Loving the modpack so far.
Only issue I have is that an earthquake noise has been playing for almost 2 in-game days. Is this normal? Is there a way to get it to stop? Its kind of annoying at this point. My screen doesn't shake or anything like that. I just seemingly hear it all the time.
Also, is anyone else having a hard time finding water? I've been exploring for an in-game week and have only found one random water bock while mining.
Lots of fun so far!
Either you're experiencing a lot of Earthquakes within range of you or something sounds like it may be experiencing issues. Your screen will not necessarily shake unless it is happening where you are (they can happen within a radius of you and still produce sounds but not shaking). Use this command in-game to stop them and it should fix the issue: /enviroquake stop
Water is mostly found at level 30 and below. There are massive lakes and flooded caves at that level