[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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For me the main menu loads no textures, but everything else loads fine.

For me the main menu loads no textures, but everything else loads fine.

check the resources file from wherever you downloaded the pack, the background pictures and the single player multiplayer buttons etc. are there, if they are there, there is a problem with the custommainmenu mod then, if that bothers you so much, you can always delete the mod or i can try uploading those pictures for you
Hmm, an update... I just finished crafting the 1 million Black Glass... I'm not sure I want to update right now, just to unlock new quests, and possible screw up the 2 I have left to complete... Any compelling reason anyone's found to update?

-- Karr
check the resources file from wherever you downloaded the pack, the background pictures and the single player multiplayer buttons etc. are there, if they are there, there is a problem with the custommainmenu mod then, if that bothers you so much, you can always delete the mod or i can try uploading those pictures for you

The resources are not there, I forced updated to see if it would fix the issue but it did not.
I've set up small 3x3 FC farm to see if it's fixed for me - and it is.
For the most part, at least. Now the "Automation" upgrade doesn't work xD
Bug: SInce there was a update I was testing if fluxed crystal work in a new world, and it work. The problem is when i got back to my original world and use the fluxed crystal mod again nothing happens any ideas why???
Things I've learned playing through this pack...

1. Save at least 10 of each reward bag (feel free to open the 'basic' and 'good' ones)
- You can grow reward bags with Fluxed-Crystals (and in fact get quests to!)

2. Don't be afraid to run that reactor inefficiently.
- In the beginning, I wouldn't run the starting reactor because of how horribly is was designed (fuel efficiency wise). I moved the entire thing to the basement of the Observatory, remade it into a 7x7x7, threw in the Cryothium from the Biosphere, and still didn't use it until I got the diamonds from... Somewhere, I forget where. Now, in the end, I have nearly 3k Yellorium blocks in my AE system, and I'm not even using the reactor for power. The only time it seemed needed (as several of the reward bags gave x8 or x64 generators) was when running the MineChem machines in the Chem room... The big ones. The Decomposer and the Assembler, I ran off a single x64 survivalist generator I just kept throwing charcoal into.

3. Cyclic Assemblers beat AE auto-crafting... Hard.
- So I'm here, after crafting my first Torcherino, looking at these craft 1 million item quests pulling my hair out... Decide to go with AE crafting, as my AE system is huge and everywhere in my base already... Set up an Assembler, and throw in a 9x Smooth Cookie Shard = 1 Cookie (yes, I modified the configs after seeing the quest requirements) pattern in it, export port with max acceleration upgrades with the shards pushing into the assembler... Sweet, cookies. Problem? The single torcherino, on my 9x9 cookie farm (my only powered farm), was outputting faster than the AE assembler... Threw on 4 more, and it was still barely keeping up. Decided I'd pull out my axe of nibbling (the Unstable Ingot Axe from EU, that feeds you when you hold it) and go to bed for the night. Came back with 10m triple compressed cookies. Quickly made more AE assemblers, and crafted patterns to compress those puppies to septuple, figuring the last stage I could do by hand as it's not all that hard. It was going slow, insanely slow... Finally switched to Thermal Expansions Cyclic Assemblers, ONE for shards to cookies was able to keep up with the 9x9 farm... And I made 3 for Triple, to Quad, as I had a silly large back log of triple compressed cookies. Those things just smoked through it... And by that I mean it still took probably 4 hours at least to compress all the cookies with nearly 15 TE assemblers running, but, I did end up with 222 Octuple compressed cookies.

4. Solar power works in the end (it works incredibly well too!)
- So those EU (Extra Utilities) generators you get from bags? Yeah, those things are sweet. My GF and I are playing on the server I host from my computer, and were growing reward bags in mass (before I changed the config to be able to use the crafting grid, thus it was the whole grow, cut, refine chain to get a bag). We ended up with about 3-4 stacks of x64 solar generators, and more than enough fully charged 25M power capacitor banks for me to make a cube on top of the bedrock sitting above the main Spacial IO room. Some creative Ender IO wiring, mixing with some uninsulated redstone conduits allows me to turn the generators on when the bank reaches 98% power, and off, when it reachs 99% power... As the bank holds 10Billion RF, any more than a few percent will result in the generators running dry and being 'stuck' in a send mode. Throw a torcherino down in the mix of the generators to up their charge time from just past 2m30s to roughly 20s, with each generator holding 6million RF. I'll add a screen shot of my set up... It's one of the things I've not torn up, as there's not a "I'm finished with this quest" to it.
My power set up, you can see the little power monitor there, on it's own line with just the capacitor bank and 1 piece of cable (required to read the bank). Those are 9x9s with a wireless redstone lever set to a torcherino in the center of each 'bloom'.

5. Got a drum of something? Yeah, yeah I bet you did.
- So those reward bags tend to give you a lot of junk... Most of which is resting in a filing cabinet, inside a strongbox, inside my AE system... But sometimes, it'll give you a drum of something... Often chemicals... Often useless, or neigh useless... Sometimes highly useful... I got a bedrockium drum of molten gold, which quickly became 4 beacons hovering at the edges of the Spacial OI cube, providing regen and resistance as I went through all the ^4 rooms. Another great drum? Bedrockium drum of blood... Sounds ghastly, but really useful. Eating a congealed blood from Tinker's Construct provides a Health Boost II buff, which gives an extra 4 hearts, and has a duration that extends each time you nibble a bloody nodul. Ender IO fluid conduit onto a casting table, item conduit to a drying rack, and then a filter to pull off the completed product and throw it in a chest/cache/AE interface works wonders for living off a random bloody drum.

6. Flux-ed Crystals are evil, and wonderful, and... A headache.
- So, we were on version 1.0.1 when we got to the Fluxed-Crystals quests... Did the crafting the manager, soil, gem cutter, refiner quests, even did one or two of the seed quests, then went to bed for the night. Next morning, 1.0.3 drops, the quests changed I think, I'm not sure, as Fluxed-Crystals became nearly unusable... Quickly rolled back Fluxed-Crystals, and only Fluxed-Crystals, to a useable, if not somewhat clunky, version. Stuck with that version until we got to the point where it asked for a ton of cookies, at which point my GF made friends with someone in the Fluxed-Crystal IRC room, who hooked us up with a dev build that was working better (we were having a problem with the farm only growing 4-8 things total, the rest of the powered soil not working if trying to grow more of the same ticktime seeds). The dev build changed disabled the automation upgrade, but allowed right clicking, and thus came in autonomous activators, and an advanced item filter. Fluxed-Crystals worked wonderfully after that, and in a mere 3 or so days of growing, we managed to get our cookies (growing 81 seeds as opposed to the previously limited 9).

Anyways... That's just a buncha non-secret stuff that I picked up playing this map... We'll see what 1.0.4 offers when I update later (gotta finish up 4 more quests to complete them all, in case the update breaks something).

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So Fluxed crystals still broken for me, doesnt grow at all and when i throw in a range upgrade it lags everything to hell like last time :(
If I have one comment on my early impression of ME4 it is this: there are too many different ore processing options. Never mind that the observatory just starts with the furnace and mill from the two principal mods, making alloys is somewhat randomly a case of blending dusts or using a smeltery. Or even some devices I am as yet unfamiliar with... Are there quests that introduce me to the big machines in the chemical reActor room?

The big reactor I turned on immediately of course as I know that mod. The miners delight room makes me confident that even with the inefficient design there is no worry of running out of yellorium.

Well. Also that the execution is, so far, brilliant.
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Here's a bug for you that I found really irritating.
I'd just gotten an awesome cleaver from a reward bag and put it in slot 1 of my hotbar. I went to the observatory and saw an icon I hadn't seen before when standing on the travel anchor. It was the icon of the watermelon. I tried to go there as I was curious it asked me for a code and I tried to guess. I put my mouse hovering over the first box and pressed 1 as I thought I was going to put in the number. In reality it stole the cleaver from the first slot of my inventory. When I went out of it to see if a dropped my cleaver it was no where to be seen. I've tested this many different times and it steals every item.