this is skyblock, after all. Skyblock is always grindy.
Oh, I knew what I was getting into. I don't begrudge having to bash my pickaxe into my cobblegen or painfully make a bunch of dirt and stone at the beginning.
And like I said, in terms of grind, the paradox system is very cool. I don't mind said grind, if it's presented in a fun way, which I think it currently is. And being interested in a map always does help. The story and tone of things really makes me want to keep going to solve the problem. Pointless grinding is the worst, but having that goal makes it a different beast. The issue now is really just dead time. You can't make staring at a wall fun.
although if you scout the ship you canj actually scrap alot of it into resources to speed up the beginning part.
I didn't notice the printing press. Grabbed the printer. But alas, useless. I did melt down all the carpenter's safes though. I tried a few other bits of equipment that I went scrounging for. My primary source of gold comes from monitors. And thank heavens for them! I was getting tempted to break down some of the extra Chemical Decomposers and Synthesizers into boatloads of iron, but they appear to be irreplaceable, so I'm dubious about doing so.
The laboratory blocks I didn't know about. I certainly did check them. But when they came up with nothing I didn't think of chiseling them to another form and trying again. But the plate supply suited my needs well enough. But I'll remember that for the future, since heavens knows I have like ten stacks of laboratory blocks from my destructive renovations.
I thought you couldn't decompose the pure quartz? I know I checked two of the pure quartz types during that aluminum quest. It would figure if the third was actually useful. I did indeed end up mostly using plate quartz for it though. And where I'm at, making quartz out of paradox isn't so horrible.
it is totally not required to proceed - you can see it, since we are not hiding much from you.
I guess I
was missing something. Mea culpa.
You can? It looks like it was on a direct line on the path. Maybe pull the actual icon away some or make the change the look of the quest mods slightly? It's nearly impossible to tell the difference between quest statuses as it is. They're all basically the same in colour, and they shouldn't be. You can't tell at a glance if things are opened, complete, unavailable or anything else without hovering over it. And the layout of the survival page is a bit of a mess, currently, which only makes the problem worse. The other pages seem much more sensibly set up.
During the ealry game idling time you can start preparing for the middle game - start doing your farms, maybe prepare for at least somewhat automatic mob farm... Or just fancy the place around yourself, sort your chest, organize everything etc.
Oh, I did do all that. Even coated most of the top of the ship in grass blocks to try to get animals to spawn, and other such things (no luck, just used the cards). But I still spent a lot of time wandering back and forth from my mob farm or idling the game and watching videos.
Thankfully I'm mostly past that now, I think. I'm at the point where I'm far more free to expand my paradox production, and I'm really looking forward to doing so.
In any case, as for what can be done, if you don't want to change the Paradox values. How about adding more stuff to the map that you can decompose or melt? The idea of salvaging the ship is actually pretty brilliant. The plate thing was plain cool. But I was a bit disappointed by how little variety there actually was in it. Most of the stuff that looks like it'd net you some resources is just Decocraft, which is useless. I went around smashing everything up since it looked like it totally was made of wonderous, glorious metal, but no go. And I can't imagine a lot of people will figure out you can re-chisel laboratory blocks to make them useful. Give people a reason to go around and pry some wiring or technical-looking doodads or somesuch out of the walls. Add some widgets and thingamabobs to the engine room to make it more like an engine room, and make them nabbable. Minetweak some sinks into something you can get stuff from. Just enough to speed things up a little without being a huge impact.
It might be an interesting mechanic.
Or barring that, you could convince your coder to make you a block to melt certain listed items down into paradox. That way you can turn the paradoxically personal effects of your no-longer-existent companions down into a bit of a one-time boost for the early game.