[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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What do yo mean? just make a dropbox open document or a google document open to editing for evr with a link..I think its a nice thing for questions-answers. I can do it easily, if you will post it on the first page
:) Sure go ahead (Google Doc would be the best :) )
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Also, you're barking up the wrong tree with your pollution talk. At Dlur's base we run nothing but clean, environmentally friendly, magical Alumentum. None of that nasty polluting coal stuff!
It will likely be the boiler itself causing the pollution, and the fuel type may not be a factor.

Q: Does a GT boiler accept blaze rods? If so, I'll go build me an Etholabs Blaze Grinder...

Q: For the GT Large Boiler, does it matter which hatch version we use? I guess the one that really mattes is is the Output Hatch for the steam - should that be the HV version or is the lowest tier version good enough? All the other blocks - Maintenance, Muffler, those can all be LV versions, correct?
Those can all be LV versions (minus maintenance, which has only one version)

The hatch only has to be big enough to hold any liquids that are output by the multiblock, and for the rate you're extracting them. So an LV hatch should be fine so long as you're extracting all the steam regularly.

I forget if the boiler accepts other "burn"able items. I think it does.

How is the comparator supposed to "read" the RC tank? The tank doesn't emit a redstone signal, does it? And how is the GT Boiler controlled by redstone? Do you just power the block below the Controller Block?

EDIT: Nevermind, found it here, Nuclear Control 2 mod:
"Liquid Sensor Kit
Kit to mount sensor on liquid containers. You can monitor liquid type and amount of it in BC tanks, Railcraft tanks, Coke ovens rtc."

EDIT #2: Liquid Sensor Location Card recipe doesn't appear in NEI, will I need that item?
You need the "Sensor Kit". With that you click on the tank you want to monitor and the "Kit" turns into a "Card". That card is then used in a Monitor.
I think I read somewhere that the comparator can be used on valves.
Nope, SolmanX has it. RC added comparator support a while back, which is what I was referring to.
For your automation needs we recently added comparator support to the valves. Put a comparator next to a valve just like you would do with a chest and the output signal strength will correspond to the amount of liquid in the tank.
What is the most efficient way to use lava for energy?
The High Pressure Lava Boiler is extremely efficient for steam per lava.

I'm not sure how its numbers compare to the Large Heat Exchanger, but that one has the benefits of a) requiring way less infrastructure and space per steam, and b) the ability to output superheated steam if you're providing it enough lava.
The High Pressure Lava Boiler is extremely efficient for steam per lava.

I'm not sure how its numbers compare to the Large Heat Exchanger, but that one has the benefits of a) requiring way less infrastructure and space per steam, and b) the ability to output superheated steam if you're providing it enough lava.

Each HP Lava Boiler emits 30 Liters/tick of steam when heated to full temp, and it uses one bucket of lava every 500 seconds, according to this page: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/High_Pressure_Lava_Boiler

I just made my first GT Large Boiler (Titanium version), so the Lava Boilers are on their way out now, but the 16 of them that I built served me very well right up until now. 30 L/s is 600 L/t, so my 16 Boilers gave me 9600 L/s which was almost enough to run one MV Steam Turbine (10,560 L/s), and more than enough to run 4 LV Steam Turbines (8040 L/s). If I used my EBF with my MV Turbine, I just wouldn't use any other machines while it was running. And if I was running my row of LV processing machines, then I wouldn't run my EBF at the same time. Except for these compromises, the 16 boilers were wonderfully sufficient for all my needs up until this point. The Large Titanium Boiler puts out 32,000 L/sec of steam, which dwarfs the 9600 L/s of the boilers... so it's time to step up my game now, but I can't recommend using lava in early game enough. Build a BC Pump, build a EnderIO Capacitor, convert some oil to fuel and power the Capacitor using a Combustion Engine, then pump the nether lava to your heart's content! I had a 4-drum lava supply feeding my 16 lava boilers, and I'd have to fill the drums about once every 3-4 hours. Not a very labor intensive process, in comparison to tree farms and charcoal. I only wish the Large Boiler could run on lava, because I love the stuff. All good things must come to an end, however. Time to step up, and move on, but with fond memories of my HP Lava Boilers.
Awesome, I wasn't using a Valve block to do it.

Now how do I take that redstone signal and turn the GT Large Boiler on/off with it? Does the redstone signal have to touch any specific block, such as the Boiler Controller?
See http://ftb.gamepedia.com/Machine_Controller

The "simplest" method is to simply turn on your boiler any time your tank gets below X %, although that's not a great solution. Your boiler will tend to flip on and off and hover around X, which sucks for multiblocks that function off run-time efficiency (and the boiler does that). Fortunately the boiler only takes a short while to speed up so its not as big a deal as it would be with, say, the LHE, which takes forever to spin up.

An ideal solution is to setup redstone signalling in such a way that it follows something like this:
* Any time the Tank is below 20%, turn on the boiler.
* Any time the Tank is above 80%, turn off the boiler.

This is commonly done with an RS latch. (Otherwise known as an SR Latch, otherwise known as a Set-Reset Latch). The latch is crucial to store the "state" of the setup (on or off) and allows it to be governed by inputs (turn ON if the left receives a signal, turn OFF if the right receives a signal)
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There's nothing "simple" about redstone. LOL I can't even figure out how to get the comparator and the Valve Block to work together.

Do I need to change the mode on the Blue Power Comparator or something? I assume I need a Blue Power Screwdriver to do so, because the GT Screwdriver doesn't work. Can't find a wiki or anything for this mod, or the item.

There's a reason I dropped out of Electrical Engineering during college. I don't like this stuff at all. LOL I'm sure I'll end up maintaining this boiler manually, like always.

Oh, and I can see already that I'll def need to build a 36-story-tall tower of Coke Ovens as well. Good god, I think my idea of going with 64 HP Lava Boilers was the best idea. These GT Boilers are utterly ridiculous how fast they used charcoal. One stack of charcoal was gone in 2 minutes, and it takes a coke oven like an hour to make a stack. So that means I'll need 30+ coke ovens, as everybody who every posted in this thread has confirmed. I love everything about this modpack except the charcoal farming BS with slower-than-molasses coke ovens. I'm goin back to my lava for now. sigh
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Guys, any tips on how do i find Lead/Manganese?
I tried to mine at their spawn heights, i mined so hard, that i even found a dungeon. But no luck.
Currently i running Arcane Bore, to somewhat automate mining process, but no Lead/Maganese found yet.
There's nothing "simple" about redstone. LOL I can't even figure out how to get the comparator and the Valve Block to work together.

Do I need to change the mode on the Blue Power Comparator or something? I assume I need a Blue Power Screwdriver to do so, because the GT Screwdriver doesn't work. Can't find a wiki or anything for this mod, or the item.
Its not easy. It'll take you a while to straighten out. The comparator may or may not be in the correct mode. You will need the BP screwdriver to tinker with it. Before testing with the valve, test with redstone torches on the ground to attempt to achieve stuff. Bear in mind that redstone dust decreases the signal strength over distance, so use that to test.

I'm sure I'll end up maintaining this boiler manually, like always.

Oh, and I can see already that I'll def need to build a 36-story tall tower of Coke Ovens as well. Good god, I think my idea of going with 64 HP Lava Boilers was the best idea. These GT Boilers are utterly ridiculous how fast they used charcoal. One stack of charcoal was gone in 2 minutes, and it takes a coke oven like an hour to make a stack. So that means I'll need 30+ coke ovens, as everybody who every posted in this thread has confirmed. I love everything about this modpack except the charcoal farming BS.
You don't need 36 coke ovens to generate a massive amount of power.
The GT Boilers consume charcoal quickly, but they also spit out insane amounts of steam quickly. They have an additional benefit over RC boilers in that they heat up almost immediately (in comparison), meaning they'll be producing steam when you need them to.

In addition to that, you can actually burn CREOSOTE oil in them. As in the secondary product of your coke ovens, all in the same boiler. Craziness.

Once you have your buffer working correctly, GT Boilers are absolutely amazing.
Guys, any tips on how do i find Lead/Manganese?
I tried to mine at their spawn heights, i mined so hard, that i even found a dungeon. But no luck.
Currently i running Arcane Bore, to somewhat automate mining process, but no Lead/Maganese found yet.
No tricks sadly. You just need to keep digging.
Oh, and I can see already that I'll def need to build a 36-story-tall tower of Coke Ovens as well. Good god, I think my idea of going with 64 HP Lava Boilers was the best idea. These GT Boilers are utterly ridiculous how fast they used charcoal. One stack of charcoal was gone in 2 minutes, and it takes a coke oven like an hour to make a stack. So that means I'll need 30+ coke ovens, as everybody who every posted in this thread has confirmed. I love everything about this modpack except the charcoal farming BS with slower-than-molasses coke ovens. I'm goin back to my lava for now. sigh

36+ coke ovens is the easiest way to produce fuel for a GT boiler, and by easiest I mean easy if you like digging out massive piles of sand and clay and then piping everything together and creating an automatic tree farm. But it's not the only way. A friend on our server is creating alumentum and charcoal from a snow golem farm at a rate of 1.5 alumentum per second. A snow golem farm... Always bear in mind that there's more than one way to skin a cat in this mod pack. Coke ovens are tried and true, but there's dozens of ways to do things.

As Pyure said, your titanium boiler can run on both solid and liquid fuels. Alumentum and coke coal are the most efficient solid fuels in it, but you can do other things. And beyond creosote you can burn other flamable liquids in it as well.

Also bear in mind that a large oil well (the ones with the 4 flow blocks coming up out of the water/ground) can supply you with enough diesel to run your base for weeks. I pulled more than 40 drums of oil out of one well alone. And now that I have bedrockium drums...
In addition to that, you can actually burn CREOSOTE oil in them

That's interesting - I've just been wondering whether to go with a bronze/steel GT Boiler - that's going to sway things! On that note, looking at the wiki, it says that all boilers consume the same amount of fuel per tick, but produce steam at higher and higher rates (Bronze 800 mb/t, Steel 1200 mb/t).

So for once in Greg - the upgrade (steel) is better than the standard (bronze). Is that right, or am I missing something?

On another note, I feel like getting into bees. I was thinking that I would use an ender io generator and capacitor to power the carpenter (what a recipe change that was!!).

And, as far as I can see, the GT centrifuge takes place of the forestry centrifuge and squeezer.

Does that all sound correct/feasible?
Guys, any tips on how do i find Lead/Manganese?
I tried to mine at their spawn heights, i mined so hard, that i even found a dungeon. But no luck.
Currently i running Arcane Bore, to somewhat automate mining process, but no Lead/Maganese found yet.

Just checking ... is there such a thing as Manganese ore or are you only going to get it by processing other materials?

The wiki 'Manganese' entry only refers to Grossular, Spessartine, Pyrolusite and Tantalite ores.
That's interesting - I've just been wondering whether to go with a bronze/steel GT Boiler - that's going to sway things! On that note, looking at the wiki, it says that all boilers consume the same amount of fuel per tick, but produce steam at higher and higher rates (Bronze 800 mb/t, Steel 1200 mb/t).

So for once in Greg - the upgrade (steel) is better than the standard (bronze). Is that right, or am I missing something?
Nope. For once in GT, the upgrade is way (25% per tier) better.

Even the meager steel at 1200mb/t....that's an awful lot of steam. Using simple railcraft turbines, that's around 750 eu/t, which is pretty damn nice pre-nuclear.
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Guys, any tips on how do i find Lead/Manganese?
I tried to mine at their spawn heights, i mined so hard, that i even found a dungeon. But no luck.
Currently i running Arcane Bore, to somewhat automate mining process, but no Lead/Maganese found yet.

Here's my trick, found Manganese deposit on first day using it. I built a NanoSuit armor and a Mining Laser and an OV Scanner. Then I laid out a grid on my JourneyMap, mentally, to go dig down every 3rd chunk. I selected a location where 4 chunks come together, such as coordinate (304,304). From that location I went 3 chunks in each direction N, S, E and W and dug my next hole.

I put my Mining Laser into Mining Mode and point it straight down and fire. I won't drop down into lava or a chasm because of the jetpack. If I see it's okay, I can drop down and fire the laser again. I dig down to elevation 20, but I stop at elevation 50, 35 and 20 to check the OV Scanner for ore deposits. If I find an ore deposit, I mark it with a Journeymap waypoint. Then I fly up out of the hole and put a dirt block at the top so nobody can fall down and die.

I found a Grossular Ore deposit, with Spessartine, Pyrolusite and Tantalite Ores (mostly all Manganese) within hours of beginning my grid mapping process. I'm still looking for a Scheelite vein in this manner, which is also Manganese but Tungsten as well (needed for the highest tier GT Boiler and Fluid Pipe). I have no doubt this method will find a vein of it for me, it is incredibly quick now for me to map the ores in a large area.

Edit: The whole key to this method is to make the HV Autoclave II as your first HV machine... with the ability to make IC2 Energy Crystals, you can now make the NanoSuit and Mining Laser. The NanoSuit has recipe errors which are quite possibly already fixed (I'm not running the latest modpack version yet). If you encounter recipe errors you will have to resolve them in creative mode or with the help of your server operator.

Edit #2: I did find 4 Manganese ingots in a Village chest during early-game exploration, which eventually allowed me to make my first 36 Stainless Steel ingots without actually finding Manganese. The HV Autoclave II does require Stainless Steel to make it, so my mapping technique does require a bit of early-game luck I suppose. Regardless, this technique is amazingly fast compared to my old method of laddering up each hole, which was painfully slow in comparison. I too was struggling to find the Mang.
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That's interesting - I've just been wondering whether to go with a bronze/steel GT Boiler - that's going to sway things! On that note, looking at the wiki, it says that all boilers consume the same amount of fuel per tick, but produce steam at higher and higher rates (Bronze 800 mb/t, Steel 1200 mb/t).

So for once in Greg - the upgrade (steel) is better than the standard (bronze). Is that right, or am I missing something?

On another note, I feel like getting into bees. I was thinking that I would use an ender io generator and capacitor to power the carpenter (what a recipe change that was!!).

And, as far as I can see, the GT centrifuge takes place of the forestry centrifuge and squeezer.

Does that all sound correct/feasible?
I believe you are correct with the GT boilers, higher tier is better (and not just faster) for once. Unggod's video explains it well:

My usual path with the GT large boilers is to re-purpose my Bronze Blast Furnace casings into a Large Bronze Boiler to start with. And then when I have either enough titanium or tungsten-steel I build one of those. The upgrade path isn't that bad really because you just need to replace the casing blocks for the most part, although if you're on the tungstensteel one you might want higher tier output hatches. I usually skip the steel LBB.

You can power the carpenter with GT EU. Just connect it like you would any other GT LV machine. Same for the IC2 fluid/solid canner for making fluid coolant cells, or the fermenter to make biomass. Anything that used RF now with very few exceptions will accept GT EU. I personally feel like the Ender IO stirling generator is just not that useful anymore with the change. The zombie generator isn't a terrible idea if you have a mob farm though as nutrient distillation is easily portable in drums to remote sites for pumping lava or oil.

You are correct that you need to use a GT centrifuge to break down combs, etc. You also use the GT assembler to make the casing and scented panels with a GT fluid extractor getting you honey and seed oil.
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For shits and giggles I once set up my Steel Boiler to operate a Big Reactors turbine. Converting the power to eu is still tricky but its also way more lucrative than anything else.

I forget how much power we're talking about here because I don't recall what my turbine configuration was. Probably around 2000-2500 eu/t though. Bonus: the turbine was already in place when I got my BR fission going.
I believe you are correct with the GT boilers, higher tier is better (and not just faster) for once. Unggod's video explains it well:

My usual path with the GT large boilers is to re-purpose my Bronze Blast Furnace casings into a Large Bronze Boiler to start with. And then when I have either enough titanium or tungsten-steel I build one of those. The upgrade path isn't that bad really because you just need to replace the casing blocks for the most part, although if you're on the tungstensteel one you might want higher tier output hatches. I usually skip the steel LBB.

So you miss out the steel one and go straight for even higher-tier. Not in that position yet as I was thinking of going for a steel boiler to provide enough 'quick' steam to power the EBF at a decent rate. But maybe I just stick with bronze for now. Hmm.

You can power the carpenter with GT EU. Just connect it like you would any other GT LV machine. Same for the IC2 fluid/solid canner for making fluid coolant cells, or the fermenter to make biomass. Anything that used RF now with very few exceptions will accept GT EU. I personally feel like the Ender IO stirling generator is just not that useful anymore with the change. The zombie generator isn't a terrible idea if you have a mob farm though as nutrient distillation is easily portable in drums to remote sites for pumping lava or oil.

You are correct that you need to use a GT centrifuge to break down combs, etc. You also use the GT assembler to make the casing and scented panels with a GT fluid extractor getting you honey and seed oil.

Thanks for that - I thought I had to use RF, but would much prefer to stick with GT wherever possible (for no apparent reason!)