[1.7.10] Marooned

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I visited your channel and couldn't get over how many times I saw the word Marooned. It seems people like seeing you fighting for your life against all those leaping spiders. I wanted to vote too but I'm biased as you can imagine. If it turns out you do another video on Marooned, I'd love to see you exploring some of the hidden underground dungeons. You might want to make some armor first though.

Thanks again for replying so quickly and trying out this fledgling mod. BTW, its 2:12am here and I really need to get some sleep, lol.

It took me so long to find 1 peice of sugar cane :(

I've had that happen to me too, but the game is designed to delay the ability to make cane based products. Make sure you check the new recipe for making paper. Also you will benefit from checking out the bucket recipe as well.

I remember on one world where I spent days and days searching for cane and finally returned home with some only to discover a few days later when I went out exploring in the opposite direction some cane growing less than 150 blocks from my base.

PS: If you haven't already updated to version 1.0.3 I'd recommend you do that ASAP.

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Im 5-6 hours into this modpack and all progression has been bottlenecked by sugar cane, i cant make tools so i cant really explore (nothing to break the spider webs or kill mobs) It grows so slow >.<
also struggling with other progression to to lack of oreberry bushes

Other than these few things ive loved every minute of it, as i said havent done much exploring, food is becoming an issue. I found a furnace but have nothing that can break it, if i punch it does it disappear???

Please keep up the good work
Really enjoying the pack so far. It's a pretty slow pack to get into though... at least for a noob like me.

I've managed to build a large house out of orange clay and maple wood. I have all the food stuffs and rudimentary supplies... just trying to claw my way up the tech tree now. Next major goal is build a wall around some property and convert all the orange sand into grass dirt.
Im 5-6 hours into this modpack and all progression has been bottlenecked by sugar cane, i cant make tools so i cant really explore (nothing to break the spider webs or kill mobs) It grows so slow >.<
also struggling with other progression to to lack of oreberry bushes

Other than these few things ive loved every minute of it, as i said havent done much exploring, food is becoming an issue. I found a furnace but have nothing that can break it, if i punch it does it disappear???

Please keep up the good work
Thanks for your in-depth post. Sugar cane can bottleneck your progression. I have randomly put some in a couple of ruins and also made ruins containing them. Exploring methodically during the day is the best way to find some. Icould make it an optional reward for one of the killing quests to help players who haven't managed to find any yet. I could also add some to reward bags if that would help.

I'm already working on an update due to discovering that 'Reputation' rewards are only ever awarded once in repeatable quests so the maximum 80 cannot currently be achieved. I also noticed due to my increasing the number of 'Day' quests from 5 to 7 that I inadvertently managed to miss giving some of them a rep reward as well. Thanks to the 'intelligent' HQM system, players who have already finished those quests will get the opportunity to claim them again if they've already claimed the reward, but only the rep points and not the reward.

The oreberry bushes are designed to slow the progression to sifting because once you get a sieve your progress will increase rapidly. There is a randomness to it as its possible not to get a needed ore berry for some time. At least you can make ingots for recipes from the dried berries. That should give you some stuff to work on.

As for not being able to kill mobs, You received a tool/weapon at the very beginning of the quest and are meant to use it to kill mobs. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on what you chose. It will level up the more you use it. One of the tools breaks spider webs but does less damage to mobs. One breaks clay blocks and kills zombies and skeletons quicker. The other digs sand 9 blocks at a time.

The slab furnace you found is meant as a bonus for exploring and braving the cave spiders protecting it. If you break it with anything other than a pickaxe it will disappear. If you can find where the spawner is hidden you can break it [ohhhh sooo slowly without a pick] and use it as a primary or secondary base for furnace use.

Hope this helps. Thanks for trying the mod.

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Really enjoying the pack so far. It's a pretty slow pack to get into though... at least for a noob like me.

I've managed to build a large house out of orange clay and maple wood. I have all the food stuffs and rudimentary supplies... just trying to claw my way up the tech tree now. Next major goal is build a wall around some property and convert all the orange sand into grass dirt.

Sounds like you've got a good grasp of survival already. Not sure what you mean by 'convert' the sand. I'm assuming you are making dirt and replacing the sand. There are lots of shortcuts if you know what you're doing. Sometimes you find out by a stroke of good fortune. Sometimes only after you have spent many many hours taking the slow way around. there's no hard and fast rule, just what suits your style of play. Keep an eye out for Version 1.0.4 when I'm ready to release it. Be sure to copy your saved game to another folder before downloading it though so you can keep playing the one you started.
Quick one the first tinkers quest doesnt tell you to get a tank it asked for glass instead. the structure needs a tank to work
Downloaded today and running 1.0.3 and my I think my NEI is messed up. I get all kinds of crafting profiling info but no recipies. How do I make a sieve, woven cotton, wool, a bed? Or are they disabled? I need a sieve to get stone no?
Quick one the first tinkers quest doesnt tell you to get a tank it asked for glass instead. the structure needs a tank to work
I'm assuming you are referring to a making a Smelter. A smelter can use either seared glass, seared window or seared tank for lava storage. I've chosen the glass because it uses less seared bricks and in my example I'm letting you know how to make a smeltery using the least amount of bricks. The good news for you and all the other players is that regardless of which one you make, I've set the seared glass for 'Fuzzy' logic so it will accept whichever one you make as being 'seared glass' in the same way that it accepts any type of raw fish in the 'Taint Nuttin' quest.

Hope this helps........
Downloaded today and running 1.0.3 and my I think my NEI is messed up. I get all kinds of crafting profiling info but no recipies. How do I make a sieve, woven cotton, wool, a bed? Or are they disabled? I need a sieve to get stone no?
Not sure what you mean by getting crafting profiling but no recipes. Assuming you are getting all the items showing on the right of the screen, LEFT clicking shows how the item is made while RIGHT clicking shows what the item can make. If its not showing at all, you can usually bring it up by pressing the 'o' key. The sieve recipe has been changed, woven cotton has been removed because cotton plants aren't available in Marooned. Beds are unchanged. If you can't find a way to show recipes you'll have a lot of trouble progressing because many are different now. I'll put in a spoiler to show you how to make a sieve.

You can only make the Acacia Sieve.


P = Acacia Planks
M = Silk Mesh
I = Iron Bar
S = Sticks

A single Iron Bar can be made using 5 iron nuggets in a X pattern
You can also make 12 bars using 5 ingots in a X pattern.

The silk mesh now uses 9 cobwebs

Cobwebs can be made using 5 string in a X pattern.

Hope this helps..........
This is what I get when I look at a sieve

Nine pages of that and then a blank page. (OK the acacia one works)

To make a bed, you need sheep then? Can't make wool with string?

One of our sponsors owns a sheep farm and was adamant that you simply couldn't grab a few spider strings and make a ball of wool from it. Thankfully in my case I have insomnia and never make a bed. Besides, there's a whole heap of mobs that are just dying to feel the tip of my blade, or head of my hammer, depending on which tool I decided to choose for my quest.

Its a shame it takes so long to get sheep to spawn, I'll think about putting wool in as an optional choice as a quest reward for all you players that just need to get sleep so badly....


BTW: There's going to be an update within the next week so the wool is a definite possibility.

Edit Again: I've introduced Textile bushes as an early reward that you can grow for cotton which can be made into woven cloth that can then be crafted into wool. This saves on having to obtain and use string. Of course you still won't be able to make it until I've uploaded the update and you've installed it. The update is going to be 1.1.0 as it requires updating the 6 saved games that come with Marooned.
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My progress so far;


Just beginning to get automation underway. once i had finally got past the sugarcane bottleneck and made a few basic tools that was me. the berrys eventually led to sieve and after that it was a slow slug uphill to where i am now. Since i got my seive ive moved completely away from the quest book. i plan to continue once i can automate dirt from the sludge boiler from my tree farm. Finally got the walls up with microblock ledges around the outside, theres still lots of spawnable areas but ill soon be sorting them out with glowstone nooks

Points of note.

Sugar cane bottleneck. perhaps as you said add it to loot bags/dungeons. I was also maybe thinking that you could reduce the paper stack crafting recipe from 4 to 2 paper. this would allow a much easier progression into tinkers, i understand you are making it hard and you are starting from nothing but when i got to that point for maybe 1/2 hours i had progressed as far as i could without tinkers and was literally staring at it waiting for it to grow.

Food. i think you have absolutely nailed the amount of food you recieve from quest rewards, i have spent the entire game teeting on the edge of starvation but just managing to pull through each time.

Dirt. Another huge bottleneck but seems fair enough after all you are creating it out of nothing, my biggest drama with this was it took me 1 stack +57 to get an acorn seed that i needed to get the quest to receive a rubber sapling, this hugely hindered me but maybe i was just unlucky, after sludge boiler comes online im hoping dirt will be a non issue.

Redstone. its used so frequently in so many early game recipes. i burnt 6 stacks of dust just to get where i am now, maybe its drop rate could use turning up slightly??

Quests. I really love that theyre 4+ parters with multple subquests for each(it saves some of the rapid prograssion i saw in Obscurity) but some of them feel like theyre unnecessarily padded out, i cant remember the exact quest but after a particularly technical based quest it then asked me for fruit, which had nothing to do with that progression at that time. Another 2 quests ask for an apple, then ask for 10 apples in the very next subquest.

--Im not sure if the mod pack has changed but the extra utility generators will not connect when placed directly next to a machine. Example my furnace generator does not charge the pulveriser when placed next to it i was forced to use kinetic pipes. i dont know if its a glitch or a new way of doing things.

--Please Please Please can we get the mod that allows you to auto populate the crafting grid when shift Clicked on the question mark, i dont know what mod it is or if i turn have it turned off in my configs and im being a mong but i literally(figuratively) cant live without it.

Overall so far the mod pack has performed beautifully. Difficulty is perfect, i went softcore but had a close call when exploring for stuff when i realised i only had 1 life left. I love the amount of content contained in the quests that make it actually challenging to play through, Food supply/demand is implemented perfectly. thankyou very much for the pack, Ill keep you updated on how i progress(id love to have video'd my play but my laptop struggles even playing FTB)

Cane seeds can now be given in reward bags plus with the new release cane spawns more frequently in the 'easier' worlds. Its still not all that easy to get but its meant to delay the progression to tool making. Perhaps its just me but I usually find other things to work on while my cane is growing. In fact in my latest test world, I had cane waiting in a chest while I grew enough aluminum to make a bucket. Try as I might, I just couldn't find an abandoned furnace to cook my clay bucket.

Strictly speaking the real bottleneck is growing enough ores to swap for that all important acacia seed to make your first sieve. Everything else can be obtained sooner. It all depends on how much you explore to find what you need. You can even get a cobblestone generator up and running under the right circumstances.

Dirt is always a problem early in the game. Especially when you are deciding whether to sift it for other valuable materials or use it to extend your garden for plant expansion and animal spawning or using it for tilled crops. For me that's part of the challenge, deciding which is more important. Early on I tend to just semi automate my dirt by using an autonomous activator over a barrel with a hopper below it. Then I just 'feed' my composting material into a BB that transfers it into the waiting AA. As for rubber, in the updated version soon to be released, you now get rubber saplings from 2 quests not related to acorns. One involves dirt, the other sand. Oddly enough, I changed it after one particularly prolonged session where I used more than 3 stacks of dirt trying to get an acorn seed. Too much dirt just to get rubber, so I changed it to quests that are more important to do first.

As far as 'drop' rates go, I've left them as they were designed, rather than tinkering with Tinkers. You can get lucky and receive redstone in reward bags though.

The only two I can currently find asking for food at the end of the quest are the tool making and bucket making quests. I actually thought they were too easy and decided to add the food to delay their completion. If they were something else then I've probably changed them already in the update for the same reason you mentioned.

The acorn quest now only wants to 'detect' the first apple. Its mainly there to allow room for explanations for new adventurers.

I've only ever used the survivalist generator from EU. I recall having to use kinesis pipes to get power from it. In the end I switched to magmatic dynamo's because I found them easier to use. I haven't changed the way machines or pipes work. I'm just providing a way that I know works for the player to use if they don't know of a better way.

Open your inventory. Click on the button at the bottom left of screen labelled 'Options'

Click on the top middle button labelled 'Inventory'

Click on the middle button below the button labelled 'NEI Enabled' It should currently say 'Recipe Mode'

Change it to 'Utility Mode' then click the 'Back' button twice to return to your inventory. Your beloved feature should now be activated.

I'll be sure to have it activated in the update.:oops:

Thanks for your thoughts about the game, and more importantly alerting me to a feature that I didn't know existed. Thankfully SirJAH888 did and explained how to activate it. It also got me thinking about another mod that I used to find helpful and will now research for inclusion in the next update.

PS: I enjoyed the pic of your enclosure. I tend to place covers over the water to prevent cane falling in though. Plus where have you hidden the swimming pool?

PPS: I just linked your getting down to one life and then not following the book until you are more established. The thing is you could easily miss out on discovering how to make more lives by using your experience. Its all explained in one of the quests. Just saying.............

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Open your inventory. Click on the button at the bottom left of screen labelled 'Options'

Click on the top middle button labelled 'Inventory'

Click on the middle button below the button labelled 'NEI Enabled' It should currently say 'Recipe Mode'

Change it to 'Utility Mode' then click the 'Back' button twice to return to your inventory. Your beloved feature should now be activated.

I'll be sure to have it activated in the update.:oops:

Im not sure if its just me but being in utility mode has the same effect as being in cheat mode as in each time i click in utility mode it just send the items to my inventory. hopefully this fixes itself in the new update if not i can always mess around with the mods myself to see what is happening, also to note is centre click to auto rearrange chest function is not available and im led to belive this is from the same mod.