[1.7.10] Marooned

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I imagine that cobble-smashing will be a thing at some point in the pack, given the whole ex Nihilo thing, and the fact that red sand doesn't do drops.

(On that topic, I've decided that I must build a giant sand castle, using cunningly placed wood covers to provide for open windows and overhangs.)
I always pick the baxe, but its a close call over the scythe.
I really like a crossbow instead of the bow, but did have problems with bolts, the smeltery insisted on using iron rods, it wouldnt pour out on anything else I tried! I couldnt get slime or plastic to work for any part, but did get a slime cutlass from a king slime once so he can drop other things.
Dont think I'd ever pick the pan with knockback over the other 2 good choices but didnt know it would do cobwebs, very odd!
The hammer seems the most useless, as theres no cobble, I'd have replaced that, not the excavator
I been enjoying Elder Sign's L.P. its a shame no one else has picked up on the pack cos it plays well.

Funnily enough, I generally prefer the hammer. It takes down zombies and skeletons faster than the others, has by far the longest durability and can harvest orange stained clay which I can use for making a dark enclosure for my ore berries. Harvesting cobwebs isn't a high priority for me as spiders are easy enough to kill. The pan is fun to use but its durability is so low it actually becomes a hindrance unless you manage to get auto repair on the first or second upgrade.. I know ppl are talking about the lumber axe for its great wood chopping abilities but it does so little damage on mobs that its really not a suitable first choice for a tool that is primarily going to be used as a weapon early game. Its really a shame that HQM only lets me give 4 choices for rewards.
Wow you can get sheet of plastic from fishing??? does barfing pieces of obsidian still work with the Plastic straw and drinking Lava then Water, heck I'm just going to drink up and see what happens

Yes, you can currently barf obsidian till the cows come home. Don't forget to floss afterwards as obsidian can leave dust in your teeth and you wouldn't want discoloured teeth would you?

I say currently cause that nasty developer is just as likely to remove the straw recipe in the next update. What a kill joy........
Funnily enough, I generally prefer the hammer. It takes down zombies and skeletons faster than the others, has by far the longest durability and can harvest orange stained clay which I can use for making a dark enclosure for my ore berries. Harvesting cobwebs isn't a high priority for me as spiders are easy enough to kill. The pan is fun to use but its durability is so low it actually becomes a hindrance unless you manage to get auto repair on the first or second upgrade.. I know ppl are talking about the lumber axe for its great wood chopping abilities but it does so little damage on mobs that its really not a suitable first choice for a tool that is primarily going to be used as a weapon early game. Its really a shame that HQM only lets me give 4 choices for rewards.

One thing that I was wondering, have you considered upping the amount of upgrades that you can get on a tinkers tool in the iguana tweaks config?
If you're worried about how viable those starter tools are as weapons maybe you're fighting more than you need to? I mean sure, if you like minecraft melee combat go for it but there isn't anything in the pack making you do all that fighting before you've made your own tinker's weapons and a suit of decent armor.

I just started a new world to test this and had a safe room built under one of the wells, including kill windows all around to farm drops the first night and the hammer worked just fine for this, even got a couple ender pearls. In the morning after the zombies stopped burning I extended a trench from the kill room to extend my perimeter, putting pits at each corner of the the trench. Next night I stayed up top for a bit aggroing mobs into the trenches, killing mobs that were outside the kill windows and pulling in ender men for pearls/spiders for string/eyes. Next morning after the zombies burnt I checked each pit for drops/creepers, killing the creepers, collecting all the drops and preparing the pits for the next night.

Works fine. Maybe I'll post some pictures later on, have to go to work for a bit.
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If you're worried about how viable those starter tools are as weapons maybe you're fighting more than you need to? I mean sure, if you like minecraft melee combat go for it but there isn't anything in the pack making you do all that fighting before you've made your own tinker's weapons and a suit of decent armor.

There are kill quests, but I was able to deal with most of those using the 'murder hole' technique. Could have gotten the Endermen that way, and I was starting to assemble materials to wrangle the Cave Spiders safely.
If you're worried about how viable those starter tools are as weapons maybe you're fighting more than you need to? I mean sure, if you like minecraft melee combat go for it but there isn't anything in the pack making you do all that fighting before you've made your own tinker's weapons and a suit of decent armor.

I just started a new world to test this and had a safe room built under one of the wells, including kill windows all around to farm drops the first night and the hammer worked just fine for this, even got a couple ender pearls. In the morning after the zombies stopped burning I extended a trench from the kill room to extend my perimeter, putting pits at each corner of the the trench. Next night I stayed up top for a bit aggroing mobs into the trenches, killing mobs that were outside the kill windows and pulling in ender men for pearls/spiders for string/eyes. Next morning after the zombies burnt I checked each pit for drops/creepers, killing the creepers, collecting all the drops and preparing the pits for the next night.

Works fine. Maybe I'll post some pictures later on, have to go to work for a bit.

You have a point, it was too easy to ignore the killing quests and just get on with advancing your materials to the point where killing mobs becomes relatively easy. Apart from the first couple that opened up other quests, the rest could be left to do at ones leisure. Same went for growing gardens, especially after the introduction of Agricraft. I spent some time watching Pan and Elder play their games and came to the conclusion that a major rethink was in order to bring the entire early game sequence together so that each component would slot together in such a way that no one area could easily be ignored if the player actually wants to progress thru the quests.

So far its working quite well, it is harder than before and I've found myself tossing up which areas to give priority to. Of course I'm trying to play it as though I was unaware of some of the shortcuts I can take because I'm trying to make a game for everyone, including people who may not know what to do next and would rely on the quest book letting them know that such and such could be made to speed up their progress.

Its still early days but I'm hopeful this new version will be more enjoyable to play than the last one.
One thing that I was wondering, have you considered upping the amount of upgrades that you can get on a tinkers tool in the iguana tweaks config?

IT crossed my mind. I'll play around with it and see if it makes much difference. With too many upgrades though, you could wind up with all tools having virtually the same features, just getting them in a different order.

I've already made heaps of changes in the update, even thinking of changing the names of the saved games as the easier to harder option seems to just make ppl want to play only the harder version. I mean, who wants to put their hand up and proudly announce they chose the easier game? So far I'm thinking of calling them 'Thin Crust - 'Regular Crust' and 'Thick Crust' to indicate the only difference is the thickness of the top layers of sand. Hmmmm, maybe I should change the name from Marooned to Pizza World? Or at least give players a supreme pizza instead of the trail mix they start with...........
IT crossed my mind. I'll play around with it and see if it makes much difference. With too many upgrades though, you could wind up with all tools having virtually the same features, just getting them in a different order.

I've already made heaps of changes in the update, even thinking of changing the names of the saved games as the easier to harder option seems to just make ppl want to play only the harder version. I mean, who wants to put their hand up and proudly announce they chose the easier game? So far I'm thinking of calling them 'Thin Crust - 'Regular Crust' and 'Thick Crust' to indicate the only difference is the thickness of the top layers of sand. Hmmmm, maybe I should change the name from Marooned to Pizza World? Or at least give players a supreme pizza instead of the trail mix they start with...........

Oh god, the trail mix...... So much trail mix...
I've already made heaps of changes in the update, even thinking of changing the names of the saved games as the easier to harder option seems to just make ppl want to play only the harder version. I mean, who wants to put their hand up and proudly announce they chose the easier game? So far I'm thinking of calling them 'Thin Crust - 'Regular Crust' and 'Thick Crust' to indicate the only difference is the thickness of the top layers of sand. Hmmmm, maybe I should change the name from Marooned to Pizza World? Or at least give players a supreme pizza instead of the trail mix they start with...........

I'm not proud - I chose the easier game because this would be my first HQM with an actual 'permadeath' possibility. Regrowth and BeeHappy were both HQM without the Hardcore.

(Is that the only real difference?)
There are kill quests, but I was able to deal with most of those using the 'murder hole' technique. Could have gotten the Endermen that way, and I was starting to assemble materials to wrangle the Cave Spiders safely.

The kill quests shouldn't be a priority though, at least not early on. They're the type of quests you'll complete simply by playing the game. My only early priority is survival which almost entirely focuses on food. Making sure I have bone meal, gunpowder, cursed earth, and a fish for every time that repeatable quest can be turned in again, etc. Making sure I have enough drying racks, making sure I find every beehive in close proximity, etc.
The kill quests shouldn't be a priority though, at least not early on. They're the type of quests you'll complete simply by playing the game. My only early priority is survival which almost entirely focuses on food. Making sure I have bone meal, gunpowder, cursed earth, and a fish for every time that repeatable quest can be turned in again, etc. Making sure I have enough drying racks, making sure I find every beehive in close proximity, etc.

True enough - and in all honesty, the only reason I was even considering the Cave Spiders was because I found two spawners by accident, and saw a neat little killbox that involved doors and fence-posts. However, if I can get an Enderman to plant his feet next to my murder-hole, he's getting his kneecaps whacked. (Maybe I should name that hammer 'Guido'?)
I'm not proud - I chose the easier game because this would be my first HQM with an actual 'permadeath' possibility. Regrowth and BeeHappy were both HQM without the Hardcore.

(Is that the only real difference?)

The version you're currently playing also starts with a greater possibility of finding cane close to the spawn, but that's it. The new version will only be the sand level depth which does make a difference to how you can play the game.

Not proud? Nonsense, you should be proud that you're willing to give a new virtually untried game a go... especially when a new release of it is just around the corner............ and up the street......... and around the bend, which is where this update is sending me btw..........
Glad that my videos are helping, and I have an idea with the bow quest you just mentioned, would it be possible to have a choice between the bow and one or two other tinker's ranged weapons? Maybe the throwing knives and/or javelins? Personally I don't really care for the bows in tinker's, mainly because when I draw back I can watch my FPS dip by 10-15

Well I've done a lot of testing and rethinking with regards the slimy bows and decided they MUST stay in as a challenge. Of course this is not to say I've ignored your suggestion altogether. On the contrary, the javelins and throwing knives have been included in the challenge. Think about how you currently get a choice of steel or invar armor. Imagine the steel now gives you the option of either a long bow or javelin while the invar gives you a cross bow or throwing knives. But it doesn't end there, no no no. On the other side where you can make a battle axe or cleaver, you now also get an option of receiving a reward bag or slimy iron bolts/slime arrows depending on which quest was chosen or is going to be available on the other side. they are interdependent after all.

Now I call that a win win for everyone...........
Not proud? Nonsense, you should be proud that you're willing to give a new virtually untried game a go...

Let me rephrase - I don't have hubris. (And I don't. I took a look at that modpack and fled for the hills. :D )
Yes, you can currently barf obsidian till the cows come home. Don't forget to floss afterwards as obsidian can leave dust in your teeth and you wouldn't want discoloured teeth would you?

I say currently cause that nasty developer is just as likely to remove the straw recipe in the next update. What a kill joy........

Obsidian didn't seem that hard to get (stone barrel, lava and running water also can net you that) , oh and the diamond dolly is a thing in the pack, would be easy to pick up a few spawners and just make a easy grinder setup, get alot of the kill quest done quick, well quick once you have 3 diamond, 5 iron and wood.

Fishing is awesome, I fish for fish, fish for plastic, fish for cow, chicken and blaze Ghast jockeys, leather, how many animals, and the name tags to name the animals so they don't despawn,

I've had alot of chickens disappear, I'm guessing they de spawn because, nothing can kill them because they are in a closed safe area, is this intended?

oh and I didn't see the growth pattern of garden plants explained, best I can tell is that they follow a growth pattern similar to vanilla minecraft mushrooms, this would be a cool thing to explain (if it isn't already), I'm leaning on Garden plants because I really don't like agricraft, not saying its a bad mod but the mechanics of seed splicing, I can do it but its a kind of boring that puts me to sleep sitting straight up and so I avoid agricraft unless a important quest requires it.
Well I've done a lot of testing and rethinking with regards the slimy bows and decided they MUST stay in as a challenge. Of course this is not to say I've ignored your suggestion altogether. On the contrary, the javelins and throwing knives have been included in the challenge. Think about how you currently get a choice of steel or invar armor. Imagine the steel now gives you the option of either a long bow or javelin while the invar gives you a cross bow or throwing knives. But it doesn't end there, no no no. On the other side where you can make a battle axe or cleaver, you now also get an option of receiving a reward bag or slimy iron bolts/slime arrows depending on which quest was chosen or is going to be available on the other side. they are interdependent after all.

Now I call that a win win for everyone...........

I really like the direction that you took with my suggestion, can't wait to try it out c:
Obsidian didn't seem that hard to get (stone barrel, lava and running water also can net you that) , oh and the diamond dolly is a thing in the pack, would be easy to pick up a few spawners and just make a easy grinder setup, get alot of the kill quest done quick, well quick once you have 3 diamond, 5 iron and wood.

Fishing is awesome, I fish for fish, fish for plastic, fish for cow, chicken and blaze Ghast jockeys, leather, how many animals, and the name tags to name the animals so they don't despawn,

I've had alot of chickens disappear, I'm guessing they de spawn because, nothing can kill them because they are in a closed safe area, is this intended?

oh and I didn't see the growth pattern of garden plants explained, best I can tell is that they follow a growth pattern similar to vanilla minecraft mushrooms, this would be a cool thing to explain (if it isn't already), I'm leaning on Garden plants because I really don't like agricraft, not saying its a bad mod but the mechanics of seed splicing, I can do it but its a kind of boring that puts me to sleep sitting straight up and so I avoid agricraft unless a important quest requires it.

Most likely what is happening is that the chickens are glitching into the floor and suffocating or phasing through to an opening under your base, stupid chickens....
oh and I didn't see the growth pattern of garden plants explained, best I can tell is that they follow a growth pattern similar to vanilla minecraft mushrooms, this would be a cool thing to explain (if it isn't already), I'm leaning on Garden plants because I really don't like agricraft, not saying its a bad mod but the mechanics of seed splicing, I can do it but its a kind of boring that puts me to sleep sitting straight up and so I avoid agricraft unless a important quest requires it.

I did make mention about planting them on them on dirt or grass, but not much else. In the update I've added more about their growth patterns. Below is what it will say in the update.

Garden bushes don't need tilled soil or water nearby and can simply be planted on regular dirt or grass. They don't return any seeds so its best to wait until they multiply sufficiently before harvesting any surplus crops.

To maximise garden growth, plant identical gardens as far apart as possible. Planting different types near each other won't affect their growth.

Its not comprehensive but I think its enough to go on with.

Agricraft was a late addition, meant to compliment the gardens, not replace them. I've changed the layout sufficiently now to prevent it making early gardens redundant, that is unless someone wants to cheat their way through. One of the advantages I find with agricraft is growing pumpkins and to a lesser extent melons. They grow and mature on a single block of dirt and can be harvested with a right click. Certainly worth growing when you consider how many you'll need if you want a 100% completion of all the challenges. The melons are similar except they only give you one slice which I think is a bit sad.
Just don't give as much trail mix. Waaay too much trail mix. And I have a "bug" that whenever I press the `/~ key, it gives me full health, haunches, and saturation. I think I did maybe mess with the NEI settings a touch so I'll unmess them and see if that helps.