[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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Haven't seen a change log, but some things are working now that didn't before. The ender io farming station will harvest & replant cocoa beans, for example. If that doesn't make you happy, steves factory manager has been added to the pack.

With poor ores gone, I decided to clear miners delight to the walls. I now have over 10k blocks of lapis. Now all I really want from vanilla mining is some diamonds & the thermal mining disc, but to find it I may have to clear that area, too. Oh, the pain of starting to level up a new hammer with silk touch, but the alternative is to use a dev null for the lapis & maybe make a 2nd 1 for the redstone.

Since this is my 2nd time through the 1st part of the map, I'm taking more time to clear resource areas & build infrastructure projects early enough to be helpful. I've even built a turbine for the big reactor. It is running with 32 blocks of electrum now, but I want to upgrade it to ludicrite before I tackle the Uuz quest. Maybe I'll farm withers for the other ludicrite recipe instead...

I have all the community area discs, but I'm still trying to decide if I want to clear them all before starting lost in time.

I think I screwed myself by turning all the magnesium from the biosphere into fertilizer. I had to cheat in a block to finish the chemistry tree quests.

I don't mind a map/pack maker showing off new, wip mods & I can wait for the bug fixes before getting into fluxed crystals too deep.

I found a legendary reward bag hidden under the floor boards. Shame the beacon I was setting up won't actually work.

I'm afraid I ate the retloh when I ran out of tuberous flux capacitors early game.

The beacon might work if you poke a hole in the obsidian sphear surrounding the base.
In rotunda^4 there are a ton of chiseled diamond blocks blending in with the decorations.
A portable drive is a good way to store loot. As are chches. Or strongboxes.
Hyper active spawners. I use the divide and conquer gameplay style. Go in from the roof, divide the rooms in smaller sections. Clean out each smaller section and lighting it up. Take out the spawner and move on to the next section.

Lava from the ceiling is also a good way to stop the spawning.
What people expect has nothing to do with that actually exists. The fact is fluxed crystals is a optional secondary resource gen and at present only exists as an addendum to the rest of the pack.
Our pack dev, while having produced a amazing pack, has created something like a sum total of 3 packs before this one. And he has done the bulk of work by himself with little to no guidance. I don't think he has any set testing procedure or even thought that he would need one.
As it stands fluxed crystals will be a great addition once it gets the bugs worked out of it.
And do you know how bugs get worked out of a mod? By people playing with the mod. Using it and giving encouragement and feedback.
And how do you get people to play a mod. By including it in a mod pack.
Now this mod will get rid of it's bugs, it will be Isided, it will have proper GUI, and other important features.
So just sit your but down and wait patiently. As you have the opportunity to watch how a mod evolves.
This is actually my second modpack. ME^3 was my first modpack, and my first creative build. I did most of the work on both packs by myself, over 150 hours in me^3 and over 200 hours in me^4.
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This is actually my second modpack. ME^3 was my first modpack, and my first creative build. I did most of the work on both packs by myself, over 150 hours in me^3 and over 200 hours in me^4.

Even more impressive. If you are looking for advise on how to handle back end things in mod development you should try to get in touch with the FTB's primary dev team. Or former member Wyldstein. He gave it up for showbiz. http://www.twitch.tv/wyldstein
I learned quite a bit about pack making from him even though I'm not really focused enough to make one myself.
They could probably give you some good advice on how to make the packs even better. Or at least the development more manageable. :p
I think I screwed myself by turning all the magnesium from the biosphere into fertilizer. I had to cheat in a block to finish the chemistry tree quests.

You should be able to make any element using the fusion thingy. Just add 2 lesser elements until you get to the number of magnesium. Even if you just keep adding hydrogen. :D 1+1=2 2+1=3 exc.
You should be able to make any element using the fusion thingy. Just add 2 lesser elements until you get to the number of magnesium. Even if you just keep adding hydrogen. :D 1+1=2 2+1=3 exc.

I didn't need the element, I needed the block, & NEI wasn't showing a recipe to convert the 2. I've got a bunch of magnesium sulfate or something from something I've decomposed already.
I think I had the same issue with Saltpeter, there's no recipe for it and I've used all to make fertilizer, and then it was needed for a quest... there should be recipes for stuff like that, especially since minechem is in and allows to make a lot of stuff :P

btw. is the current version any good? because I wonder if I should update from 1.0.1
i have noticed on multiple LPs that people can have plants in the observatory with out problem but for me it seems random growth ticks are disabled anywhere but in spacial area, and if i make an automated farm i have to break it down before changing area due to some blocks lingering. so i was just wondering if the growth ticks are meant to be that way? the automation i understand the limitations of of the spacial io not to handle all blocks so not worried bout that.
I'm having a problem with the Fluxed-Crystals, I think I'm getting the wrong "Farm Manager", this is the one I get:

I checked what information is on the web and seems this one is for Blood Magic? (notice slot for Orb)

I get no other options for any other type, how do I make this work?

I have same problem in my server, this machine looks different when i see some video about ME4..in mod folder i have version b11 of fluxed-crystal.....and when i put this bloc my server begin to lag like a monster....what can i do? tanks for help
i have noticed on multiple LPs that people can have plants in the observatory with out problem but for me it seems random growth ticks are disabled anywhere but in spacial area, and if i make an automated farm i have to break it down before changing area due to some blocks lingering. so i was just wondering if the growth ticks are meant to be that way? the automation i understand the limitations of of the spacial io not to handle all blocks so not worried bout that.
Probably worth asking whether you're making any conscious effort to light it. The Observatory has next to no light itself, but the lab blocks, and mushroom island biome mean that it's difficult to notice it.
i did add light and ive also tried all types of soil ive just ended up making a farm on top of the spacial chamber at least there is plenty of room so not to much of a bother
Anyone else notice that an Ender Pearl in an 8x Ender Generator generates a whopping 30,000 RF, same as two wood planks in the 64x Survivalist's Generator? Makes me reluctant to do much in terms of using alternate power sources if they are that nerfed. Perhaps that is the point?

Also, I hope Parcel is looking into Fluxed Crystals. The Farm now just sucks up obscene amounts of power and doesn't grow anything. It is nice that the machines can be automated using Ender IO, but I think I am going to revert to 0.0.4a (downloaded from the mod site) until it actually works. I need it for growing diamonds and glowstone, and hopefully Epic reward bags soon.

And, of course, Steve's Factory Manager rules! (even with the harder cable recipe)
I don't understand how everyone is having major issues with Fluxed Crystals. Yeah I get a bit of lag with the cutter and refiner, and I can't use the range upgrade on the farm manager, but my farm is running fine. It's automated as well with a vacuum hopper collecting everything. Obviously I'm looking forward to an update for bug fixes, but at the moment, it's hammering away at the cookies for me.
alright guys, I'm stuck. Torcherino.... any suggestions for increase in cookie production? currently the best thing I can do is the quests with hourly cooldowns, the ones for more cookies because zombies really isn't worth the time investment, but withers certainly are.
also, is theobrine just for cocoa seeds? Cocoa is quite easy to automate without it, and it runs insanely fast compared to it's wheat counterpart. I've used billions of RF in conversion of jungle wood to wheat, it just isn't very efficient.
alright guys, I'm stuck. Torcherino.... any suggestions for increase in cookie production? currently the best thing I can do is the quests with hourly cooldowns, the ones for more cookies because zombies really isn't worth the time investment, but withers certainly are.
also, is theobrine just for cocoa seeds? Cocoa is quite easy to automate without it, and it runs insanely fast compared to it's wheat counterpart. I've used billions of RF in conversion of jungle wood to wheat, it just isn't very efficient.

Yes theobromines only use is for cocoa. Ender IO cocao and wheat farms are way more productive then growing the theobromine seeds. For increasing cookie production all I can recommend is multiple fluxed crystal farms growing the triple compressed cookie seeds. That is if fluxed crystals is still usable to you. With the lag from the gem cutter and gem refiner I changed the config to allow the 3x3 crafting of the shards to bypass the machines altogether. Still not all that fast of cookie production.
I used the dire wolf in keebys idea machine set up a way where I don't get killed and just keep hitting them but the hourly cool down takes only mins for me bug? It says hours but every min goes down one hour. That great thing is they spawn so much and you only have to kill 20 for 20 quintuple cookies. I got my cookies in few hours and leveled up my pan very quickly
I used the dire wolf in keebys idea machine set up a way where I don't get killed and just keep hitting them but the hourly cool down takes only mins for me bug? It says hours but every min goes down one hour. That great thing is they spawn so much and you only have to kill 20 for 20 quintuple cookies. I got my cookies in few hours and leveled up my pan very quickly
It seems every single quest with a cool down resets itself after only a minute or less. Its the same with trading cookies for reward bags.
I used the dire wolf in keebys idea machine set up a way where I don't get killed and just keep hitting them but the hourly cool down takes only mins for me bug? It says hours but every min goes down one hour. That great thing is they spawn so much and you only have to kill 20 for 20 quintuple cookies. I got my cookies in few hours and leveled up my pan very quickly
When it says "4 hours" it means minecraft hours, not real.