You can post more or less what ever kind of link you want. As long as its' not something like x rated.
You should not post links directly to a download but there is still no rule against it.
The program I'm using is NBTExplorer.
I've never tried it on a multiplayer so this might be a little off.
But you first make a copy of the world.
Then open level.dat in your save file.
Go to Data/Player/Inventory/...
There will be a list of entries. the satchel should have the ID of 4196.
Open tag and it'll have a listing for each of the slots numbered 0 to 35 and a number of entries next to it. With Zero meaning there is nothing in it. Find the highest Slot# with a number of entries in it.
Deleting the highest number should get rid of the last drive you placed in the satchel.
You do that by clicking on it and hitting the red X on the top bar next to the pencil.
You could also open tag and remove individual items in the drive. But there is no telling what is causing the problem.
You could even individually copy and remove the items to your main inventory but that would be a whole lot of work. More than you really want to do.
Edit: Oh, and remember to save.
Now I can't promise that this will work. But it will be one of the only things that might.
Another thing you could try is to open the world in single player. And hope for a crash log.