[1.7.10]Modular Mayhem

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For painful loss, as I understand it, you need to increase your internal lumen storage (AKA what you get with the wand pointed at the pylons) to a certain point; over 4000, if memory serves; and then die to a pylon. Maybe it's die in any way, once you have those lumens (better make it over ~12000 to be safe), but I'd die to a pylon to make sure it doesn't go wrong.

Edit: The hard part, assuming you have quick easy access to a pylon of each color, is not dying to those pylons while you DON'T have enough power, because each time you die your progress keeps getting reset to ~32. Which is hardly enough for the achievement, trust me.
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And 1.16 is live on Curse. FTB, as usual, is taking a little longer.

Advanced Generators 0.19.121
Another one Bites the Dust 2.9.0
Fancy Fluid Storage 1.3.7
Hydraulicraft 2.1.249
Immersive Engineering
Iron Backpacks 1.2.15
Magneticraft 0.6.1-final
Matter Overdrive 0.4.1
Modular Powersuits
PneumaticCraft 1.12.4-147
Router Reborn
Silent's Gems 1.3..9-164
Storage Drawers 1.7.6
Storage Drawers: Misc Pack 1.1.1

Wirsbo's version of Better Rain by the version of the new maintainer, OreCrusher (somewhat experimental)

Plus a few new rooms for the TARDIS
So, I suggested it in the comments of S2E2 of your LP, Iskandar, but I'll suggest it here too.

In E3, you should start Aura Cascade. You should have started with the Encyclopedia Aura, yes?
On the left hand side is a quests-like tab. It's very glitchy, showing some completed quests as incomplete sometimes and then not giving rewards when completing some others, but it's a helpful start.

First thing you'll want to make is a Cascading Processor, a Burning Pump, 3 Aura Nodes, and a couple Aura crystals. Stick a node on the ground, the processor and the pump next to that. Make a cobble stack about 5 high, and use it to put one node directly above the lower node, and a second above the pump. Use the crystals on any node. When you want to double some ores, throw them on the ground near the processor, throw a piece of coal next to the pump, and come back in 5 minutes.

Step 2: Passive power.
This isn't something covered in the Encyclopedia Aura. You'll need violet aura crystals, a shit-ton of aura nodes, and some dye, wool and iron.
Use the dye, wool, and iron to make 4 conserving aura nodes, and 1 aura capacitor. Once you have these, remove the pump and nodes by your processor, except for the one right next to it. 15 levels above the node, place a node (it's the farthest they'll connect). Put nodes in all 4 directions of the upper node (making a horizontal + out of 5 nodes). Then make 4 or more layers of those + shapes above that (touching is fine). That's 25 or more nodes, by the way. At the top, put the capacitor above the middle, the conserving nodes next to it (for another + shape), then put 4 more nodes to make that top most layer into a square. Set the capacitor to 100 (I think; this was not my own research), and put a violet aura crystal into one of the conserving nodes. The violet aura will trickle down, expanding and multiplying into some thousand aura by the bottom, which will then fall the 15 levels into your bottom node, producing amazing power amounts, requiring no coal.
Of course, in order to make all this... you need about (just guessing because I don't have the recipes here) 30 gold ingots, 60 iron ingots, 11 dyes, 10 wool, and however much coal was needed to process that. You could cut it down to just the top layer, and remove the 25 nodes in between, but you'd have to move the top layer if you decided to add more and you'd only get about 1500 aura per second.
Just encountered some weirdness. While attempting to craft some booster track for my mine. (It's a long way down.) Clicking on the reinforced booster (+25% speed is worth it.), I get the entire recipe list for plain rail. Anything you can craft with it. The only way to get the reinforced booster recipe is to click uses on the reinforced rails themselves.

Weird because it didn't happen before Railcraft became officially part of the pack. Just me?
1.17 is now live on Curse, FTB coming soon-ish:

Modular Powersuits
NuclearCraft 1.6a
PneumaticCraft 1.12.5-148
Storage Drawers 1.7.7

Better Rain (stability issues)

Many new rooms/corridors for the TARDIS

(I suspect I'm about the only who still cares for this pack. Oh well)
Not just you, but the pack stabilized out so well there's almost no issues remaining. On the other hand, I reached the point where I'm merely sitting in my base, waiting for resources. So I wandered off to play Space Astronomy for a while.
I'm aware of it. I'm the guy that found the fix for it.
Edit: 1.17.1 is the patched version on Curse, Modular Mayhem 1.17 on FTB hadn't been accepted yet, so I justy made the change directly to it.
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Have you considered adding either Aroma's Mining Dimension to Mod Mayhem? Or Twilight Forest? The former is just a nice place to mine, and is only one dimension. And the latter adds somewhere to use all these fun toys. I've considered adding Twilight Forest on my own, for no reason other than to run around the mazes Plasma Shotgunning everything.

On the other hand, after playing Space Astronomy for a bit, I'm missing Magneticraft and the Phaser Rifle very, very badly. On the other hand, I lucked into a beach right beside a deep ocean. So I'm living on the floor of a lagoon at the moment.

I might try Mega-training Modular Mayhem. (One cart completely full of every item Modular Mayhem has to offer.) I suspect if it moves at all, it'll need something like 60 locomotives to pull it.
I just put Immersive Engineering Bauxite through the AE2 grindstone and got out Magneticraft Aluminum Powder, which can only be smelted in an Arc Furnace. Ummm... I don't think that's supposed to happen. Chromaticraft is more enjoyable than last time I played, though I'm still in that awkward early phase where I can't quite double things or set up any automation and so it's hard to do anything with CC.

I think this goal is a bit too big. Unless someone knows a good Desert seed. Preferably big and flat.
I just put Immersive Engineering Bauxite through the AE2 grindstone and got out Magneticraft Aluminum Powder, which can only be smelted in an Arc Furnace. Ummm... I don't think that's supposed to happen. Chromaticraft is more enjoyable than last time I played, though I'm still in that awkward early phase where I can't quite double things or set up any automation and so it's hard to do anything with CC.

I think this goal is a bit too big. Unless someone knows a good Desert seed. Preferably big and flat.
People have odd ideas how to spell aluminum is why that happened. I'll have to correct the oredict in the next version. Which will be soon.
Ah, sweet. Did any of your custom excavator recipes include Tungsten? I've found one after two hours of mining.
Yes. And, oddly, the dratted thing isn't following the ore dictionary like it should. Ok, fine. Let's try plan B...

And there, that problem is squashed with extreme prejudice.
Subtlety, thy name is Iskandar. :D

Is there any trick to finding the deep Chromaticraft things? Or is it just Ender Quarry+World Hole?
Been playing the pack again after my break and started a new world (gone the Magneticraft-way this time, this mod is so much fun!)

One question about Tardis:
Was the kontron-crystal taken out of the loot-table?

In my old world (which was version 1.14 or so, so a bit older) I found them quiet often. Now after several hidden strongholds, burrows and such I havn't found one yet and then I noticed that the crystals don't appear in these loot-tables you can see through NEI. Not sure if they are not part of the NEI-loottables, so wanted to make sure it's not something that went wrong.

Unless the tardis-mod changed it's way of how to achieve your first key to it.