do is. Or hoping you stumble across that one clue you need to figure it out. I usually start building the T2 altar, and realize that it's not worth it. Essentialcraft is far more interesting, if only because I don't have to dig into the mod, and I can simply use the baubles without any more investment. Guaranteed double drops from diamonds and Silent's Gems? Yes of course. Or double damage which seems to work with the MO Phasers without issue.

I believe there's a transfer limit on a receiving node, but for most purposes it's not necessary. Chances are you'll set up anything that requires large amounts of power in your base, or you can afford multiple receivers. I typically wait until I find the end to make more, but by then, I've got all the pearls I need for more.