Haven't seen a change log, but some things are working now that didn't before. The ender io farming station will harvest & replant cocoa beans, for example. If that doesn't make you happy, steves factory manager has been added to the pack.
With poor ores gone, I decided to clear miners delight to the walls. I now have over 10k blocks of lapis. Now all I really want from vanilla mining is some diamonds & the thermal mining disc, but to find it I may have to clear that area, too. Oh, the pain of starting to level up a new hammer with silk touch, but the alternative is to use a dev null for the lapis & maybe make a 2nd 1 for the redstone.
Since this is my 2nd time through the 1st part of the map, I'm taking more time to clear resource areas & build infrastructure projects early enough to be helpful. I've even built a turbine for the big reactor. It is running with 32 blocks of electrum now, but I want to upgrade it to ludicrite before I tackle the Uuz quest. Maybe I'll farm withers for the other ludicrite recipe instead...
I have all the community area discs, but I'm still trying to decide if I want to clear them all before starting lost in time.
I think I screwed myself by turning all the magnesium from the biosphere into fertilizer. I had to cheat in a block to finish the chemistry tree quests.
I don't mind a map/pack maker showing off new, wip mods & I can wait for the bug fixes before getting into fluxed crystals too deep.
I found a legendary reward bag hidden under the floor boards. Shame the beacon I was setting up won't actually work.
I'm afraid I ate the retloh when I ran out of tuberous flux capacitors early game.
The beacon might work if you poke a hole in the obsidian sphear surrounding the base.
In rotunda^4 there are a ton of chiseled diamond blocks blending in with the decorations.
A portable drive is a good way to store loot. As are chches. Or strongboxes.