[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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Quick suggestion,
First off, I'm loving this pack. great fun. The only thing I can complain about so far is the layout of quests within the quest book.
It's all so compressed :/

Best regards
Hey guys! So I'm loving this pack, but I just tried to get the Big Reactor up and running, the one that's already in the Reactor room, just filled it with Gelid Cryotheum, but now that I've filled it back up and put the Reactor Casings back on top, its not working. :( I've never used this mod before, and I'm not sure what I did wrong, it was working before the Gelid Cryotheum was in it, but I may have done that completely wrong.. If anyone could suggest what I can try to fix it, I'd really appreciate it!! :)
Hey guys! So I'm loving this pack, but I just tried to get the Big Reactor up and running, the one that's already in the Reactor room, just filled it with Gelid Cryotheum, but now that I've filled it back up and put the Reactor Casings back on top, its not working. :( I've never used this mod before, and I'm not sure what I did wrong, it was working before the Gelid Cryotheum was in it, but I may have done that completely wrong.. If anyone could suggest what I can try to fix it, I'd really appreciate it!! :)

Rightclick the reactorcasing with an empty hand.
It'll tell you exactly whats wrong.
Hey guys! So I'm loving this pack, but I just tried to get the Big Reactor up and running, the one that's already in the Reactor room, just filled it with Gelid Cryotheum, but now that I've filled it back up and put the Reactor Casings back on top, its not working. :( I've never used this mod before, and I'm not sure what I did wrong, it was working before the Gelid Cryotheum was in it, but I may have done that completely wrong.. If anyone could suggest what I can try to fix it, I'd really appreciate it!! :)
It could be something as simple as accidentally putting a reactor casing on top of a fuel rod instead of a control rod. If your unfamiliar with the mod I highly recommend watching Direwolf20's spotlight on it.
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I completely understand that it is in what appears to be a very early alpha. That's exactly my point. In a modpack of this caliber, I think people expect some polish and refinement with only a few bugs and corrections to make, but this too-early addition of the fluxed-crystals mod IMO brings down the whole experience of the pack.
I'm perfectly capable of making the changes to the json and configs, and have done so -at least to the point that it actually works- but still, I don't think it's great choice for a late addition to the pack.
And, before you ask, no, i have not made my own mod or modpack collection and will unfortunately probably never have the time to do so, so I rely on the expertise of the developers and compilers to keep coming up with their amazing ideas now and in the future.

What people expect has nothing to do with that actually exists. The fact is fluxed crystals is a optional secondary resource gen and at present only exists as an addendum to the rest of the pack.
Our pack dev, while having produced a amazing pack, has created something like a sum total of 3 packs before this one. And he has done the bulk of work by himself with little to no guidance. I don't think he has any set testing procedure or even thought that he would need one.
As it stands fluxed crystals will be a great addition once it gets the bugs worked out of it.
And do you know how bugs get worked out of a mod? By people playing with the mod. Using it and giving encouragement and feedback.
And how do you get people to play a mod. By including it in a mod pack.
Now this mod will get rid of it's bugs, it will be Isided, it will have proper GUI, and other important features.
So just sit your but down and wait patiently. As you have the opportunity to watch how a mod evolves.
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Hey guys! So I'm loving this pack, but I just tried to get the Big Reactor up and running, the one that's already in the Reactor room, just filled it with Gelid Cryotheum, but now that I've filled it back up and put the Reactor Casings back on top, its not working. :( I've never used this mod before, and I'm not sure what I did wrong, it was working before the Gelid Cryotheum was in it, but I may have done that completely wrong.. If anyone could suggest what I can try to fix it, I'd really appreciate it!! :)

Pictures might help.
I'm having a problem with the Fluxed-Crystals, I think I'm getting the wrong "Farm Manager", this is the one I get:

I checked what information is on the web and seems this one is for Blood Magic? (notice slot for Orb)

I get no other options for any other type, how do I make this work?
The farmmanager accepts any powersource now, there are no longer seperate managers for each type.
(also I'd suggest taking that Rangeupgrade out before you power it, at least till ME4 has the next version of FC, since as of now it's possible that it'll lag out your world making you unable to play. And it'll be a pain to break the Manager with 0-1TPS)
The farmmanager accepts any powersource now, there are no longer seperate managers for each type.
(also I'd suggest taking that Rangeupgrade out before you power it, at least till ME4 has the next version of FC, since as of now it's possible that it'll lag out your world making you unable to play. And it'll be a pain to break the Manager with 0-1TPS)

Not such a pain. Kinda easy with MCedit. Click on the block or it's power cable and delete it.
Hello, is there any way of automating the miechem fussion reactor, i tried steve's factory manager, but i cant put the same element in the two input slots, maybe with id range, but i don't know those for the reactor.

And i was wondering which renewable power sources people have, since solar is not posible in the end. right now i have a EIO farm on the roof, with jungle saplings and a Tinkers axe, and the logs are being converted to charcoal and then to blocks of charcoal. the farm is self powered, with a furnace generatorX8 burning blocks of charcoal, which problably needs to be upgraded to a x64 to keep with the farm itself. then i can use the blocks of charcoal to produce more power to feed the rest of the base in case it's needed, y have mined a few layer of miner's delight and have a good amount of yellorium, but just in case.

I am now working on a minechem based power system. i have automated the creation of methyl methacrylate(5700 burn time) with SFM, since i have thousands of C H and O, from cellulose for example. The thing is the minechem uses a lot of power, and right now i'm powering the two synthesizers with a survivalistx64 burning methyl... , which results in a net gain of 160 000rf per item, but has very low energy output. the idea if stockpile that, created with "free" energy, and if needed dump it on high temperatures furnaces to have high output, but you cant do that to power the creation of it, since you would lose ~50k rf per item.

I like the output of the high temp generators, but their low eficiency makes them hard to make worth it with this kind of renewable idea. I was asking the reactor stuff because i was thinking of converting a lot of elements into red matter or higher density elements, which are burnable, but over loooong periods of time, usings surplus power, or survivalist generators with that kind of net gain of power, and when you need power output, for example to use the fusion reactor to get something, you put some of that red matter into one or 2 high temp furnacesx64, and you have a LOT of power, 25k for each generator. or you can automate nether stars and put them in nether generator nexto to big bank of vibrant capacitor to accept the high output.

You could think just throw wood into the high temp furnaces and done, but with the extremely low burn time of the wood (same as plank btw, always convert the wood into planks before burning them) the generator does not output energy continuosly, in fact it does not output energy most of the time, in the x8 version of the generator. In the basic one, it takes 2 and something ticks to burn a wood plank (940rf at 400rf/t), so with the x8 it should burn around 4 per tick, so 80 per second, but it takes about 3 seconds to burn a stack, so that doesn't work :(

so, to sum up, is it posible to automate the fussion reactor?
In one of the later spatial areas, I had a "brilliant" Idea. I was going to use HE tnt right in the middle, just to see what happens. Turns out, it was a good thing. i found the wool with explosives. Let that be a lesson to everyone. Explosives are love, explosives are life.
And i was wondering which renewable power sources people have

The main big reactor is renewable. You get a lot of fuel and reactor parts (which break down into more fuel) from reward bags, which are literally farmable. Not that you will burn through all the yellorium you can find in maps, chests, and from quest rewards. I have thousands sitting in my AE system and I've used about 50 since the start.

Edit: And there's a tree you can grow for more easy uranium.
Haven't seen a change log, but some things are working now that didn't before. The ender io farming station will harvest & replant cocoa beans, for example. If that doesn't make you happy, steves factory manager has been added to the pack.

With poor ores gone, I decided to clear miners delight to the walls. I now have over 10k blocks of lapis. Now all I really want from vanilla mining is some diamonds & the thermal mining disc, but to find it I may have to clear that area, too. Oh, the pain of starting to level up a new hammer with silk touch, but the alternative is to use a dev null for the lapis & maybe make a 2nd 1 for the redstone.

Since this is my 2nd time through the 1st part of the map, I'm taking more time to clear resource areas & build infrastructure projects early enough to be helpful. I've even built a turbine for the big reactor. It is running with 32 blocks of electrum now, but I want to upgrade it to ludicrite before I tackle the Uuz quest. Maybe I'll farm withers for the other ludicrite recipe instead...

I have all the community area discs, but I'm still trying to decide if I want to clear them all before starting lost in time.

I think I screwed myself by turning all the magnesium from the biosphere into fertilizer. I had to cheat in a block to finish the chemistry tree quests.

I don't mind a map/pack maker showing off new, wip mods & I can wait for the bug fixes before getting into fluxed crystals too deep.

I found a legendary reward bag hidden under the floor boards. Shame the beacon I was setting up won't actually work.

I'm afraid I ate the retloh when I ran out of tuberous flux capacitors early game.
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Im getting massive Frame Rate Drop whenever the Miner's Delight^4 room is loaded, has anyone had this issue and know whats causing it?

Edit: F3 is showing 60 to 90 Chuck updates inside the room
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there were quite a ton of mobs, but i only found one spawner. i just rushed in a grabbed the wool for now since it was mostly telecreepers (didnt propose any physical threat) on to rotunda^4 lol

And telacreeppers don't normaly spawn like that. They had to come from hidden spawners.
Are there supposed to be this many Direwolves in the Idea Machine room? ive killed probable 400-500 and theyre just spawning faster than i can shoot. i cant even get out of the Observatory without going into last stand lol
Are there supposed to be this many Direwolves in the Idea Machine room? ive killed probable 400-500 and theyre just spawning faster than i can shoot. i cant even get out of the Observatory without going into last stand lol
Hyper active spawners. I use the divide and conquer gameplay style. Go in from the roof, divide the rooms in smaller sections. Clean out each smaller section and lighting it up. Take out the spawner and move on to the next section.