[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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My group gets INTENSE server lag when we load Keebys Idea Machine. Holy cow so many mobs. . . .we will be unable to progress if we cannot get in that area. . . .Any suggestions?
My group gets INTENSE server lag when we load Keebys Idea Machine. Holy cow so many mobs. . . .we will be unable to progress if we cannot get in that area. . . .Any suggestions?

I think that is an optional aria. But as my last post stated chuck some lava florbs in there. That'll kill a lot of them and stop there spawning.
I think that is an optional aria. But as my last post stated chuck some lava florbs in there. That'll kill a lot of them and stop there spawning.

It's not optional, the spawners in there have ridiculous range and speed, and I was getting spawns in lit areas. Lava really didn't do much for me on that map.

Edit: Though fighting anything on the map is optional, as the wool is in a mob free area.
It's not optional, the spawners in there have ridiculous range and speed, and I was getting spawns in lit areas. Lava really didn't do much for me on that map.

Edit: Though fighting anything on the map is optional, as the wool is in a mob free area.
We will probably never make it to the mob free area unfortunately as the server is almost unplayable when this room is loaded. it takes about 20 minutes for us to get back to spacial IO and unload it.
ender quarry needs to be removed from this pack, hahaha, it is both funny and devastating what happens when you put it over the spatial IO place

Part of the interesting challenge of the pack is it smacks you on the head for making stupid mistakes.
We will probably never make it to the mob free area unfortunately as the server is almost unplayable when this room is loaded. it takes about 20 minutes for us to get back to spacial IO and unload it.

Before loading it add another wall of ineffable glass right at the edge of the area and dig a walkway to the right or left in the lab blocks, with stairs down like 5-10 blocks. When you load it, walk into the ineffable glass and then down your walkway, dig through the white panels and there's a huge open chamber with the wool hanging in the middle. The entire route is safe so it doesn't matter how long it takes to reach it. Alternatively, make elevators to the bottom instead of the stairs, and quickly travel down when it loads before mobs spawn, then pillar up in the center, this might keep things more stable as the spawners wont be active at those distances. It's only bad when you run right into the middle and you have all 4 rooms generating hundreds of mobs.
Before loading it add another wall of ineffable glass right at the edge of the area and dig a walkway to the right or left in the lab blocks, with stairs down like 5-10 blocks. When you load it, walk into the ineffable glass and then down your walkway, dig through the white panels and there's a huge open chamber with the wool hanging in the middle. The entire route is safe so it doesn't matter how long it takes to reach it. Alternatively, make elevators to the bottom instead of the stairs, and quickly travel down when it loads before mobs spawn, then pillar up in the center, this might keep things more stable as the spawners wont be active at those distances. It's only bad when you run right into the middle and you have all 4 rooms generating hundreds of mobs.
I would like to recommend an ineffable glass "airlock". I've got an extra layer (separated by an airgap) on either side of the usual barrier, which means I can knock a block out, and take a few potshots without risking something getting into my base.

Also, because I just release all the mini-mes into the observatory, it means that they can't get into the spatial area.
Yes theobromines only use is for cocoa. Ender IO cocao and wheat farms are way more productive then growing the theobromine seeds. For increasing cookie production all I can recommend is multiple fluxed crystal farms growing the triple compressed cookie seeds. That is if fluxed crystals is still usable to you. With the lag from the gem cutter and gem refiner I changed the config to allow the 3x3 crafting of the shards to bypass the machines altogether. Still not all that fast of cookie production.

How did you do that? I changed the config file to be able to craft things in crafting table with 3x3 but ingame it only allows to craft Smooth shards, which you can get only through Cutter. I'm still on 1.0.1 mby that's the problem...

Edit. Oh, I just noticed it now produces smooth shards lol, nvm
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guy i found wool in the nether(after entering the portal) now....how can i back home?
Back the way you came, is the only way I know. Go back down the line of Wither spawners and the portal should be off to your right once you leave that stretch. Once in the overworld, head to around X=1000, Z=1000 and you should see the portals to the Deep Dark and the End. Go to the End, and nearby-ish (you'll want either a few stacks of blocks, or flying) will be the bedrock cylinder that contains the dragon portal; that will get you back to spawn.
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Anyone know which DIMM the overworld dimension is? I am on the quest line there and there was no marble mountain, and also no cave. I just flew in the air and got credit for the castle, then dug into the ground where the coords for the Magic Cave are. I'm guessing there is actually supposed to be something there. Now I am at the wool portion and there is nothing to be found.
Anyone know which DIMM the overworld dimension is? I am on the quest line there and there was no marble mountain, and also no cave. I just flew in the air and got credit for the castle, then dug into the ground where the coords for the Magic Cave are. I'm guessing there is actually supposed to be something there. Now I am at the wool portion and there is nothing to be found.

Any chance you updated the mod-pack after starting? If so, you'll need to replace your overworld data with the newer version. I had the same situation a few days ago.
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IIRC, the nether suffered the same issue
A lot of the potions you get, especially from witches, are "non-vanilla" potions, so they're not recognized by the generator. If you give it a speed potion or a heal/regen potion, it'll take it and generate power. If you try to give it a withering potion, or water-breathing potion, it won't recognize it.

Ou.. I just tried spawning healing potion and it worked, but any potion i've got from witches (even tried healing potion) it wasn't recognized... so it seams that any potion what is dropped from mob can't be put into the Potion Generator but brewed yes.
Thanks for the answer. Not bug... i guess balancing issue.
Any chance you updated the mod-pack after starting? If so, you'll need to replace your overworld data with the newer version. I had the same situation a few days ago.
-- edit--
IIRC, the nether suffered the same issue

Yeah I started the day open beta launched and have updated ever since. I'll change that out, thanks!
I'm not sure what happened, but I seriously screwed up my spatial drives. I still haven't completely corrected it, but I wanted to post my experience here in case other people had the same issue.

I followed the procedure outlined in the first post to update spatial areas after a modpack update, but I apparently did something wrong. After the update, Miner's Delight was loaded by "default"...trying to reload it using the disk and then unload it, like Parcel showed in his "How to fix mismatched spatial drives" video, had no effect, it would stay Miner's Delight no matter what. Not a big deal, just annoying.

Go down the road a bit. I finished Idea Machine and went to load Ice Palace. The area that loaded was...odd, and I couldn't figure out why it was called Ice Palace, and I couldn't find the wool anywhere even though I tore the area apart at the seams. I started a new game and cheated my way through the book to the point I was at, loaded Ice Palace, and it was the right one. I then, on a hunch, cheated in Redstone Meltdown...and that was it. My Ice Palace was Redstone Meltdown in my LP game. Go back to my LP game, turn in the quest for Redstone Meltdown...and it's Redstone Meltdown too. WTF? Both Ice Palace and Redstone Meltdown were loading DIM33, even though Ice Palace is supposed to be DIM34...as a quick fix, I copied the DIM34 folder into DIM33, since I was done with Redstone Meltdown anyway, went into Ice Palace, found the wool, turned it in, and went to load Reds. And it was Ice Palace, loading DIM34...

Eventually, what I did was cheated in a bunch of blank 128 spatial storage drives, and followed Parcel's "load what's shown in there until it goes away" method, using a blank disk if something got stuck and wouldn't go away. I don't know what happened, and I don't know the proper method to fix it (or if there IS a proper method, since it appears that the dimension listing for the drives themselves is somehow screwed up, trying to recopy the folders does nothing to fix it), but it appears to work well enough to let me finish the modpack.

I've been debating taking everything out of my ME system, storing it in strongboxes, keeping the strongboxes on my person, and then copying my playerdata folder and the DIM-1 folder over to a clean save to see if that fixes it, but considering the sheer amount of crap I've accumulated that I'd have to either transfer over or lose (since I'm pretty sure storage drive information isn't stored in the playerdata folder), I'm saving that as a last resort.

On a related subject, could we get an updated dimension listing Parcel31u? There's several spatial areas that aren't included in the list, and it's impossible to spot-fix a corrupted save game without knowing exactly which dimension corresponds to which area without a LOT of experimentation and potentially spoiling upcoming challenges for yourself by seeing something you weren't supposed to see yet while screwing around with save file manipulation.
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Dimand spikes will cause mobs to drop player only drops. If that helps.

The problem with this is that the diamond spikes, while they do cause mobs to drop experience and items as if a player killed them, don't count as being killed by YOU. So dropping a ton of wither kitties onto diamond spikes will get you lots of experience (and goodies, if they drop anything worthwhile), but you won't get quest credit for the kill. Wooden spikes take them down to half a heart, so you can easily just punch them to finish them off, still get experience and player drops, plus get quest credit so you can get cookies for slaughtering them. The only downside is the lack of full automation, but there's no way I've found that allows you to automate kill quests.
Ou.. I just tried spawning healing potion and it worked, but any potion i've got from witches (even tried healing potion) it wasn't recognized... so it seams that any potion what is dropped from mob can't be put into the Potion Generator but brewed yes.
Thanks for the answer. Not bug... i guess balancing issue.

The splash potions dropped by Wither Witches work in the potion generator. I don't know why the normal ones don't work.
guys another problems...one of my friends put many tnt in the room and destroy all me cable, me controller, me pilon...so now chamber dont work...there is some file i can replece to have everything back working? or other help? tanks
guys another problems...one of my friends put many tnt in the room and destroy all me cable, me controller, me pilon...so now chamber dont work...there is some file i can replece to have everything back working? or other help? tanks
One way would be to copy the Dimension 1 from a fresh map over the current one. You would lose any changes you made to that dimension tho (i.e. lose all the stuff in your ae system.)

Another way would be rebuilding the chamber with creative mode (cheats are enabled so you can just use /gamemode 1) I'm assuming the controlroom is still intact since the chamber is encased in bedrock.
If not you can get the spatialstorage discs back by "uncompleting" the quests which gave them (/hqm edit).

The better (lazy) way would be using MCedit and copy paste over the destroyed section.
One way would be to copy the Dimension 1 from a fresh map over the current one. You would lose any changes you made to that dimension tho (i.e. lose all the stuff in your ae system.)

Another way would be rebuilding the chamber with creative mode (cheats are enabled so you can just use /gamemode 1) I'm assuming the controlroom is still intact since the chamber is encased in bedrock.
If not you can get the spatialstorage discs back by "uncompleting" the quests which gave them (/hqm edit).

The better (lazy) way would be using MCedit and copy paste over the destroyed section.

I'd start by thwacking your friend over the head and duct tape his hands somewhere safely away from the keybord.