*Updated ParadoxMod to 1.2, changes:
*Custom doors intoduced
*WAILA support added
*Map Changes:
*Removed MalisisDoors from the map, not from the modpack. Reason: Lags.
*Replaced MalisisDoors with custom doors from Paradox.
*Added the /fixFramerate command, automatically deletes some DecoCraft blocks, which generate lag.
*Modlist Changes:
*Added WAILA. Reason: requests.
*Added InventoryTweaks. Reason: request.
*Added Steve's Factory Manager. Reason: not sure why that wasn't in the mospack in the first place.
*Recipe Changes:
*Division Sigil is now craftable.
*Stable Sigil is now craftable.
*SFM: Changed the Inventory Cable recipe.
*SFM: Changed the Block Manager recipe.
*EnderIO: Added lots and lots of recipes.
*Quests Changes:
*A Loggy Day: Dirt required changed from 10 to 5.
*Sugar Rush: Dirt required changed from 6 to 4.
*The power of (heart): Dirt required changed from 6 to 4.
*Wooden tools: Is now a sidequest.
*Homemade Bread: A quater of a heart is now a part of the reward.
*Much Pink, such growth: Now requires 4096 dye, instead of 16384. Is now a repeatable quest. Reward changed to be a heart+reward bags.
*Better Power: reward changed to be 3 carbon nanotubes.