[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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Is the Molten Kalendrite in Biosphere^4 supposed to eat buckets? Like I can scoop up a source block, but the bucket disappears and I don't get anything, I've gone through 5 buckets trying it. I can probably use a pump to get it, but it seems weird to me, I see that a "Bucket of Molten Kalendrite" exists in NEI.
There are some places where u can't pick up the fluid and you keep loosing buckets. Kalendrite isn't the only one and it's a specific spots. I pumped out all liquids and there were specific places where it just didn't do anything. I tried buckets and it just ate them. Another place where I noticed the same problem was the Ender city or smth, where your eyes pop out from all those colors... I couldn't pick up Vyroxes there.
Ok Anyone know how or where to add more seeds for fluxed crystals?
Specifically without changing the ids of all my other seed items.

I've managed to add clay but each time I add it in a file it changes all the other seeds I have, or it causes the game to fail to load.

Any help would be appreciated
Can't comment about FC editing, but if you are interested in semi easy clay production, just ask
A storage bus turns any chest or cache into a small (or large if you get some resonant caches as rewards) drive, and they are easy to filter. A double chest with a storage bus is pretty much a 1k drive. They input/output just fine.
Storage drives won't do a thing if the inventory they're attached to gets full. They don't work well for machine outputs for that reason.

@Qcor - the paintballs are a decent idea, but light levels become an irritating slog to deal with far in advance of the time you can possibly get a matter cannon. (Seriously, the tweaked recipe for that thing is kinda crazy!) I know I eventually received one, but I can't even remember where - it certainly wasn't by the time I got to the Rotunda. If it's a reward bag, well, you certainly can't rely on that.

And getting to the octocookies in Redstone Meltdown is an adventure in itself - unless you can fly already to swing around and get them from outside the main structure.
Can't comment about FC editing, but if you are interested in semi easy clay production, just ask

I could use a method of making clay easily FC just seemed to make sense from a balance standpoint since I can grow flint, leather, enderium, and reward bags.
There are some places where u can't pick up the fluid and you keep loosing buckets. Kalendrite isn't the only one and it's a specific spots. I pumped out all liquids and there were specific places where it just didn't do anything. I tried buckets and it just ate them. Another place where I noticed the same problem was the Ender city or smth, where your eyes pop out from all those colors... I couldn't pick up Vyroxes there.

Ah, ok, thanks.

Storage drives won't do a thing if the inventory they're attached to gets full. They don't work well for machine outputs for that reason.

I don't understand what you are saying. Assuming you meant bus instead of drive there, but honestly they work the same way. If a drive is full you can't add any more, if a chest with a bus is full you can't add any more. You can't set a bus as a machine output AFAIK, they don't have any internal inventory in AE2, you attach them to chests or caches and they are then treated as drives and can be filtered in the same way. I think you are thinking of AE1 buses or something else.
I did mean a storage bus, yes. But my point is that unless you are handed interfaces to pipe/output into, the AE system is very limited and needs a great deal of manual shuffling about however you look at it. Farms can be automated reasonably well, but the primary machine setup, not so much. Space-clicking is all very well if you only carry 9 items or fewer on a regular basis; if you have more than a full hotbar, it becomes more of a hindrance than a help as far as dumping your collected goods goes (though it does help to empty packs/strongboxes/whatever).
As for the way back into the End being bugged... Not really. On the platform below the egg's chamber, there's a piece of bedrock with some white lights (Can't remember if they're the XU Lapis Caeleastris blocks, or if they're just Chisel Anti-Blocks), if you put a button on the bedrock and press it, you'll be teleported back to the Reflection Pool chamber. When I found it, it already had a button there, so again, another issue that needs to be remedied as it's highly doubtful that the player will carry buttons around with them.

On a multiplayer server, the area you are referring to doesn't exist, so you just get dumped on an obsidian platform with nothing on it. However, the way back from the end works fine on Single Player, I should have clarified.
I did mean a storage bus, yes. But my point is that unless you are handed interfaces to pipe/output into, the AE system is very limited and needs a great deal of manual shuffling about however you look at it. Farms can be automated reasonably well, but the primary machine setup, not so much. Space-clicking is all very well if you only carry 9 items or fewer on a regular basis; if you have more than a full hotbar, it becomes more of a hindrance than a help as far as dumping your collected goods goes (though it does help to empty packs/strongboxes/whatever).

I never said anything about automation. My original reply was purely about storage and somebody having a lot of chests they found hard to deal with. You can just dump everything into the AE network from the start, and have the tools to expand the network as much as you need until you get the ability to make your own AE stuff.

You are given the tools to make a sorting system at the start as well though, you can use extra utilities or enderIO to interface with machines and have them dump the output into bused chests or caches.
You are given the tools to make a sorting system at the start as well though, you can use extra utilities or enderIO to interface with machines and have them dump the output into bused chests or caches.
Marginally so. You have a very limited set of filters (that all for EnderIO) and no redstone and/or iron to make more. But yes, it's a start, I will concede that; by the time sorting is likely to become a concern, you'll be at Miner's Dream and can thus make caches, hoppers for EnderIO filters, and such.
The problem with removing the satchel is that it contains every last item I've obtained on the map inside the storage cells... when the game exited, I'd almost filled the satchel full so it could be one of the last item I put into it, as for the editor, could you recommend one? PM me, as I don't think they will allow you posting about it.

You can post more or less what ever kind of link you want. As long as its' not something like x rated.
You should not post links directly to a download but there is still no rule against it.

The program I'm using is NBTExplorer.

I've never tried it on a multiplayer so this might be a little off.
But you first make a copy of the world.
Then open level.dat in your save file.

Go to Data/Player/Inventory/...
There will be a list of entries. the satchel should have the ID of 4196.

Open tag and it'll have a listing for each of the slots numbered 0 to 35 and a number of entries next to it. With Zero meaning there is nothing in it. Find the highest Slot# with a number of entries in it.

Deleting the highest number should get rid of the last drive you placed in the satchel.
You do that by clicking on it and hitting the red X on the top bar next to the pencil.

You could also open tag and remove individual items in the drive. But there is no telling what is causing the problem.
You could even individually copy and remove the items to your main inventory but that would be a whole lot of work. More than you really want to do.

Edit: Oh, and remember to save.

Now I can't promise that this will work. But it will be one of the only things that might.

Another thing you could try is to open the world in single player. And hope for a crash log.
That's a known bug and one that probably never will get fixed since it's a crossmod problem which is hard to fix without removing features from one of the mods.
Storage discs store their inventory in so called NBT-data. Most if not all Mods that add backpacks/satchels store their inventory in NBT-data too.
Now if you cram the huge ass NBTdata from the cells into somekind of backback you exceed a certain limit that NBTdata has ->overflow-> you corrupt your playerfile.

You're lucky if you can take the discs out of the satchel with a thirdparty program, but most likely your only options are to either restore playerdata from backup(if you have) or delete the backpack/whole playerdata.

And for the future: Never put storage discs in any kind of portable storage or any storage that exceeds the capacity of a doublechest(AE storage is an exception ofc)

Best Idea would be to store your storage drives in a storage drive. You can carry the entire thing around in one inventory slot.
Storage buses do not convenient storage make. The AE system only really kicks off if you're lucky enough to get a reward bag of interfaces; until that time you have no way to do any kind of automated input-output this side of Inclusion Chamber ^4. Where I find this most significant is in the use of a strongbox to carry things on the go; I take one with me when e.g. mining, load it up as my inventory fills up, and then plop it down on an item buffer when I get back to base. It pulls from the strongbox and pushes into an interface, easy-peasy. Shoving things into a storage bus'd inventory is nonviable because it'll eventually fill up.

(On a related note, is there a similarly convenient way to empty a satchel? I don't know of any, making strongboxes actually more convenient.)

You can pipe things into and out of the top of a AEchest. That helps with inventory. At lest what's made by the machines.
Tinkers is also causing a ridiculous amount of FPS lag when casting. It's not noticeable with only 1 or 2 things casting at once, but 5+ and it gets bad. I got some bedrockium drums full of liquid metals in a reward bag and have been wanting to try and drain them, I made this as a start with plans to multiple that by 2 or 4, but with just 25 basins my game crawls (5 FPS) as soon as they start filling with liquids. I don't remember having these issues the last time I played tinkers in another pack, though that was a month or two back.

Ok Anyone know how or where to add more seeds for fluxed crystals?
Specifically without changing the ids of all my other seed items.

I've managed to add clay but each time I add it in a file it changes all the other seeds I have, or it causes the game to fail to load.

Any help would be appreciated

There probably isn't a way.
Fluxed crystals is a indev mod. So you can't expect it to be fully polished yet.
On a multiplayer server, the area you are referring to doesn't exist, so you just get dumped on an obsidian platform with nothing on it. However, the way back from the end works fine on Single Player, I should have clarified.

Ah, okay. I hadn't realized that the multiplayer version of the map differed from the singleplayer. Apologies.

Best Idea would be to store your storage drives in a storage drive. You can carry the entire thing around in one inventory slot.

There ARE portable AE cells that act as handheld storage ;)

There probably isn't a way.
Fluxed crystals is a indev mod. So you can't expect it to be fully polished yet.

Actually, there is. \config\fluxedCrystals is the folder you want. Any file that ends in ".json", assuming proper formatting, will parse as proper seeds.
There probably isn't a way.
Fluxed crystals is a indev mod. So you can't expect it to be fully polished yet.

The thing is if its possible for me to add it then its possible to add it after the other items so it doesnt bump them back the only issue is I think im failing to find how to add it to the end.
Actually, there is. \config\fluxedCrystals is the folder you want. Any file that ends in ".json", assuming proper formatting, will parse as proper seeds.

Indeed except I cause a fail to load if I enter it into the end not sure what is causing it unless I am messing up the closing code.

I am just looking to add a seed without moving around all the others
Welp i broke the fabric of space and time... AGAIN lol i really gotta report this to @boni xD

Last time i did it with a broadsword, now with a rapier. Pretty sure it one shot anything.


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I could use a method of making clay easily FC just seemed to make sense from a balance standpoint since I can grow flint, leather, enderium, and reward bags.
Clay is actually relatively easy to get once you realise that the pack contains Ex Nihlo. Here's the procedure:
1. Make a barrel (wood slab on the bottom, planks on the sides, must be vanilla wood, so probably requires the fabricator).
2. Take some of the myriad of sand and throw it into the pulveriser.
3. Fill the barrel with water (buckets, conduits, pumps, transfer nodes, all work well for this).
4. Place the dust into the barrel (right click or pipe).
5. Presto, the barrel now contains a block of clay for you to break down at your leisure.

The semi-automated way to do this would be to have a transfer node water source next to the barrel, with a hopper on top and bottom, and put the dust in the top one. The barrel will get filled, and the hopper will place the dust. It can't place the dust until it filled with water, so no worry about it jamming.
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