[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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It is DIM38. And cell is reward for one of the secret quest added in 1.0.4

I downloaded the 1.0.4 server but I can't find the DIM38 folder.

Another thing is that my Minechem Fusion reactor is not working, I right click it but nothing happens.
Ender seeds always take a long time to grow. The watering can won't help much alone. Remember to make endstone or better yet ender cores to speed them up.

In this pack I have noticed that end stone > Ender-cores… I have a garden of 16, when I clear them, those planted on end stone grow faster. My single Ender-core is usually one of the last three to mature...
The OP is a little unclear/out-of-date in terms of listing the dimensions to replace when updating, so I thought I'd try to put together a complete list (that parcel can edit into the OP if he's so inclined). Here is what I have so far:

Here's a current dimension list, with all of the information I've been able to figure out. (Note that "Safe To Replace" really means "Safe to Replace IF you haven't visited it yet and/or don't care if the dimension is reset." Also, I'm not worrying about whether it's necessary or even useful to replace these dimensions, just whether it'll break anything if I do so.)
  • DIM-100 --- Safe To Ignore/Delete?
    • The default dimension for ExtraUtilities' Deep Dark. However, the Deep Dark has been moved to DIM100 in the configs, and this dimension lacks a region.dat, so there are no generated chunks. I assume this is a superfluous dimension left over from before the configs were set.
  • DIM-1 --- Safe To Replace*
    • The Nether (though Nether Portals don't work---but please no spoilers if it's unlocked down the road, or if portals do work and I'm just an idiot).
  • DIM1 --- Do Not Replace
    • Primary Dimension: Site of the Observatory, I/O Chambers, etc.
  • DIM2 --- Safe To Replace
    • CompactMachines' dimension for holding, well, compact machines. (Just emphasizing again that "safe to replace" implies you're happy losing whatever you've done in this dimension---i.e. any compact machines, in this case.)
  • DIM3, 4, 5, 6, 7 --- Unknown
    • All of these are listed "null" in the OP, and I have no idea what they are, or what "null" means in this context.
  • DIM8 to DIM31 --- Safe To Replace
    • The Spatial Dimensions listed in the OP. Replace any you want to reset, or haven't visited yet.
  • DIM32 to DIM37 --- Unknown
    • These dimensions immediately follow the Spatial Dimensions above, except they aren't expressly listed in the OP. I assume these are all Spatial Dimensions---including, e.g., the community spaces---which were added later. The only question is whether all of them are Spatial Dimensions, or if one of them is something else.
  • DIM38 --- Safe To Replace
    • The recently-added ForgeCraft Spatial Dimension, which I am very excited to see.
  • DIM100 --- Safe To Replace
    • ExtraUtilities' Deep Dark.
  • DIM310 --- Safe To Replace
    • RandomThings' Spectre Dimension.
* "Safe to Replace" really means: "You won't break anything if you replace this folder with a fresh one, but you will reset the dimension and lose any progress you've made---including all of your compact machines, in the case of DIM2". (So, more "Safe-ish to Replace", I suppose.)​

If you have any further insights on the above, please let me know so I can complete these list; I'm especially looking for confirmation that DIM-100 is superfluous (rather than, say, a critical component of AE2's spatial i/o mechanic, which would make my "Safe to Delete" assumption... er, wrong), as well as any light you can shed on the status of the "Unknown" dimensions.
Thanks in advance!

(And, when I get a bit more intel, I'll flesh out DIMs 8 through 37 with their actual names, assuming they're all Spatial Dimensions.)
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Hello to all i have start this excellent modpack i love it a lot. I just have a newbie question about fluid.
For example i need 20'000 of the very cold fluid for the reactor i need that for a quest too (cryo... can't type the name correctly sorry). for have the quest unlocked i must have it on buckets on my inventory and not stored into tanks right?
Hello to all i have start this excellent modpack i love it a lot. I just have a newbie question about fluid.
For example i need 20'000 of the very cold fluid for the reactor i need that for a quest too (cryo... can't type the name correctly sorry). for have the quest unlocked i must have it on buckets on my inventory and not stored into tanks right?
if its a plain amount in mb, you use the quest delivery system. I simply bring a portable tank to the biosphere and use a bucket to fill it. Then stick the tank on the QDS and let it drain.
Ok thanks a lot i will now learn more about QDS and try to bring one of these full filled portable tank ;)

thanks for the very fast reply
So I have been playing around with 1.0.4 - Fluxed-Crystals and figured I would post some findings.
1. I added the Dimension Whitelist from earlier posts to json files just in case. I have yet to remove them and test if it is still needed.
2. The Farm Manager is completely turned off it seems. It does not seem to distribute the RF to the Powered Soil despite adding range upgrades.
3. Powered Soil can be used to grow seeds still but a RF line must be run directly to it since the Farm Manager is not working. Because of this you technically don't need to have a Farm Manager at all but it also means Speed and Automation upgrades are broken as well. My current setup is a torcherino to get the speed and an Autonomous Activator on right-click to break the seed when it fully grows. From a few small tests watering cans don't seem to help growth of seeds.
4. Gem Cutter and Refiner still appear to not be I-Sided. Removal of completed items is still working for me w/ Steve's Factory Manager though.
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Ok thanks a lot i will now learn more about QDS and try to bring one of these full filled portable tank ;)

thanks for the very fast reply
make sure you click "select task" button and then right click to the QDS before you pump the fluid in it, i made it simply by placing a portable tank on top of the QDS then filled the portable tank with buckets, the logo will go away after you complete the quest but the QDS will still accept the fluid so it will get deleted basicly. make sure you make the select task thing
I have no idea where to post this bug/exploit but with fluxed-crystals, when using the gem refiner to get the item from your farming, placing the number of items required - 1, and then placing a different item that requires the same total will produce the item from the last shard entered e.g. placing 15 smooth compressed cobblestone shards into the gem refiner and placing 1 legendary reward bag shard into the same gem refiner after the cobble shards have been depleted will yield a legendary reward bag.
Has this been updated yet? Ever since I started with the Flux crystal stuff my game instantly crashes on load up because I planted cookie seeds.
Does anyone know the dimension number for Reds spatial area so I can reset it? It doesn't load up for me it's just an empty room with mobs spawning.
In this pack I have noticed that end stone > Ender-cores… I have a garden of 16, when I clear them, those planted on end stone grow faster. My single Ender-core is usually one of the last three to mature...
I use Fertile Soil. It goes so fast!
I dont know if this has been brought up yet but in every version of the pack that i have played the paper and slime tools do not gain exp. Ive used the lime hatchet from the green room quest to chop down a tree and it did not get a single exp point but the durability goes down like normal. a bug perhaps or some setting done with iguana tweaks?
So, anyone have any ideas how I can save my world after setting off a rather large explosion on the silverfish stone area? Lagging to the ends of the world, can't do anything.

"Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 122436ms behind, skipping 2448 tick(s)"
So, anyone have any ideas how I can save my world after setting off a rather large explosion on the silverfish stone area? Lagging to the ends of the world, can't do anything.

"Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 122436ms behind, skipping 2448 tick(s)"
/cofh killall silverfish