[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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My slimeball icon just changed. I don't use any texture packs. They always looked like green balls in my chest, but this morning all my slimeballs are this big square weird green icon, almost looks like a face.


Just noticed this myself. What the ...
No that sounds right to me.

BTW, whenever I have BP questions, I just check out the equivalent gate on the ProjectRed wiki.

They're all based solidly on RedPower anyway so they function essentially the same.


Update: I think I got it this time, altho that darn AND gate is still wonky for me. Time will tell. Part of my problem was my concept - I laid out a line of redstone dust from the comparator and was trying to "sample" the dust's state from below by attaching (wrenching) a redstone conduit to the block that the dust was on top of. However I realized that when the dust is power=1, and even tho the block is definitely powered (as can be seen by attaching a redstone torch to the side of that block, it will go out), the redstone conduit attached to the bottom of that block does not pick up the signal. I solved that with a redstone repeater pulling the signal off the line at positions #3 and #14 and into a block. Then I attach the redstone conduit to the bottom of that block instead and it reads it just fine. Now my only problem seems to be the AND gate, which I've had to remove and replace a couple of times. It seems to be working finally, so fingers crossed! The next test will be to disconnect from the server and see if it works properly when I log back on - then an offline test but with my base chunk loaded.

And I can already see my next project, because 10 coke ovens making charcoal is still not nearly enough to keep up with all my processing. A CreoStak 36 will solve that quite nicely indeed I think.
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I setup boiler control via comparators on tank valves today. Was really scratching my head until I noticed that valves only seem to work on the back of comparators, not as side inputs. So I've got a comparator on two valves, a comparator sideways on one of those original comparators, and then the RS latch. Seems to be working. Need to compact and hide it now.

This is the messy original version: http://i.imgur.com/1gqGA6G.jpg

If the valve on the left falls beneath a value of 13 it turns on one side of the RS latch, turning on the boiler.
If the valve on the right raises above a value of 14 it turns on the other side, turning off the boiler.
Output side of latch away from boiler leads to boiler.

Test for a few cycles, seems to work as intended. Might drop the turn on value down to 7 or 8 now that it works.

Funny side note: I built everything to use sensor cards and a range trigger except for the last two wires which I thought were electrum, but were platinum of which I have none. doh.
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Think I found the problem
I setup boiler control via comparators on tank valves today. Was really scratching my head until I noticed that valves only seem to work on the back of comparators, not as side inputs. So I've got a comparator on two valves, a comparator sideways on one of those original comparators, and then the RS latch. Seems to be working. Need to compact and hide it now.

This is the messy original version: http://i.imgur.com/1gqGA6G.jpg

If the valve on the left falls beneath a value of 13 it turns on one side of the RS latch, turning on the boiler.
If the valve on the right raises above a value of 14 it turns on the other side, turning off the boiler.
Output side of latch away from boiler leads to boiler.

Test for a few cycles, seems to work as intended. Might drop the turn on value down to 7 or 8 now that it works.

Funny side note: I built everything to use sensor cards and a range trigger except for the last two wires which I thought were electrum, but were platinum of which I have none. doh.

If you have some Nickel Ores, macerate-forge hammer-Thermal Centrifuge them for tiny platinum dust. 5 Nickel Ores and about 10 minutes of processing will make one platinum ingot.

Nice compact setup. I see the benefit of using two comparators and I'll probably be adjusting my own setup based on seeing how other people have done it. My AND gate is still giving me problems, it wasn't outputting properly so I walked over to it and looked up at it on the ceiling, and suddenly it fired. LOL Block update or something? I dunno. Pretty happy I got it working but still bothers me that I've been at it all day long and still fiddling and futzing around with it.

The AND gate failed again, both inputs are on and the output is off. sigh Gotta do this another way, BluePower mod is not reliable. I have the middle input disabled and just using the left and right inputs. But it does not work properly, I have to break the logic gate and replace it each cycle. That's a deal-breaker. Will avoid Blue Power mod entirely now and just make a large messy vanilla setup that I at least know is gonna work. An entire day wasted on this crapola.

Probably should give BC gates a try even tho that's a huge project all by itself since I need to build the Assembly Table and Lasers and even need to make a good source of RF power for it. Oh how I miss Eloraam. RedPower would not have failed me like this. sigh
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I still have this Liquid Sensor Kit that I made and didn't use. Took a look for Nuclear Control 2 mod and there is literally zero information out there - a wiki with nothing and an IC2 forum that didn't tell me very much either. For some reason I have this voice in my head telling me I need to build an Information Panel, but I don't know why that voice is there or where it came from. LOL
If you have some Nickel Ores, macerate-forge hammer-Thermal Centrifuge them for tiny platinum dust. 5 Nickel Ores and about 10 minutes of processing will make one platinum ingot.

Nice compact setup.

Yeah I processed all my nickel pre-thermal so didn't get any but I think there is some left in the vein, thanks.

I tried to do the same thing vertically with blue power stuff but what it does to the signal ruins the output levels from the valves.

Tightened it up, all of this will be underneath the floor once I build a floor, lol. I tried putting the latch right next to the leftmost comparator but that seems to break it, think the comparator itself always has a signal of some type.


The information panel is just to put a readout on a display. Can be nice to monitor some things. For this job I think you'd just use a single liquid sensor and a range trigger. Probably stick the card in the trigger or something after slapping the sensor on the valve. I've never done it. Most of that stuff only worked for power but some parts have added support for liquids and presumably other stuff.
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I tried to do the same thing vertically with blue power stuff but what it does to the signal ruins the output levels from the valves.

Tightened it up, all of this will be underneath the floor once I build a floor, lol. I tried putting the latch right next to the leftmost comparator but that seems to break it, think the comparator itself always has a signal of some type.

That's a very nice and compact setup, but it still uses redstone dust which is precisely what I'm trying to avoid. Anybody can break redstone dust and not even realize they did it, and a spilled bucket of water is a total disaster obv. I'll figure something out I'm sure, but at least for now my steam is kinda/sorta automated except for this issue of the Blue Power AND gate requiring me to fly next to it to cause a manual block update and get it to work when it decides not to...

Why can't a mod designer create a replica for vanilla redstone dust that has the same exact characteristics except it won't pop off the ground easily? You'd think the Red Alloy Wire or the Bluepower Wire would perform that job, but it doesn't. Go test it out and you'll see. Instead of 15 power level increments like redstone, those wires are 255 increment levels, and it ruins this entire method. In Infitech2 modpack, it appears we do not have any method of transmitting a vanilla redstone power signal. All the conduits emit their output signal at full power even if the input signal isn't full power, so they don't work. Another suggestions was to use MFR's Rednet Cable, but we don't have that available.
The reason they use 255 increments is so they can make long runs without repeaters.

If you're not on a server you might want to check out the Redstone Paste mod.

Within the pack you've got pipe wire and eio's redstone conduit, don't know if either of those will work for you. I'm not worried about the redstone because I've got it under a suspended floor. Nobody will be down there and it is unlikely to be flooded since I'm already paranoid about water in the electrical machine rooms.

And there is always nuclear controls and computercraft. I'm sure there are ways to do it without redstone dust, just gotta find them.

Oh and one other thought, you could probably come up with a design that uses comparators in place of redstone, at least in parts of the circuit where the signal level is more than just off/on. They do simply pass the signal on if there is nothing to compare it to.
asb3pe, I just tested with redstone conduit and insulated redstone conduit. If you use the bare conduit it is on/off. If you use the insulated conduit though you not only get whatever signal comes in one end out the other you also get to color-code the faces of the wire allowing you to send 16 different signals over the wire. Have to make sure "send strong signal" is unchecked to get the variability of signal level.


Oh hey, and if you need to generate a specific signal level you can use a chest and a comparator and then just fill the chest with junk until you get the signal level you want out of the comparator. Combine both of these and you've got a waterproof solution I suppose. :p

Hmm, same problem I had with any redstone logic directly next to a comparator, it doesn't get the signal, it gets the comparator itself which is going to be 15 instead of whatever you want.

Uh oh, comparators aren't waterproof. Looks like you're back to the liquid sensor and/or computercraft.

I tried out the range trigger after some nickel processing, works good but by itself will turn whatever you're monitoring off/on too quickly, still need some logic behind it for a large boiler. Maybe a timer/clock to keep the boiler running for X amount of time.
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Uh oh, comparators aren't waterproof. Looks like you're back to the liquid sensor and/or computercraft.

Good stuff, thanks for the experimenting and the results. Yeah, never even thought about the Comparators themselves. You're right - the entire setup is very fragile. I spent the evening totally re-working my layout, no more "logic gates upside down on the ceiling" and no more use of Redstone Conduit which was quite clearly the problem - they do not interact perfectly with the Blue Power logic gates (specifically the AND gate) and therefore I had to use all vanilla redstone dust to carry the signal around. So now it's even more fragile that it was, but I'll just have to try and protect it somehow because having an automatic on/off circuit tied to the RC steam tank level is HEAVEN! No more micro-managing. However... my 18 Coke Ovens still aren't anywhere near enough. Pyure said "you don't need 36 coke ovens", but I beg to differ with that... CreoStak 36, here I come. That's tomorrow's project. Sand is easy, just a trip to the desert. And clay is easy too, thanks to a biome with ExtraBiomesXL Red Cobblestone and a nice water bucket crafting recipe. I get about 4 stacks of clay every 5-10 minutes for as long as I can stand the repetitive task. Whatever it takes to make 36 Coke Ovens. Sheesh. Gotta do it tho, or constantly be out of steam because of not having any charcoal left.

Oh, and thank goodness my server-mate set up his 3 little TC golems working an ExtraBiomesXL Fir Tree farm right outside my front door. At least I've got the wood part of the formula covered... until he comes back one day and takes his golems somewhere else. Then I'm screwed. LOL
I cannot recommend thaumcraft enough for clay. Alchemical duplication can make about 1 per second, and all it needs is aqua (free from an alchemical boiler) and terra (cobble). This can go forever on its own, and you'll want to electrolyse clay in bulk for lithium, aluminium and silicon later anyway.

If you don't want to set up duplication then you can harvest clay from river beds really fast with the wand of equal trade. Go out with inventory full of cobble, one right click on a clay deposit, and it's all in your inventory. Mining clay as fast as you can run from patch to patch.
Nice compact setup. I see the benefit of using two comparators and I'll probably be adjusting my own setup based on seeing how other people have done it. My AND gate is still giving me problems, it wasn't outputting properly so I walked over to it and looked up at it on the ceiling, and suddenly it fired. LOL Block update or something? I dunno. Pretty happy I got it working but still bothers me that I've been at it all day long and still fiddling and futzing around with it.

The AND gate failed again, both inputs are on and the output is off. sigh Gotta do this another way, BluePower mod is not reliable. I have the middle input disabled and just using the left and right inputs. But it does not work properly, I have to break the logic gate and replace it each cycle. That's a deal-breaker. Will avoid Blue Power mod entirely now and just make a large messy vanilla setup that I at least know is gonna work. An entire day wasted on this crapola.

Probably should give BC gates a try even tho that's a huge project all by itself since I need to build the Assembly Table and Lasers and even need to make a good source of RF power for it. Oh how I miss Eloraam. RedPower would not have failed me like this. sigh
Can you screenshot your AND setup? Are you trying to mount it to a ceiling again?
I have a BP logic setup that doesn't give me any issues. It does have AND gates, they work perfectly fine.

If you really want to try something different, you can try Project Red. Its got the bulk of the same stuff as far as logic goes. Don't remove BP though unless you want worldgen issues.

Good stuff, thanks for the experimenting and the results. Yeah, never even thought about the Comparators themselves. You're right - the entire setup is very fragile. I spent the evening totally re-working my layout, no more "logic gates upside down on the ceiling" and no more use of Redstone Conduit which was quite clearly the problem - they do not interact perfectly with the Blue Power logic gates (specifically the AND gate) and therefore I had to use all vanilla redstone dust to carry the signal around. So now it's even more fragile that it was, but I'll just have to try and protect it somehow because having an automatic on/off circuit tied to the RC steam tank level is HEAVEN! No more micro-managing.
You can also use automagy redcrystals to transport signals, although they don't always place nice with BP.

However... my 18 Coke Ovens still aren't anywhere near enough. Pyure said "you don't need 36 coke ovens", but I beg to differ with that... CreoStak 36, here I come. That's tomorrow's project. Sand is easy, just a trip to the desert. And clay is easy too, thanks to a biome with ExtraBiomesXL Red Cobblestone and a nice water bucket crafting recipe. I get about 4 stacks of clay every 5-10 minutes for as long as I can stand the repetitive task. Whatever it takes to make 36 Coke Ovens. Sheesh. Gotta do it tho, or constantly be out of steam because of not having any charcoal left.
I typically get by with around 6 coke ovens until I'm done with the steam age. Seriously, how much power are you trying to generate with charcoal? 18 ovens worth is pretty insane.
Well... My base i build a year ago had 128 coke ovens. The biggest on server even 216.

But back then there were zero alternatives.
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I typically get by with around 6 coke ovens until I'm done with the steam age. Seriously, how much power are you trying to generate with charcoal? 18 ovens worth is pretty insane.

I run 4 LV turbines into a 4-amp circuit (4x tin cable with 4-battery buffer boxes at intervals) which allows me to run at least 4 LV processing machines at once. Then I have one MV Steam Turbine running my EBF which is pretty much always running since I have a 20-stack backup of aluminum dust right now thanks to all my Bauxite processing for the tiny Titanium dusts.

So essentially I'm running 2 MV feeds, and 18 coke ovens are NOT keeping up with my GT Large Titanium Boiler. Nor is my max-sized RC Steel Tank ever full of steam. The Boiler is cycling on/off all day long and eating up more coal than my 18 coke ovens can spit out.

I chunk load my base overnight while I sleep, and the only thing running during those 8 hours or so are my coke ovens. That gives me enough of a charcoal buffer to run non-stop all day long (about 128 stacks worth), but by late evening I'm having to shut the EBF down because I'm down to a few stacks of charcoal.

This morning I made all the clay for another 18 coke ovens, and I'm about to fly to the nearest desert to dig up 130*18=2400+ sand to finish the ovens.

You can call it crazy, but yeah, I must be using more power than the average early-to-mid gamer does? I dunno. I had a thought to take my pump and start collecting all the oil geysers I've discovered, turn the oil into gasoline and start running some GT Diesel Generators as a supplement to the charcoal. However, except for the time factor, charcoal is completely free, and with the golem tree farm nearby, I don't even have to worry about the wood supply. All I have to do is make the coke ovens and they'll do all the rest for me. If 36 is overkill, then oh well. I'd much rather have too much charcoal than too little. I'm only running 2 MV circuits right now - imagine when I add more? Soon, my EBF will be requiring a 512 volt feed and I'm gonna need even MORE power generation capability. And I plan to switch all my processing machines over to the MV versions, and run them off 4 MV Turbines. I'm gonna need a lot of power over the next few weeks. The CreoStak 36 should solve that issue... for now.

I also have a 16-LV steam turbine HV feed (using GT transformers) but I only use it for two things - charging up my NanoSuit in a MFE, and running the few HV machines I've built (such as the Autoclave II for IC2 Energy Crystals). But that feed is hardly ever running except when my NanoSuit needs a recharge. But when it does run, it can empty my Steel RC tank extremely quickly.
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Don't encourage him Blood :p

For no reason except seeing if I can do it or not, I'm going for 36 coke ovens in the @twisto51 - CreoTek style, although I'm going to go for a horizontal style rather than a tower.

All that lovely pollution to add to my early-game 24 solar boilers (which has been my only source of steam so far). Mmmm
The thaumcraft charcoal generation does look like a much more efficient method of charcoal generation (both space and time wise). I think it should be able to make about 60 charcoal a minute from a single alchemical construct. For comparison, it takes 40 coke ovens to make that much charcoal/minute. The coke ovens do have a side benefit that they produce an additional 60% - 120% of their charcoal power output in creosote (depending on if you're using charcoal or coal), although you could just produce more vastly more charcoal with another construct, because with a golem tree farm wood is never the limiting factor.
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So what happened to the OpenBlocks glider? I saw "Glider Wing", and saw that I need two of them to make one Glider... but when I made 2 wings, there's no recipe that uses the wings in NEI. Is the glider banned?
The thaumcraft charcoal generation does look like a much more efficient method of charcoal generation (both space and time wise). I think it should be able to make about 60 charcoal a minute from a single alchemical construct. For comparison, it takes 40 coke ovens to make that much charcoal/minute. The coke ovens do have a side benefit that they produce an additional 60% - 120% of their charcoal power output in creosote (depending on if you're using charcoal or coal), although you could just produce more vastly more charcoal with another construct, because with a golem tree farm wood is never the limiting factor.

Good tip, thanks. But I'm a tech guy and not a magic guy, so the CreoStak 36 concept has way more appeal to someone like myself than some magical process. I know people will consider it wrong for me to discount certain solutions that may indeed be more efficient than the solution I prefer to build, but I can't change who I am and what I like. So a large tower of Coke Ovens it is... I think the large tower looks really cool, it will be very distinctive on the server I play on.