[1.7.10] Marooned

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"Now go read that Hammer Time quest and find out how you get snow in this game....." I read it, but didn't bother with the platform, I'd seen some snow in my wanderings, and all I needed was 8 snowballs to make the glacial precipitator. (BTW it is not called Hammer Time but Smashing Time)

My new problem is a Bat spawner witch doesn't seem to work. I found a ruin filled with 6 or 7 bat spawners and a lot of water. While filling in the water I was never attacked, and after I took the spawner to a 9x9 dark room - it doesn't spawn any bats.
What What?

Also i was using silktouch, could have been this?
Maybe. I only received silktouch once in all the games I played... and I've played many many times trying to get the right mix. Gotta say I've never come across something like 'THAT IMAGE' either. I guess the former inhabitants had managed to travel further than anyone had realised, lol.

Maybe it was a special reward just for you for getting that silktouch..............


EDIT: The what what? You haven't been watching too many re-runs of Doctor Who's David Tennant have you?
EDIT: The what what? You haven't been watching too many re-runs of Doctor Who's David Tennant have you?

This is funny. Last night I watched again the Christmas Special when the doctor meets Donna for the first time. What what?

EDIT: To not make two post in a row, I edited this one. A small detail I noticed: You should made a simpler recipe for the HQM book. I don't suggest making the regular book recipe cheaper, but instead do something that reflects the early game. For example, red sand + maple wood. Regrowth do something like that. Another option is to do like galactic science, where there is a quest that completes every time you die and awards a quest book and basic oxygen gear. I like the first option better. I noticed this when I fell into lava, and was forced to go back to my grave only for the book (the rest of items where easy replaceable)
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That's not how it works. You get 8 'required' saplings [including a cherry and walnut] from completing the top four garden challenges.
The top 4 garden challenges was the problem. The hidden challenge to get the second two never fired for me, even though I had the items required. I loaded the book in edit mode, saw what the trigger needed, pulled it out of a chest and it was fine. Frustrating having a hidden trigger and no idea what to do to trip it.

I also found what I think is probably a bug. The plant frenzy quest is set in the nether. There are two different woods called darkwood in the pack, one from natura that spawns in the nether, one from twilight forrest. I think you've got the wrong one required for the quest.
The top 4 garden challenges was the problem. The hidden challenge to get the second two never fired for me, even though I had the items required. I loaded the book in edit mode, saw what the trigger needed, pulled it out of a chest and it was fine. Frustrating having a hidden trigger and no idea what to do to trip it.

I also found what I think is probably a bug. The plant frenzy quest is set in the nether. There are two different woods called darkwood in the pack, one from natura that spawns in the nether, one from twilight forrest. I think you've got the wrong one required for the quest.

I've just changed the darkwood to the Natura blue darkwood. Thanks for the heads up. It can be a problem when you know a wood exists somewhere and make it part of a challenge and then accidentally put the wrong one in.

You'll be pleased to hear that all 4 top garden bushes will trigger as soon as the 'Taint Nuttin' quest is completed for the the first time, in the upcoming update. I've put in a spoiler on the front page Titled COMING SOON.

Its funny, I originally had some quests trigger only after the player received a required item. then I changed a couple to trigger early as some people were having trouble working out what to do next. Now I've had a couple asking why a quest is available when they can't complete it. The Busy Bee is a good example. The way I look at it, I'd rather know what I need to find to complete a quest, than have to stumble on it by accident.

Anyway, the new update when I release it will have many changes, hopefully most will improve the playability of the game.

This is funny. Last night I watched again the Christmas Special when the doctor meets Donna for the first time. What what?

EDIT: To not make two post in a row, I edited this one. A small detail I noticed: You should made a simpler recipe for the HQM book. I don't suggest making the regular book recipe cheaper, but instead do something that reflects the early game. For example, red sand + maple wood. Regrowth do something like that. Another option is to do like galactic science, where there is a quest that completes every time you die and awards a quest book and basic oxygen gear. I like the first option better. I noticed this when I fell into lava, and was forced to go back to my grave only for the book (the rest of items where easy replaceable)

Funny you should mention this as SirJAH888 and I were discussing it the other day when another player died trying to get down a well. We experimented with dying to see where his grave might have gotten to as a grave will always try to spawn in the nearest available space. Anyway, we then discussed making a really easy recipe for the book even though its already soooooooo easy to get paper very early in the game lol, I've been trying to think a of a logical recipe and instead came up with this intriguing idea.. I can always tell the player at the beginning of their quest that the 'Disclaimer' book they receive has special properties and can be used to create new Quest books in their inventory and won't disappear after being used in this way. What do you think?

"Now go read that Hammer Time quest and find out how you get snow in this game....." I read it, but didn't bother with the platform, I'd seen some snow in my wanderings, and all I needed was 8 snowballs to make the glacial precipitator. (BTW it is not called Hammer Time but Smashing Time)

My new problem is a Bat spawner witch doesn't seem to work. I found a ruin filled with 6 or 7 bat spawners and a lot of water. While filling in the water I was never attacked, and after I took the spawner to a 9x9 dark room - it doesn't spawn any bats.

Sorry I missed this post until now. I forgot I renamed hammer time to smashing time. So hard to keep up with all the changes I've been making. You probably saw some snow on the Twin Peaks. When I was making the ruin it rained. The ruin was up high off the ground at the time so it formed snow on the 2 highest peaks. I thought they looked interesting so left them there. To my knowledge that's the only place where you'll find snow, apart from the floating islands of course.

From what I can gather, if you remove a spawner and then place it down, it will no longer spawn mobs, or so I've been told. Bats don't attack, they just fly around and nest. If you go back to that 'Batcave' you might be able to find some there. Its not a good place to kill them though as there are so many places high up where they can avoid you. I usually find a bat spawner under tainted soil somewhere and enclose it so that they'll spawn for me and won't be able to fly away.


To compensate you for wasting so much time in the Batcave, I'd suggest you go back and reclaim all the sand you used to fill in that sewage. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.
Perhaps a little bit in the quest book to describe that there's progression in twilight forest, I'd played a much older version of it before and didn't realise you had to complete certain parts to stop you getting negative effects in others. Was running around for ages in the fire place fighting the hydra and throwing water buckets down everywhere before I finally looked it up :s
From what I can gather, if you remove a spawner and then place it down, it will no longer spawn mobs"

That's seems only true for the bat spawners. I've used Blaze and Zombie spawners so far.

If you mean the chests, that's why I was filling in all the sewage. I got them! :D I was looking for a way to go lower.

I ended up completing the Bat quest in another underground place, filled with just about every mob. Died twice so far trying to clean it out.

Is there a way to get a Division Sigil (it is in the NEI) somewhere? I have to go look around the nether I think. Haven't found one in the various ruins in the over world...

WOW did 1.1.0 change something in the Nether? I set up my lava pump station in the previous release and haven't gone back, just did and cannot move in the nether. FPS dropped to 1 (I usually get around 20-25) I've never had problems with the nether in any pack...
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From what I can gather, if you remove a spawner and then place it down, it will no longer spawn mobs"

That's seems only true for the bat spawners. I've used Blaze and Zombie spawners so far.

If you mean the chests, that's why I was filling in all the sewage. I got them! :D I was looking for a way to go lower.

I ended up completing the Bat quest in another underground place, filled with just about every mob. Died twice so far trying to clean it out.

Is there a way to get a Division Sigil (it is in the NEI) somewhere? I have to go look around the nether I think. Haven't found one in the various ruins in the over world...

WOW did 1.1.0 change something in the Nether? I set up my lava pump station in the previous release and haven't gone back, just did and cannot move in the nether. FPS dropped to 1 (I usually get around 20-25) I've never had problems with the nether in any pack...

I've never used a Division Sigil. Perhaps you could tell me what you want [use] it for. There's a quest that asks you to find a stronghold corridor in the Nether. There's a tiny chance of finding one there. When/if you eventually make your way underground on the main planet, there's also a small chance of finding one in a mineshaft. Of course you could always seek out a Wither Boss and hope he drops one when you slay him.

Its a vanilla Nether with whatever the mods included with the pack add. I haven't done anything to change it, just provide quests to do. Try again and see if your FPS changes.

Perhaps a little bit in the quest book to describe that there's progression in twilight forest, I'd played a much older version of it before and didn't realise you had to complete certain parts to stop you getting negative effects in others. Was running around for ages in the fire place fighting the hydra and throwing water buckets down everywhere before I finally looked it up :s

I hadn't taken into account the progression from one area to the next and will either have to do some serious editing of the quest book or perhaps create a book that outlines what the player needs to do to safely open up the next area. This could delay the 1.1.1 update somewhat but will be worth it if it results in giving players a decent heads up on how to successfully conquer this exciting world.

Well done on making it this far already.......

So I found out my Nether problem (there had to 200 of them, I should have looked at the entities) :oops:


I use the Division Sigil to make cursed earth for my mob farm. The spawners are working pretty well so I don't really need it.
I can always tell the player at the beginning of their quest that the 'Disclaimer' book they receive has special properties and can be used to create new Quest books in their inventory and won't disappear after being used in this way. What do you think?

Great. But can be a problem if you lose that book too. So may 2 recipes, one using the disclaimer book, and another super simple to craft the HQM book or the disclaimer book.

I've never used a Division Sigil. Perhaps you could tell me what you want [use] it for.

The sigil is mostly used to get cursed earth. Also unstable ingots (used in lots of recipes, like the flying ring, special glass, etc), but mostly is to create compact and with high production mob farms.
I've tried to make a portal to the Twilight forest with no success. (I'm kind stuck with no coconut trees and waiting for the food types to grow. Those would be the only quests I have at the moment.)


The grass area is 13x9 and dirt three levels down to the bedrock. The water is 2x2 and surrounded by flowers. I've tried all poppies, all dandelions and a mixture, as these are all the flowers I have. I tried removing the dirt and replacing it with mycellium and planting all red and then all brown and a mixture of mushrooms. I've tried no flowers and all grass and all tall grass. I've tried opening the portal at all times day and night.

Any idea why I cannot get this to work? More area? More/less light? I just don't know.
I've tried to make a portal to the Twilight forest with no success. (I'm kind stuck with no coconut trees and waiting for the food types to grow. Those would be the only quests I have at the moment.)


The grass area is 13x9 and dirt three levels down to the bedrock. The water is 2x2 and surrounded by flowers. I've tried all poppies, all dandelions and a mixture, as these are all the flowers I have. I tried removing the dirt and replacing it with mycellium and planting all red and then all brown and a mixture of mushrooms. I've tried no flowers and all grass and all tall grass. I've tried opening the portal at all times day and night.

Any idea why I cannot get this to work? More area? More/less light? I just don't know.

Twilight portal can't be made, its found as part of the quest series. It'll be hidden in a dungeon.
mine spawned in near world 0,0 so maybe it's not a randomly generated dungeon. It's like a normal dungeon but there was a sponge near the entrance. Sorry if I'm giving too much away ;)
Great. But can be a problem if you lose that book too. So may 2 recipes, one using the disclaimer book, and another super simple to craft the HQM book or the disclaimer book.

I also let the player know about the disclaimer books ability to make the quest book as well as telling them in the actual Disclaimer book about putting the book somewhere safe for possible future uses. You gotta remember that its a rare thing to actually not be able to find your death point in the first case. I guess I could always suggest the player try the book right at the beginning and leave a spare quest book hanging at the spawn point, but I'm really not inclined to spoon feed them what is realistically something they should think to do themselves upon learning about the the way to get a free book.

Twilight portal can't be made, its found as part of the quest series. It'll be hidden in a dungeon.
mine spawned in near world 0,0 so maybe it's not a randomly generated dungeon. It's like a normal dungeon but there was a sponge near the entrance. Sorry if I'm giving too much away ;)

Good answer, spot on the mark about making portals. As for where to find a dungeon, its in one of the ruins which are entirely randomly generated. I've since gone through them all, [yes, there's more than one ruin containing a portal] and removed items that were inadvertently left unchanged. By that I mean when I'm designing a ruin, I often use a block that I later change to either a spawner or something else. Sponges always become a spawner in the finished product.

You might be pleased to hear how much work your suggestion of putting a little bit in the quest about the progression of the mod entailed. I've only just finished it as it actually crashed HQM halfway through which could have lost me all that work, but I managed to find a way to revive it after much experimentation. The finished product consists of an entire page dedicated solely to the progression in that world. I've even updated HQM to version 4.4.4 which if nothing else, now shows the wooden shortbow in the first quest.

Thanks to your suggestion we've now got a much better quest book, which I might add, has brand new quests along with some original ones having been updated to give more useful rewards early in the game.

I hope to have it released sometime this month after making sure its all working as intended.

I've tried to make a portal to the Twilight forest with no success. (I'm kind stuck with no coconut trees and waiting for the food types to grow. Those would be the only quests I have at the moment.)

The other part of your post has already been answered but I thought I'd let you know in the update [when its released] that you'll be able to graft any of the 4 initial 'palm' fruit trees using one of the other saplings with slime and a saw. Its a bit fiddly but better than hoping your next reward is going to get you that much needed 4th sapling. I'm also going to introduce Agricraft into the game so players can mutate new seeds to their hearts content.

Oh wow, that all ended abruptly. There's not a terrible lot of endgame is there?
Oh wow, that all ended abruptly. There's not a terrible lot of endgame is there?
Are you talking about the 'forest' or the Winners Circle?

As someone once famously said, its all about the journey rather than the destination. OR 'All good things come to an end'.
