[1.7.10]Modular Mayhem

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A couple of questions before I start a server running this...

- I see you don't have RotaryCraft, although you're not avoiding Reika's mods entirely. Given the way it works, I would have thought it fit well with the pack's style... any reason you're avoiding it?

- I've had some very bad experiences with GalactiCraft, and refuse to have it on my server. What will I break by removing it?

- Electrical Age seems like another mod which would fit well with the pack's style, and it certainly isn't overpowered. (Unlike Rotarycraft? :p) I'm one of the mod's main developers, so if you mention anything that's stopping you from adding it, you may find that it magically fixes itself. Minetweaker support is one such problem, obviously; already working on that one.

- Am I likely to break anything by using Realistic Terrain Gen, other than the ChromatiCraft structure generation? (I already have a solution in mind for that one.)

- Botania? It's pretty much a tech mod, I think, and certainly modular. Aura Cascade, ditto? Just wondering about your thoughts, as I'm likely to add them on my own. Well, maybe not Aura Cascade; it looks more interesting on paper than it might perhaps be in practice.

Anything else I should know, relating to running it on a server long-term?
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Aura Cascade is already in the pack. As long as you make sure to remove any child mods, Galacticraft should be fine to pull. This isn't an HQM where everything is interdependant on everything else and any little tweak chain-reacts to destroy every other mod in the pack.

Can't stand RTG myself, but I can't think of any issues. Unless it turns out it messes with oregen, but I don't think it should.

Botania is almost entirely magic blocks and very few multi-block anything. Plus it's primarily a magic mod, even if it works like a tech mod, and he was intentionally avoiding those. (Chromaticraft aside.)

Never played with electrical age. Is it modular? Does it have Multiblocks?
Electrical Age doesn't have multiblocks, in the usual sense of "Place these blocks in this exact position". It's *very* modular, to the point that you can't do anything at all with a single block of any kind, but that's as much a consequence of what it does than deliberate design.

It's a full simulation of DC electricity, using an MNA solver, so naturally you can't do anything with a single block. A minimalistic power system will include a battery, a ground cable, a (heat turbine + heat furnace + cooling fan) or 4 solar panels and a second ground cable, a ton of cables, and possibly a voltage probe to control the heat furnace if you want to automate powergen. It grows from there.

To date, in addition to the DC power simulation, it also has:

- A mechanical shaft simulation, for steam/gas turbines and generators, flywheels, dynamometers, etc... think "Rotarycraft", but a fair bit more realistic. They still explode if overspeeding, though.

- Signals, which are an EA-native replacement for redstone, carrying floating-point (0-1) instead of discrete values. There are conversion blocks, as well as various logic blocks and a programmable signal processor. And screens--data loggers graphing at configurable intervals. Very handy.

- An autominer. This is a single magic block, but the power demand means the system powering it decidedly is not. I've been meaning to fix that, though in the meantime, it works well with Magneticraft conveyor belts. It does have what's probably the prettiest graphics I've seen on any automaker. (Didn't build it myself.)

- Macerator, plate machine, magnetizer, compressor... the usuals. These are single blocks. I might do something about those as well, but that'll be after the 1.10 port.

- Some underpowered personal tools and (rechargeable) armor. And an x-ray scanner for ores, which is very handy for vein-style ore-gen. Probably not so much here.

- A heat transfer simulation. Currently used by the heat furnaces, as well as cables and such; they fail if they overheat. Or if you put too-high a voltage on them. Getting the system to work without exploding takes a lot of learning, so I encourage people to turn explosions off; the machines and cables will still pop off and drop as items, which is usually punishment enough.

- A native microblock system. It doesn't interoperate with Forge microblocks, but EA blocks come in two variants: Larger machines are full-block, but for the smaller ones, you can place up to 6 inside a single block. (In theory, though that'd leave you with no way to get in or out.)

That's about all for now, I guess. You can find some screenshots at https://electrical-age.net. Usually I'd drop some from my own base, but my home server is broken atm, so.. eh, later.

Electrical Age can be a surprisingly useful way to generate power, but the learning curve is brutal. It matches real-life electricity very well, though; to the point that it's used for teaching in a few schools, I believe. If you already know how high-power DC works, you won't have any issues.

With power poles (which are still in development), it features what's possibly the best way to transfer power long-distance in all of mod-land, ignoring dimensional transceivers and other such cheaty blocks. There's no way to convert RF to EA, though, only EA to RF (and IC2), which occasionally leaves people wondering...
My bad, I should have said FTB thread specifically (I don't wander onto the MC forum unless I really have to...but I guess that's my answer :p)
Change the pack as you need to. Be careful of other biome mods as they can and will break Chromaticraft structure gen, something that should be tested before starting a world you want to keep. I designed this pack to be very easy going with no enforced anything. That said, checking my Minetweaker scripts when removing mods is advised to avoid breaking them entirely. There are some needed bug fixes in there.

I really need to do a mod update run through on this pack. I never meant to be away this long but I haven't been able to think for the last few months. Life is getting easier, but I'm still only somewhat capable of devoting much of any time to anything else.
Hmm... okay, so modular rather than multi-block. EA to RF only is a bit of a pain, but entirely reasonable, given the stupid ease of RF generation. Railcraft finally added a Flux cart, so moving it long distance without cheaty blocks is possible. (It's ludicrously heavy, and should reasonably require multiple locomotives if you want anything resembling FAST.) Perhaps one of your own.

Fortunately, with the more or less end of the development cycle of 1.7.10, you should only have to do one more pass and then call it finished. Then perhaps a 1.10 version of Crash Landing? :D

Seriously though, glad you've got a chance to breath again a bit.
Go relax Iskandar. We're not pushing on you here. You're a great packer, and we don't want you to burn out early. We get it that life is unpredictable; don't let the little kids get to you when they whine about updates.

We'll be waiting for you.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk
Take as long as you need; glad to know you're alive, though. ;) But seriously, take it easy, it wouldn't do at all if you overworked yourself to actual death.
I've got a server started, and so far it's working pretty well. This is probably the most modifications I've made to a pack in some time, though, so I can't quite say it's Modular Mayhem anymore. :)

But as part of that, I updated every mod in the pack to the newest version released. Or, rather, I wrote a script to do so for me. It wasn't difficult--and you can do approximately the same thing with the Curse launcher, which I refuse to touch--but there were a couple glitches. Let's see...

- We've seen a few Hydraulicraft crashes. Those are probably just bugs in Hydraulicraft, which I'll be reporting upstream once I've tracked them down.
- I had to remove the ComputerCraft APIs from Engineer's Toolbox and TardisMod, as they were out of date and caused ChromatiCraft to crash. I think that'd be fine even if we included ComputerCraft -- mods aren't really supposed to bundle APIs -- but since you don't, it isn't an issue. That just means 'zip -dr dan200' on the jars.
- There's an incompatibility between the current (Revision 3) AE2 version and, again, Reika's mods. So I pinned it to the most recent stable Rv2 version. Probably a good idea anyway.

...yeah, that's about it. You can read the full (executable) pack description at https://github.com/Erisia/builder/blob/master/default.nix#L124, but the rest of that is just local modifications.
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Yeah. I keep meaning to do a mod update run through, but life outside of Minecraft currently has priority. Doesn't stop me from feeling fairly guilty about it. Honestly, Modular Mayhem isn't that bad off, it's Atonement that really needs my attention at this point. Sigh.
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Don't feel bad, I hardly get any serious time working on Jumper, and when I do, I feel like doing something else.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk
Modular Mayhem is updated, but requires play testing before release. Engineer's Toolbox is gone, reluctantly, and a huge slew of mod updates.

If this passes play testing I'll upload it ASAP. Playtesting will be slow, though, so it might be a day or three yet.
Have to buzz EMasher, but he hasn't updated the mod for a while. I'll go and see later tonight if he uses a Github repo for it.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk
Yeah, he bundled a few mod APIs in it and that is starting to cause problems that I can't easily fix.
Okay, now I'm curious. Usually it's just Core, but I know from experience that if one adds a bunch of dependencies, you'd better make most of them optional.

Sent from my Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron using Tapatalk
Ah. I think he does have a GitHub, but I know there's a topic on these forums for it. Then again, he might have moved to 1.10. Last I knew he'd done microcontrollers, and went to have a lie down because it was such a monster.

Fair enough. At least you're consistent about your rules. Not all authors are.
Yeah, ET bundled Computer Craft's API in with the mod itself, which is a no no for exactly this reason. The API loads regardless of whether CC is present or now....and since it is so out of date other mods that try to hook into it crash and burn. I could manually yank the API out of ET....except the way Curse handles packs I can't.