Hrm. According to both places, Cassiterite doesn't load in the Nether but I've cleared out a bunch from there, shrug.Hmm, different for the end, but not for the nether - maybe some other mod is affecting that.
Hrm. According to both places, Cassiterite doesn't load in the Nether but I've cleared out a bunch from there, shrug.Hmm, different for the end, but not for the nether - maybe some other mod is affecting that.
Still large bronze for a couple more days. I'll probably still keep the 36LP boilers around even when I upgrade to tungstensteel because I can run those two 36LP boilers non stop off creosote and they will keep my arrays of LV centrifuges, ore washers, thermal centrifuges, and cobblestone packagers running continuously without burning any alumentum, which can be then buffered for the bursts of steam in the large boiler. Maybe it doesn't make sense or isn't efficient, but makes sense to meOut of curiousity, why do you keep your 36LPs around at all if you have a large titanium boiler? Or is yours still a Large Bronze one?
Hrm. According to both places, Cassiterite doesn't load in the Nether but I've cleared out a bunch from there, shrug.
That is precisely what I do. I have an ender quarry running at all times, with ender io item conduits extracting from the quarry to both a trash can and an item grate with a mirror underneath. I have an item filter to send all the stuff I don't want to the can (cobblestone, granite, etc), and everything else to the mirror. On the other side, it drops to a greedy chest that extracts to a diamond chest with an import bus.
Also, I have an energized node feeding it ordo to keep it running fast.
For the bronze, it makes sense. Once you get to a Steel Boiler, it doesn't matter if your LPs never switch off. Once you get to Titanium, it makes more sense to just dismantle your LPs entirely.Still large bronze for a couple more days. I'll probably still keep the 36LP boilers around even when I upgrade to tungstensteel because I can run those two 36LP boilers non stop off creosote and they will keep my arrays of LV centrifuges, ore washers, thermal centrifuges, and cobblestone packagers running continuously without burning any alumentum, which can be then buffered for the bursts of steam in the large boiler. Maybe it doesn't make sense or isn't efficient, but makes sense to me![]()
The ordo vis has to be relayed to the receiving mirror (the one at your base).Which part are you feeding ordo to?
The ordo vis has to be relayed to the receiving mirror (the one at your base).
It will function without ordo vis. It just won't function at full speed for sustained periods of time.Oh gotcha. I didn't realize they needed anything since they removed the essentia cost on them.
That's just my personal preference (skipping the steel one) and I do it because of the way I set things up. I'm also running 2 36LP RC liquid boilers off the creosote from 48 coke ovens non stop. So the large boiler is only for burst needs when those 2 RC boilers can't keep up in keeping my steam tank full. Because of this the large bronze boiler is enough to keep two EBFs going (one MV and one HV) along with most of my LV gear that run constantly like packagers, centrifuges, ore washing. I run my MV and HV machines off diesel generators.
But now I'm getting to the point where I'm going to be looking at starting some EV stuff, and that's the point where the large bronze boiler is no longer adequate for my setup. Plus I need to put in some GT turbines because the RC turbines aren't enough anymore. I'll keep those for my LV stuff though because they're efficient and the maintenance is minimal. Right now, oddly enough, because of my mining habits or lack there-of I have more tungsten than I do titanium so I might just skip the titanium boiler and go straight to tungsten-steel.
I've had an ender quarry sitting in a chest for a few days now. I should probably set it upOut of curiosity, has anyone bothered to try setting up an ender quarry (without speed upgrades) to pass items using magic mirrors back to your base? If I had an energized ordo node near the receiving mirror perhaps?
I'm not convinced you need BC gates at all. Comparator, possibly a pulse former and inverter (NOT gate), all of which is blue power-able.
Been trying all day, still can't get it to work. Like you said, I just put the comparator on the floor with some redstone torches and redstone dust, figured out how it works (kinda sorta anyway). But when I drop the comparator on a RC Valve block, it doesn't seem to do anything. I tried sideways on the Valve itself, horizontal on the block adjacent to the Valve, etc. Pretty much gave up and decided on my old manual setup - a long run of redstone conduit with a redstone switch near my processing area. I can clearly see the tank level and just flip the switch on/off as needed. I did build the liquid sensor kit, but I think that's used with the Information Panel so I need to make one of those and check that out. Even if it just displays the steam qty in the tank, I'll put that right about the on/off switch and be quite happy with it even if it is manual control.
But there's nothing wrong with using BC - for my creosote/charcoal production, I was gonna use the standard EnderIO, but then I realized how much of it I'm gonna need... and then realized that nothing in the process requires any kind of speed... thus BC pipes will suffice - and they're obviously much, much cheaper. This pack forces us to think of such things instead of just doing what we always do.
Are you using a vanilla comparator?
You need to select the pack version from the dropdown menu and then click on download server.
Or you can use this direct link (
Yeah blue power is highly annoying in that regard. And it doesn't always talk "properly" to other redstone systemsSo the final piece of the puzzle... automating the Large Boiler operation. Got the Boiler working like a charm now, but manually, the GT Machine Controller cover was a good start. Remote control of on/off without need for the Soft Hammer, via a long run of Redstone Conduit and a Redstone Switch.
So I put a vanilla Comparator on a RC tank Valve with the tank about 1/2 full, and then put a piece of Red Alloy Wire down and moused over it. Interestingly, I got a value of 119. Huh? So then I tested the wire with a redstone torch and got a value of 255. Apparently the Red Alloy wire, or else the vanilla Comparator, doesn't have a range of 0-15, it has a range of 0-255. So now I need to figure out how to set us Pyure's RS Latch using these values - perhaps turn Boiler on at 64 and off at 192. Not sure how to do that. I know how to do it using vanilla Redstone dust with the 0-15 range. Certainly I'm not gonna lay out a length of 255!
EDIT: Nope, I'm wrong, I watched the wire as the tank filled. The values are discrete, in 15 steps... empty is 17, then 34, 51,68, etc up to 255 when tank is full. So it's identical to vanilla redstone dust strength.