[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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Popular Member
Apr 25, 2013
Kearneysville, West Virginia
The beacon might work if you poke a hole in the obsidian sphear surrounding the base.
In rotunda^4 there are a ton of chiseled diamond blocks blending in with the decorations.
A portable drive is a good way to store loot. As are chches. Or strongboxes.

I thought the bedrock might have been wider than that, but hadn't pillared up to check. It works now, so I added a couple more on the other side for complete coverage for regen at least. I decided to go with a smarter starting hammer--iron for easy repair & max out the speed after silk touch (I had originally gone with cobalt & reinforced).


Popular Member
Apr 25, 2013
Kearneysville, West Virginia
i have noticed on multiple LPs that people can have plants in the observatory with out problem but for me it seems random growth ticks are disabled anywhere but in spacial area, and if i make an automated farm i have to break it down before changing area due to some blocks lingering. so i was just wondering if the growth ticks are meant to be that way? the automation i understand the limitations of of the spacial io not to handle all blocks so not worried bout that.

You can't see the red x because the are no spawnable spaces in a mushroom island biome, but there is almost no light in the observatory. Light up your farms!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not such a pain. Kinda easy with MCedit. Click on the block or it's power cable and delete it.
Heh to late already restarted since I couldn't do squat with any GUI on any machine after that screenshot, was just like walking around as a "spectator" type of thing, could do nothing but look


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know I asked this before, I also know that I came across something while I was reading all 70 pages of this thing, but can someone link me the location for bug reports

It would be convenient if parcel could add a link to a bug tracker on the first post, if he sees this and so desires :D.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im getting massive Frame Rate Drop whenever the Miner's Delight^4 room is loaded, has anyone had this issue and know whats causing it?

Edit: F3 is showing 60 to 90 Chuck updates inside the room

I don't think it's the spawners as somebody else suggested as there are only a few, and nothing compared to say Nether Sphere^4 which causes me no issues, I've also fully lit the area, nothing is spawning, and it's still laggy. Vanilla Mining is pretty bad too (not nearly as much as MD^4 but a lot worse than everything else) and I don't think it has any spawners, but it has a similar layout and block composition (lots of ore and compressed cobble). I think the issue is related to the compressed blocks, but I don't understand why. They shouldn't be storing any more data than any other block, it's not like they are actually thousands of blocks stored in one, it's just a single block with a recipe to turn it into 9 of something else. Unless there's something else about the compressed blocks that cause lag. I almost always play with optifine but didn't see the need with such a small map, until Miner's Delight^4, installing it helped my FPS a lot, but the chunks inside are still very laggy, and for example it can take several seconds for a torch to place or block to disappear after breaking.

Anyone else notice that an Ender Pearl in an 8x Ender Generator generates a whopping 30,000 RF, same as two wood planks in the 64x Survivalist's Generator? Makes me reluctant to do much in terms of using alternate power sources if they are that nerfed. Perhaps that is the point?

I don't believe that's been nerfed at all. Ender Pearls are always about that much in an ender generator, and have never been worth using IMO. Remember the 8x is only increasing the speed it generates power, not the total power gained per item. Survivalist Generators are always amazing, but slow, which makes their 64x version that much better.

If you really hate big reactors that much, TNT Generators are pretty good since creepers drop it on this map, like 150k RF each IIRC. You are also given multiple nether star generators, including a 64x in an obvious chest later.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I thing there is a bug with potion generator (extra utilities), because I can't place any potions in the generator.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried playing this map, and it's great and all, but I feel that the difficulty is way too high, even on easy mode.

Either there's a load of spawners I can't see or natural spawns were bumped up to crazy mode because hordes of mobs tend to spawn really, really quickly in dark areas. Even one unlit block tends to create zombies, skeletons, or whatever to find me. Thus I have to be super paranoid about placing torches everywhere I see a red X, always watch my back, and always run for cover when seeing those wither arrow skeletons. I ended up skipping the dark area in Biosphere entirely due to the masses of spiders, creepers, zombies, skeletons, and witches (WTF?!) that kept attacking me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For grinding cookies go for mobs like Wither Cats, low amount (20ish?) good reward (like quintuple or smth) and you can ease the grind up using Wooden Spikes (they leave the mob at half a hart).
If you have God-like weapon with lucked out and maxed out bonuses (pure Redstone crossbow, pure Sharpness Bolts anyone?) then go for The Wither, usually the quest resets before another Wither spawns if you have the Wyld's Dream Spatial Drive.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried playing this map, and it's great and all, but I feel that the difficulty is way too high, even on easy mode.

Either there's a load of spawners I can't see or natural spawns were bumped up to crazy mode because hordes of mobs tend to spawn really, really quickly in dark areas. Even one unlit block tends to create zombies, skeletons, or whatever to find me. Thus I have to be super paranoid about placing torches everywhere I see a red X, always watch my back, and always run for cover when seeing those wither arrow skeletons. I ended up skipping the dark area in Biosphere entirely due to the masses of spiders, creepers, zombies, skeletons, and witches (WTF?!) that kept attacking me.

That's because the whole map except for the spatial chamber is a mushroombiome which doesn't allow hostile spawns.
So those mobs that normaly spawn spread out over the whole map all spawn inside the spatial chamber.

The trick is to use the overpowered weapons TiC allows. (Crossbows with redstone and bolts with quartz are insane). But even this won't be enough in lategame.
You have to "cheat". It is allowed and even necessary to do what ever it takes to complete the challenges. There is a wall in the way? break it down! You need quartz? Take the stairs in the observatory and pulverize em.
The map is decorated with chiseled Gold/Diamondblocks? snatch em and chisel them back to the usable vanilla version.
As long you don't switch to creative or spawn items in, you're playing the Map right!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea that makes sense but makes getting cookies too easy with the wolves don't worry I will exploit it on this save cause I can lol. Cookies were the last thing I needed to make flight available. Now that I have that I'm set. And only took couple of hours afk kinda occasionally looking at quest book with my auto clicker on. Cause my first epic/legendary bag gave me 20 ludicate ingots so yay.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As long you don't switch to creative or spawn items in, you're playing the Map right!
Does that include building a second spatial chamber in the mushroom biome? :p It took a looot of quartz but does let me mine out the old spatial stuff fairly easily :) No way I have the patience to dig out sand manually ^^* Sides, I don't need the reactor place...

And a note, the item buffers can't be spatially shifted. Set up your spatial area, swap the room out, pick up all the hidden stuffs and profit ^^*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Angel ring in a reward back is I think a bit op. I got it from my first legendary bag which I found in the nether sphere so still quite early game. you should maybe remove that. inclusion chamber^4 is with flight no problem at all


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tried playing this map, and it's great and all, but I feel that the difficulty is way too high, even on easy mode.

Either there's a load of spawners I can't see or natural spawns were bumped up to crazy mode because hordes of mobs tend to spawn really, really quickly in dark areas. Even one unlit block tends to create zombies, skeletons, or whatever to find me. Thus I have to be super paranoid about placing torches everywhere I see a red X, always watch my back, and always run for cover when seeing those wither arrow skeletons. I ended up skipping the dark area in Biosphere entirely due to the masses of spiders, creepers, zombies, skeletons, and witches (WTF?!) that kept attacking me.

The difficulty is good where it is IMO, It is easier now then it was before...those fallen knights in previous versions tho...

From what I've noticed in 1.0.3, playing through everything, spawners are typically right in your face or are in totally obvious spots, starting in the xxxx^4 chambers where you get hordes of mobs spawning around the reinforced obsidian stuff...basically you can't just charge in there, build walkways, use Ineffable Glass, lava etc...dump your stuff in a chest and do torch runs if you aren't playing it on HC...no shame in dying, potions are also pretty useful

I see people play this map and totally neglect ranged weapons...make a crossbow as soon as possible, I have one made out of paper, cobalt and slime with iron arrows and it does 115 damage, they also level pretty quickly

On a side note, I notice in the Deep Dark there is tons of Octuple cobble laying around, I spent a few minutes and have about 2 trillion cobble stone now


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
I tried playing this map, and it's great and all, but I feel that the difficulty is way too high, even on easy mode.

Either there's a load of spawners I can't see or natural spawns were bumped up to crazy mode because hordes of mobs tend to spawn really, really quickly in dark areas. Even one unlit block tends to create zombies, skeletons, or whatever to find me. Thus I have to be super paranoid about placing torches everywhere I see a red X, always watch my back, and always run for cover when seeing those wither arrow skeletons. I ended up skipping the dark area in Biosphere entirely due to the masses of spiders, creepers, zombies, skeletons, and witches (WTF?!) that kept attacking me.
Use other tactics to deal with the problem.
I personally entered the biosphere from the bottom, was able to make a safe hole, and kill any mobs that were attracted to me, once clear, nip in, place some torches, rinse and repeat. That easily clears the bottom level. For the middle, I climbed up the ladder, dealt with any mobs in the central area, and then blocked up the entrances. I then proceeded to pour cryorythium down the stairs, and over the pillars from the floor above. This easily denies 50-75% of possible spawn locations, and kills mobs. I then one quarter at a time, nipped out, placed torches, retreat, and repeat.

These rooms are a puzzle, work out other ways of killing mobs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For grinding cookies go for mobs like Wither Cats, low amount (20ish?) good reward (like quintuple or smth) and you can ease the grind up using Wooden Spikes (they leave the mob at half a hart).

Dimand spikes will cause mobs to drop player only drops. If that helps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And i was wondering which renewable power sources people have, since solar is not possible in the end.
Solar is possible. I had it going with the handful of x64 Solar Generators I got in a bag. The thing you need to be aware of is that the entire base in encased in an Obsidian sphere, with a bedrock "top". So if you placed the generators on top of your base, they can't see sky, so they won't generate. You'll need to find a way to climb alllllllllllll the way up and place them down there. And since it's very far, probably find a way to automate the switching between generating power and outputting it. Something like a Daylight Sensor hooked to redstone cable or something.

I thing there is a bug with potion generator (extra utilities), because I can't place any potions in the generator.
A lot of the potions you get, especially from witches, are "non-vanilla" potions, so they're not recognized by the generator. If you give it a speed potion or a heal/regen potion, it'll take it and generate power. If you try to give it a withering potion, or water-breathing potion, it won't recognize it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Angel ring in a reward back is I think a bit op. I got it from my first legendary bag which I found in the nether sphere so still quite early game. you should maybe remove that. inclusion chamber^4 is with flight no problem at all

Throw it in the lava:p Why remove it, just because you got lucky.lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ender quarry needs to be removed from this pack, hahaha, it is both funny and devastating what happens when you put it over the spatial IO place
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
New key to victory found. And it's name is florb.
Water florb. Lava florb. Glowstone florb. :D

Best way to find all the things. Use the endertech exchanger and turn everything into glass. :D
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