[1.7.10] Marooned

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I wanted it to make porcelain clay so I could make a juicer, not for a quest but because I had a stack of of those cactus fruits which had zero food value since I'd already eaten a bunch of them. Wanted a juicer to juice some of them. Food was pretty tight there for awhile, I even had to eat some blue slime to make it over the hump.

Doing good now, just took out one of those dungeon spawner tower/dungeons, can start thinking about some real tech(at least when I come up for air from xcom 2).

You do your cane the same as me.;)
I can't remember how long the current version takes before the juicer becomes available as a quest, but I believe for the upcoming 1.1.2 update I decided to make it available sooner and made it trigger after the Day 1 killing quest is completed. This of course means it shows you how to make clay quite early in the game now, at least it will when we release version 1.1.2. In the meantime have fun when you finally get back to being marooned in
With your new transfer node recipes, the ender pearl version of the recipe only gives one transfer node, is that intentional?
Yes, when I included the pneumatic servo as an alternative for players who didn't have any pearls I decided one node made more sense as players can choose which recipe they want to make.
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Strawberry seed doesn't have a crossbreed recipe(or any recipe, for that matter according to NEI), is it a quest reward at some point? Was going to crossbreed to grape seed for a quest requiring grape jelly---and I didn't pick grapes as my reward every chance I could. None of the berry gardens I've smashed have yielded grapes either.

Also, is there repeatable non-random way to get a textile garden? I had a bunch at the start but it looks like I forgot to save one for my new garden layout. Cotton seeds themselves have no recipe in NEI.

Spent ~4 hours trying to find a fusewood tree in the Nether. Guess I'll shelve that until I have a jetpack and can search territory more quickly.
I've heard about the strawberry problem already. I'm on holiday and have no way to verify what the agricraft maker meant when he said he'd added strawberries to the mutation process. If I can't find where it was added or even if it was added, I'll add a quest to provide a seed or two for mutation.

There's currently no repeatable quest for textile gardens as I've already included them in at least 6 other quests. When I get back I'll look into that possibility as there's a latter quest that requires curtains made from cotton. I.m thinking I might even include it as a regular reward for completing the Taint Nuttin quest. That way you'll always be able to get another bush.

Fusewood trees can be hard to find but they are there somewhere in the vast expanse of the Nether. Keep looking as they're bound to turn up sooner or later.
So I have three of quests not working under Location Trepidation.

Both the Nagging Naga Leggings and Nagging Naga Chestplate don't work. (maybe because they are enchanted when you craft them?)
The Minotaur kill quest, you need to kill Maze Slimes. It doesn't recognize them. I've wiped out an entire maze of them, as well as
auto-spawning them and neither way counts.. (The Minotaur and Hedge Spider/Swarm Spiders worked in the spawner.)

There is a cotton crop mutation (pink cotton seeds from Natura), but the crop that grows has no use.
I've been playing through up to the point of the twilight forest, great game so far, I really liked the feel of the early game with different progression to most other packs.

I'm also having the same issue with the Naga Quests now and also have quite a problem with the portal to the twilight forest, when returning to the overworld my return point is a couple of blocks to the side of the portal which puts me in a wall causing a death each time.
Is there a way in game either move the portal or change the point at which it puts you back into the overworld?
There are two abandoned mineshafts beneath my base that i've been slowly clearing out so that my mob spawner will work better. Curiously enough I found 4-5 textile gardens on a patch of dirt down there. So I still have a textile source, it is just ~1000 units round trip to get to where they're growing directly under my base. I need to find a closer hole through the bedrock somehow. Guess I'll start clearing every ruin nearby. Shame elevator blocks won't go through bedrock. Had a eureka moment when I thought of that only to have it not work. Will try some nether portals to cut down on that round trip, or maybe TF portals would be even better now that I think of it.

And whew, clearing out those mineshafts is hard work. The more of it you light the more it concentrates the mobs in the remaining dark areas, making for some crazy fights since there isn't anywhere else for them to spawn unless it is night.
Kiwi_flyer- I had this problem the first time I played (this was right around the time I gave up and re-started), I ended up going into cheat mode and enlarging the room around the portal. (you cannot move it, or re-make it)

twisto51 - The elevators won't pass through blocks but the travel anchors will. (I use one outside the portal ruin and the other near the portal to teleport to.) Jetpacks and hang gliders allow great travel.
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So I have three of quests not working under Location Trepidation.

Both the Nagging Naga Leggings and Nagging Naga Chestplate don't work. (maybe because they are enchanted when you craft them?)
The Minotaur kill quest, you need to kill Maze Slimes. It doesn't recognize them. I've wiped out an entire maze of them, as well as
auto-spawning them and neither way counts.. (The Minotaur and Hedge Spider/Swarm Spiders worked in the spawner.)

There is a cotton crop mutation (pink cotton seeds from Natura), but the crop that grows has no use.

I've had the same problem with the Minotaur quest. It has something to do with the Twilight Forest progression system. You have to complete certain tasks before it unlocks the next area for completion.

Here's the thing, you can complete a section like getting Naga Scales and it will unlock the next area. Sometimes it unlocks the entire area and sometimes for reasons unknown, it only unlocks a portion. It didn't matter whether I listed the Minotaurs as fuzzy or precise, they simply wouldn't register until I went back and repeated a main task [like Naga's and/or the Lich]. For me going back and and killing another naga and picking up its scales worked. When I returned to the Minotaurs they started registering as kills.

I'm afraid my only other option would be to remove those quests as the glitch is in the Twilight mod and not the HQM mod. I decided on a compromise and made them optional quests as they can be completed but sometimes only after redoing some of the previous bosses. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this possibility in the quests themselves, but I can't be sure until I return home to check them out. The laptop I'm using here isn't powerful enough to even run the game.

The naga armor was working on my computer but I'll check again to see why its stopped. Rest assured if I can't make it work I'll simply change it to submitting x number of scales in exchange for the armor in 1.1.2

Your mentioning the natura cotton has given me an idea that will save me changing current quests. When I get back I'll include its cotton as craftable into the woven cloth.

Thanks for all your input about the glitched quests as its given me a chance to make some timely changes....
I've been playing through up to the point of the twilight forest, great game so far, I really liked the feel of the early game with different progression to most other packs.

I'm also having the same issue with the Naga Quests now and also have quite a problem with the portal to the twilight forest, when returning to the overworld my return point is a couple of blocks to the side of the portal which puts me in a wall causing a death each time.
Is there a way in game either move the portal or change the point at which it puts you back into the overworld?

I haven't had the returning problem but have been sent back down the passage. I'll make the overall area bigger in the update. Thanks for alerting me to this potential problem.

The Twilight seems to have a mind of its own. One time when "I first entered it in a new game it sent me 12 blocks below the surface in solid stone. Suffocated before I could switch to a pick. Thankfully spawned above ground. Another time I died while fighting a Lich and re-spawned in the Dark Forest in a block of some kind. Was able to knock it out that time. At least it gave me a book for my troubles. I'm not altogether sure all the bugs have been ironed out of it yet but its just too good a mod to leave out of the game.
Kiwi_flyer- I had this problem the first time I played (this was right around the time I gave up and re-started), I ended up going into cheat mode and enlarging the room around the portal. (you cannot move it, or re-make it)

twisto51 - The elevators won't pass through blocks but the travel anchors will. (I use one outside the portal ruin and the other near the portal to teleport to.) Jetpacks and hang gliders allow great travel.

Actually the elevators will pass through blocks, including bedrock. They just won't pass through more than 4 blocks. If players want to elevate underground from their bases, they just need to play the easier or regular games that have only 2 or 4 layers of bedrock.
I'm always pleasantly surprised when the healing axe isn't disabled in a hunger overhaul pack.

I notice the ender-thermic pump is disabled but that the bc pump is not, but cannot be built because cannot make iron pick. What's the intention on that, disable the BC pump or add a recipe for it that doesn't require an iron pickaxe?

Similar question with diamond spikes. I can make the gold spikes because I have a bunch of pristine gold swords from somewhere, maybe the crystal chests? But cannot make the diamond spikes since can't make diamond swords.

Just wondering so I know what I can cheat in while trashing the materials to make it for these recipes that can't be made and what is intended to be unavailable to the player. Thanks.
I've run through the progression up to killing the Yeti and the Maze Slimes don't work. You can usually get around have to re-kill the naga, lich and other bosses by dropping their specific drops and picking them up again, that usually makes the achievement trigger as complete. I thought I tested the elevator...must have been more than 4 blocks, good to know.

Twisto51 - I cheated in a pick for the pump, but you can get them in the twlight (I wanted the pump long before I knew that..)
I'm always pleasantly surprised when the healing axe isn't disabled in a hunger overhaul pack.

I notice the ender-thermic pump is disabled but that the bc pump is not, but cannot be built because cannot make iron pick. What's the intention on that, disable the BC pump or add a recipe for it that doesn't require an iron pickaxe?

Similar question with diamond spikes. I can make the gold spikes because I have a bunch of pristine gold swords from somewhere, maybe the crystal chests? But cannot make the diamond spikes since can't make diamond swords.

Just wondering so I know what I can cheat in while trashing the materials to make it for these recipes that can't be made and what is intended to be unavailable to the player. Thanks.
Sooooo , there's a healing axe is there? I just might have to do something about that lol.

As I mentioned previously, I didn't disable the original tools and weapons but I have been thinking it might be easier if instead of making a whole bunch of new recipes for the machines, it might be easier to just reinstate the tools and weapons by seeing if there's an easy way in a config. If not I might just make new recipes for the tools/weapons instead.

As for the thermic pump. I didn't disable it, its probably disabled by another mod. Might look into it when I get back.

As for spikes, I'd be interested in knowing what you use them for?
I've run through the progression up to killing the Yeti and the Maze Slimes don't work. You can usually get around have to re-kill the naga, lich and other bosses by dropping their specific drops and picking them up again, that usually makes the achievement trigger as complete. I thought I tested the elevator...must have been more than 4 blocks, good to know.

Twisto51 - I cheated in a pick for the pump, but you can get them in the twlight (I wanted the pump long before I knew that..)

Not sure what you're saying with regards the slimes. I'm guessing you've gone back and redone some things and still can't get them to trigger. Its always possible I did something wrong when I was forced to redo that entire page due to the later HQM version I was using. I'll check it out when I get back from Christchurch later this month, assuming we don't get a larger earthquake than the 5.7 we just had earlier today.
Did you disable the TE pulverizer? I placed one next to a survivalist generator and it isn't filling up with rf. Also, my bees won't get down to 0 durability. The tooltip item ID is [Bee item ID]:18. I assume it has to be 0 before I can craft it, but all of my bees just stop there.
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As for spikes, I'd be interested in knowing what you use them for?

Mob grinder. I greatly prefer an enchanted diamond spike to any other grinder in the pack. Max sharpness+looting=more drops than MFR grinder and you get Exp instead of Essence(easy to convert exp to essence as needed, a bit more cumbersome to convert the other way.)

Doesn't matter at this point, was getting a crash after load and force updated the pack which conveniently overwrote my world with the default.
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Did you disable the TE pulverizer? I placed one next to a survivalist generator and it isn't filling up with rf. Also, my bees won't get down to 0 durability. The tooltip item ID is [Bee item ID]:18. I assume it has to be 0 before I can craft it, but all of my bees just stop there.
You need to use pipes to power things from the extra utilites generators in this pack, one wooden kinesis pipe from buildcraft should do it for you, but you will need gold pipes if you want to power more machines.
Did you disable the TE pulverizer? I placed one next to a survivalist generator and it isn't filling up with rf. Also, my bees won't get down to 0 durability. The tooltip item ID is [Bee item ID]:18. I assume it has to be 0 before I can craft it, but all of my bees just stop there.

18 means its done all its work. Go ahead and craft it into jelly. You do know what they say about ppl who assume don't you?

Didn't disable pulveriser. From recollection you need to connect them with a wooden kinesis pipe and another like the cobblestone kinesis pipe.