[1.7.10]Modular Mayhem

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Ah, thank you alot for this hint :)
This will help until I found a way to better work with it or resettle the villagers. *goes back to mechanic-learning*
if you can make the time space equalizer and torch around the node. spawning mobs can get pulled in and make node bigger. its about 100 hp absorbed = 1 cobble so its nothing crazy. also from what ive gathered with mine they cant spawn within ~12 blocks from the node.
just found a bug. cant make the big batteries from Zetta Industries because we dont have access to the sawmill or pulverizer to get sawdust or compressed sawdust.
just found a bug. cant make the big batteries from Zetta Industries because we dont have access to the sawmill or pulverizer to get sawdust or compressed sawdust.

IE crusher I believe makes sawdust, just throw logs or planks (don't remember which) in it.
End of last page: Iskandar is aware, next version will have sawmill and crusher recipe restored to facilitate sawdust production.
ah, missed that on the last page. thanks

Yeah. In one of the latest updates IE broke that recipe. I've made BluSunrize aware and that will be fixed in the next version. Meanwhile I've gone ahead and force fixed it via Minetweaker and will be including that in the next update. In the meantime: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46780505/Tweaks.zs

Replacing the version in your minecraft/scripts with that will fix it until I can get the next update out.
I just turned the Sawmill on manually. But that's more because it has no convenient replacement.

Also, ME Transformers are at least as power hungry as Quantum Bridges it seems.
Thanks for the hint about the blackhole eating mobs, too.
So far it luckily doesn't seem to expand at all, it's still sitting in it's little 1x1x1 hole doing nothing but trying to pull me towards it when I'm around.
Slowly getting to the point where I can craft a first stabilizer to bring it under controll before it decides to get out of control ^^"


Love the modpack so far, all the "Ah well, I know this and just do it the way I know to gather resssources"-ways I know (from thermal expansion and extra utilities) are proofed to be disabled, forcing me to use new ways. Makes me really happy :D
(I'm always too lazy in the "Well just for the ressource-gathering..."-part of modpacks, so tend to usually go the easiest way)

A recipe things I noticed:

The "Return Home Charm" of Silent's Gems. Since the recipe for the teleporter is disabled, the charms are pretty useless, so maybe disable their recipes, too? (because they seem to only be linkable to teleporters, unless I oversaw something about them...)
(I almost crafted one, luckily noticed the lack of teleporter-recipes before I did that ^^)
Holy snozzberries. So. to make biodiesel at top speed you need to produce 1 seed a second to feed the squeezer and 1 sugar cane/watermelon slice a second for the fermenter. This takes 2 huge farms plus more as has been seen in my Let's Play. Or, well, 8 temporal dirt from the TARDIS mod. 2 temporal dirt will grow hemp faster than a block breaker can break them, and 6 temporal dirt will grow melons or sugar cane at the same rate, maybe less. I'm still tuning that side of things. I am, in effect, producing 4,000 RF from 8 plants. Just, well, wow. Mind, the infrastructure behind all that takes a bit to set up, but I think I just solved my RF needs for a bit.
Wow that's some crazy rates of growth, you could possibly get it even smaller with annihilation planes too, maybe even down to 1 of each crop, awesome.
with farms in mind, anyone know a good obsidian farm? besides fluid formation planes placing lava into running water then annihilating it. i need roughly 4000 (if not more) obsidian upgrades for my storage drawers system. 4 per drawer + status lvl2. my quarry only ended up getting about 100 in an 80x80 area so i need a different route.
with farms in mind, anyone know a good obsidian farm? besides fluid formation planes placing lava into running water then annihilating it. i need roughly 4000 (if not more) obsidian upgrades for my storage drawers system. 4 per drawer + status lvl2. my quarry only ended up getting about 100 in an 80x80 area so i need a different route.

What on earth are you doing that you need that many storage drawers?

That said, Matter Overdrive. As many replicators as you can power with speed upgrades backed up by a matter decomposer eating cobble for the needed matter plasma.
What on earth are you doing that you need that many storage drawers?

That said, Matter Overdrive. As many replicators as you can power with speed upgrades backed up by a matter decomposer eating cobble for the needed matter plasma.
instead of AE late game im doing storage drawers systems accessed by AE storage busses along with other stuff.
This pack looks very interesting.

Is there any non-video getting started guide? Or any one want to share their "my first 5 days in Modular Mayhem"?

It's very much like vanilla to start with. I actually found Certus Quartz just inside a cave mouth and got enough to make a pick out of that, jumping straight to the Iron age. From there, I moved into a village. I actually took over and have been slowly expanding the Blacksmith shop. The next step was the standard stockpile a bunch of ores. I went with Engineer's Toolbox for ore processing for two reasons. One, it's very simple, and two, it's cheap on iron. (Cheap-ish.) It does require emery however.

I disabled Chromaticraft, but if you've left it in, you're going to want to start that straight away, since it seems to take a while to get into unless you're lucky. If you're lucky and find some Tungsten, I recommend getting a Magneticraft Jackhammer, charger and some batteries. Those things last forever.
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It's very much like vanilla to start with. I actually found Certus Quartz just inside a cave mouth and got enough to make a pick out of that, jumping straight to the Iron age. From there, I moved into a village. I actually took over and have been slowly expanding the Blacksmith shop. The next step was the standard stockpile a bunch of ores. I went with Engineer's Toolbox for ore processing for two reasons. One, it's very simple, and two, it's cheap on iron. (Cheap-ish.) It does require emery however.

I disabled Chromaticraft, but if you've left it in, you're going to want to start that straight away, since it seems to take a while to get into unless you're lucky. If you're lucky and find some Tungsten, I recommend getting a Magneticraft Jackhammer, charger and some batteries. Those things last forever.

Thanks for the tips.

Now I have more questions:
1. Does Engineer's Toolbox still required glowstones for basic module?
2. You mentioned "Iron Age", is there a mod for progression through ages?

Thanks for the tips.

Now I have more questions:
1. Does Engineer's Toolbox still required glowstones for basic module?
2. You mentioned "Iron Age", is there a mod for progression through ages?

they way i would start IF YOU WANT TO PROGRESS REALLY FAST
day 1: lots of wood, stone, 3 cirtus, iron, copper, tin, and some food. during the night if you found cirtus make a bronze pick using the tin and copper. if you got bronze make a mineshaft to about Y: 8-11 and get boron. this can all be done before the "Dawn of the 2nd Day" (haha majora's mask joke) from there its your call but i like magneticraft and silent's gems with either storage drawers or router reborn for storage.

if you want to go slow, find a nice place to live, make a good hidey hole from the zombies, get food setup and some storage drawers. tons of ways to start but it all really starts like normal minecraft. engineer's toolbox still requires glowstone and "iron age" refers to progressing past stone tools to mainly iron tools.
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Requires glowstone, but being able to jump straight to the ability to mine diamond with Certus Quartz tools means a Nether Portal is much much closer.

Is it intended that the Fusion Reactor controller for Matter Overdrive requires Essential Craft 3 Magically Fortified Glass, instead of the Tritanium glass I assume it was intended to use?

Does the Essential Craft 3 damage doubling amulet work on the Phaser Rifle? I can't tell.
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A part of the stabilizer uses this EE3 glass, too. 'But' you can get it with Chisel at the moment (just turn normal glass into EE3-glass, at least NEI says it's possible, havn't done anything in matter overdrive yet...). Not sure if that is intended though. ^^'

What I noticed as good early-game-energy are the thermoelectric generators of immersive engineering. When you put 2 water and 2 lava beside it each generator produces 30RF/t (if you're lucky and find packed ice or blizz's so you can craft it, you could go for a pyrotheum+pack'ice combo which doubles this energy output).
Just careful where you put it, since lava/pyrotheum love to burn your stuff down.

Really need to find a nice tutorial for Engineer's toolbox, looks like a good mod, but I never really understood it.
(or I'm lucky and Iskander has it used in his let's play at some point, still catching up with it :D)

One question from me:
Do you 'need' pretty op'ed farms (like with temporal dirt and such things) to make a diesel-generator of immmersive engineering run at a "usuable speed"?
Whenever I see someone using the biodiesel of the mod I only ever see very "super powerful"-setups being used for sugarcane/hemp'seeds/stuff (like reinforced watering can + MFR harvester, temporal dirt, gigantic MFR'farms for the stuff).
I'm asking since I actually wanted to plan to use a few ways of farming, like steve's carts and all the nice lil drones of Hydraulicraft (so long since I played with pneumaticcraft and drones!) but I'm worried that all the work and ressources are useless when I actually want to run a diesel-generator.
Requires glowstone, but being able to jump straight to the ability to mine diamond with Certus Quartz tools means a Nether Portal is much much closer.

Is it intended that the Fusion Reactor controller for Matter Overdrive requires Essential Craft 3 Magically Fortified Glass, instead of the Tritanium glass I assume it was intended to use?

Does the Essential Craft 3 damage doubling amulet work on the Phaser Rifle? I can't tell.

No, it should be using glass. The dev doesn't understand vanilla Minecraft very well, unfortunately. He is calling the recipe using the ore dictionary "glass" whereas vanilla Minecraft glass is tagged "blockGlass" It isn't normally a problem because TiCo or Ender IO add the tag "glass" to vanilla glass, however since neither of those mod's exist here, well. It breaks down.