[1.7.10] Marooned

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think that if you disable infinite water you might want to do the same with liquid transfer nodes and the aqueous accumulator or change the recipes to make them harder to craft, as it stands they can both be made fairly quickly, almost immediately, after getting a cobble gen going.

Believe me, the AA will almost certainly be disabled. I'll do some more research on the LTN before making a decision about it though. With agricraft installed the AA isn't really needed. You'll be pleased to hear I've made a mutation for the strawberry but have yet to confirm it works. Fingers crossed. I've also found a way to disable the useless info you get on NEI that you talked about in one of your videos. Can't remember exactly how I did it but I think you click the button on the bottom left. Click on recipe 'whatever' and turn either the bottom middle button or the one above it to false. When I get back into the game I'll check it out and edit this to make sure.

EDIT: You click on Options -- Inventory -- Profile Recipes : Change it to false.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so in thinking about the early game tool choices

battle axe- chop wood a little faster, strength speed utility for fighting mobs, both minor conveniences
hammer- you can now mine cobble, bonus undead dmg, 1 serious advantage & 1 convenience
excavator- dig stuff faster, mediocre dmg, 1 minor convenience, thou I'm not sure why you would want to dig so much early on...
scythe- aoe dmg to mobs, faster harvesting utility IIRC, both minor conveniences

seems to me the hammer is the clear advantageous choice since it allows you todo something that you otherwise can't do early on. all the tools double as a weapon. and you can punch sand, wood and crops to collect them, the other tools just let you do it faster.

the rewards seem to be laid out as a what flavor of ice cream do you want? assuming all flavors are equal, but in this case there is a choice which is arguably better than the others.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
As I progress, I'll post updates, possibly on the main page and try to give an ETA on when the release is likely to be.

EDIT: Finished doing the preliminary changes. Three less quests now. Will start the first test tomorrow. Hopefully will have an idea in a day or two if its working as intended.

Thanks - I appreciate the work that testing involves, and will be checking the thread regularly. (If nothing else, for conversation!)

And yes, blue slime is plentiful. Exactly the opposite situation from what I've run into in Regrowth. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so in thinking about the early game tool choices

battle axe- chop wood a little faster, strength speed utility for fighting mobs, both minor conveniences
hammer- you can now mine cobble, bonus undead dmg, 1 serious advantage & 1 convenience
excavator- dig stuff faster, mediocre dmg, 1 minor convenience, thou I'm not sure why you would want to dig so much early on...
scythe- aoe dmg to mobs, faster harvesting utility IIRC, both minor conveniences

seems to me the hammer is the clear advantageous choice since it allows you todo something that you otherwise can't do early on. all the tools double as a weapon. and you can punch sand, wood and crops to collect them, the other tools just let you do it faster.

the rewards seem to be laid out as a what flavor of ice cream do you want? assuming all flavors are equal, but in this case there is a choice which is arguably better than the others.

But that's the whole point of having a choice. You get to choose the one that suits your style of play best. I've noticed many ppl choose the scythe due to its ability to remove cobwebs and also to damage multiple mobs simultaneously. The battle axe can remove multiple logs in one blow in a similar fashion to the way the excavator can remove 9 blocks of sand at once. If planned properly, it will also remove tainted soil along with the sand. While the hammer takes down zombies and skeletons faster and can harvest hardened clay, it won't remove cobwebs.

I've tried them all and I have 2 favourites that I tend to use. If HQM allowed 5 choices I would have included a flint pan as it has knockback and a stun effect which slows mobs temporarily.

Elder Sign

Its probably going to be weeks rather than days as I spent yesterday re-arranging a heap of stuff only to have the whole thing crash and not let me back in. I loaded up a previous HQM and started again, this time making a text file of all the changes I'm making so that if it does it again, I won't have as much work to do. It seems HQM has some limitations with regards quests and will sometimes chuck a wobbly when I change a quest from craft/detect to consume. Once I've made the changes I'll need to test it extensively before releasing it to minimise any possible problems.

I just came online again to check out how to smelt slime for a new challenge as I've decided the invar and steel armor aren't really worth making but a new bow might be. I've chosen blue slime because its plentiful, has a lot of durability and is one of the fastest to use. Might not be what everyone would choose but I think its better than the armor. You can thank Elder Sign for the change as he was the one that complained in his video about having to make useless wooden armor, and alerted me to the Travellers armor which although its in the modpack, I hadn't noticed before. Part of it will replace the wood armor challenge. He's also responsible for many other changes as I've learn't a lot from watching his videos and am now incorporating some different machines from some existing ones.

As I progress, I'll post updates, possibly on the main page and try to give an ETA on when the release is likely to be.

EDIT: Finished doing the preliminary changes. Three less quests now. Will start the first test tomorrow. Hopefully will have an idea in a day or two if its working as intended.

Glad that my videos are helping, and I have an idea with the bow quest you just mentioned, would it be possible to have a choice between the bow and one or two other tinker's ranged weapons? Maybe the throwing knives and/or javelins? Personally I don't really care for the bows in tinker's, mainly because when I draw back I can watch my FPS dip by 10-15


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
excavator- dig stuff faster, mediocre dmg, 1 minor convenience, thou I'm not sure why you would want to dig so much early on...

It's an ex Nihilo-based modpack, and 90% of what's around you is sand? Not that I happened to choose the excavator, but I did keep an eye on getting materials ready for that sieve.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's an ex Nihilo-based modpack, and 90% of what's around you is sand? Not that I happened to choose the excavator, but I did keep an eye on getting materials ready for that sieve.

All that red sand? 0 drops when sieved. Excavator was still the obvious choice for me, means I can dig in and build defenses very quickly at the start.

I try to avoid fighting mobs until I have food sorted which means the weapon advantages of the scythe and battle axe aren't any use. I let the sun do my killing and suffocate anything that won't burn by dropping sand on its head. That way I don't spend any of that precious saturation early on.

As far as being able to mine cobble with the hammer, what cobble? There isn't any until you have a cobblegen, at which point you'll have a way to mine it. Maybe he(Swat_Raptor) means the sandy stuff around the spawner tower dungeons?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
wow didn't expect to get this many replies

I like the points people bring up, I was not trying to make authoritative statements just sharing what my observations and initial judgements

Scythe can gather Cob webs, didn't think about that, might have to try it

I'm not sure what other peoples maps are like but in mine theres a mountain of lava bordering a brown water lake, i punched some red sand on day 1 and had a cobble gen, thus the hammer having use

I still would prefer the lumber axe over the battle axe, you can grow giant jungle trees pretty early and the battle axe has trouble with a tree that size...

so can u use red sand in a sieve?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so can u use red sand in a sieve?

You can use it in a sieve. It doesn't have any drops though. It is basically the hamster wheel of Marooned.

Yeah, I forgot about the lava mounds---which also have buckets of water on drying racks. There is one very close to an oasis which is where I probably should have built my initial base.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
You can use it in a sieve. It doesn't have any drops though. It is basically the hamster wheel of Marooned.

*laughs* Good to not have to find that out the hard way! I'd made myself a nice little burrow with plenty of murder-holes (you can still hit things through a half-block gap at eye-level, and even baby zombies can't get in!) I'd only just made it up to crafting candles, though, so it wasn't all that big. Had a nice little orchard started in the back (above ground).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*laughs* Good to not have to find that out the hard way! I'd made myself a nice little burrow with plenty of murder-holes (you can still hit things through a half-block gap at eye-level, and even baby zombies can't get in!) I'd only just made it up to crafting candles, though, so it wasn't all that big. Had a nice little orchard started in the back (above ground).

Yeah, that is exactly what I do. A 3-4 high wall with fence around the outer top to stop spiders, then at the bottom a slot made by slabbing on the ground inside and then another slab so you can just see their feet and they can't see you well enough to explode/attack. Another trick I learned from Crash Landing is to put a moat on the other side to hold them in once you've attracted them so the drops are all outside after the sun does its work. The moat is usually 1-2 wide with 2-3 deep pits at each corner/end. That way most of the mobs end up concentrated in the pits and I can suffocate anything that doesn't burn up just by dropping sand on them. The sand conveniently pushes any drop in the hole to the top while suffocating any non-burners. Couple bits of ladder on inside/outside of the wall so I can get in and out of the base, voila.

Attempting to perfect defenses like that is a lot of fun, makes me check the BnB thread every time it is bumped, hoping for the new version. :p

Oh and to Swat_Raptor, indeed, a lumber axe would hands down be the obvious choice if it was there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I still would prefer the lumber axe over the battle axe, you can grow giant jungle trees pretty early and the battle axe has trouble with a tree that size...


Except the lumber axe does very little damage on mobs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Glad that my videos are helping, and I have an idea with the bow quest you just mentioned, would it be possible to have a choice between the bow and one or two other tinker's ranged weapons? Maybe the throwing knives and/or javelins? Personally I don't really care for the bows in tinker's, mainly because when I draw back I can watch my FPS dip by 10-15

If I get enough requests to change the new crossbow vs longbow options, I'll consider it, especially as the crossbow option requires making bolts if you want to actually use it. For some reason Tinkers won't make the slime bow parts, even though I've got them configured to allow blue slime. I'm thinking its either a glitch or another mod has it disabled by default. I decided to just get players to hand in slime crystals in exchange for the bow(s). I've had to make a few changes with regards making tinkers in quests to make sure they can be completed.

If I go down the path of ranged weapon's I'd be inclined to make it a choice between just them and leave the bows out altogether. Maybe give a bow in an epic reward bag instead.............


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Spaman If you add INpurecore to the pack, one addition to the Mekanism.js config in gamepath\config\INpureProjects\custom_nei_filters is "NEI.override("Mekanism:MachineBlock2", [11]);"

This removes all the filled portable tanks and greatly reduces the lag spike that occurs when typing mekanism in the NEI search bar.

Disregard, I just looked at the mod list and mekanism isn't installed :)
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Elder Sign

If I get enough requests to change the new crossbow vs longbow options, I'll consider it, especially as the crossbow option requires making bolts if you want to actually use it. For some reason Tinkers won't make the slime bow parts, even though I've got them configured to allow blue slime. I'm thinking its either a glitch or another mod has it disabled by default. I decided to just get players to hand in slime crystals in exchange for the bow(s). I've had to make a few changes with regards making tinkers in quests to make sure they can be completed.

If I go down the path of ranged weapon's I'd be inclined to make it a choice between just them and leave the bows out altogether. Maybe give a bow in an epic reward bag instead.............

The bow in the reward bag could be a really good idea, I wonder if there is a king slime bow or if he only drops the knives and javelins....

On a somewhat related note, I seem to have run out of better and epic reward bags.... Maybe instead of simply running out you could leave in a bag with unlimited chances to get but with a reduced reward, the first couple of times I opened a bag and didn't even get the reward screen flash up I thought I was having issues with the HQM until I remembered that you had previously mentioned that there was a limited amount of bags to get, and I can say the number wasn't really enough for a single player let alone a co-op or a group....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The bow in the reward bag could be a really good idea, I wonder if there is a king slime bow or if he only drops the knives and javelins....

On a somewhat related note, I seem to have run out of better and epic reward bags.... Maybe instead of simply running out you could leave in a bag with unlimited chances to get but with a reduced reward, the first couple of times I opened a bag and didn't even get the reward screen flash up I thought I was having issues with the HQM until I remembered that you had previously mentioned that there was a limited amount of bags to get, and I can say the number wasn't really enough for a single player let alone a co-op or a group....

You must be really ripping into those repeatable quests. I could make some of them more repeatable than others but that would reduce the likelihood of getting the rarer ones. I did have them mathematically worked out via a formula where the odds of running out before finishing the quest was unlikely but it seems you've blown that formula out the window. Back to the drawing board. As far as multi player goes, I've since been told the reward bags are individualised for each player so they shouldn't run out, that is unless the player is soooooooooooo greedy they just keep doing rewards for the sake of it.....

So yea, more reward bags will be included in the update, since I got bugger all else to do, lol.

Just finished doing a prelim run through of the new layout. Didn't work as well as I hoped so I've changed some more stuff and split some quests to make them flow more easily. Will start a new game and see how it stacks up. Haven't really found a problem with the finite water so far. But then there are some more options I can take....

On an unrelated note, I'm trialling the flint pan as a possible replacement for the excavator. Although it only has 60 uses, its kinda interesting as it can cook some foods for early game. It has knockback and a slowing effect on mobs. Not that you want knockback on skeletons, and it harvests cobwebs.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
On an unrelated note, I'm trialling the flint pan as a possible replacement for the excavator. Although it only has 60 uses, its kinda interesting as it can cook some foods for early game. It has knockback and a slowing effect on mobs. Not that you want knockback on skeletons, and it harvests cobwebs.

A frying pan harvests cobwebs - who'da thunk it? I thought the rationale for using a sword was that it had an edge to it. o_O


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow you can get sheet of plastic from fishing??? does barfing pieces of obsidian still work with the Plastic straw and drinking Lava then Water, heck I'm just going to drink up and see what happens
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I always pick the baxe, but its a close call over the scythe.
I really like a crossbow instead of the bow, but did have problems with bolts, the smeltery insisted on using iron rods, it wouldnt pour out on anything else I tried! I couldnt get slime or plastic to work for any part, but did get a slime cutlass from a king slime once so he can drop other things.
Dont think I'd ever pick the pan with knockback over the other 2 good choices but didnt know it would do cobwebs, very odd!
The hammer seems the most useless, as theres no cobble, I'd have replaced that, not the excavator
I been enjoying Elder Sign's L.P. its a shame no one else has picked up on the pack cos it plays well.