[1.7.10] Journey to the Core (Hardcore, HQM)

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Loving the modpack so far.

Only issue I have is that an earthquake noise has been playing for almost 2 in-game days. Is this normal? Is there a way to get it to stop? Its kind of annoying at this point. My screen doesn't shake or anything like that. I just seemingly hear it all the time.

Also, is anyone else having a hard time finding water? I've been exploring for an in-game week and have only found one random water bock while mining.

Lots of fun so far!

Either you're experiencing a lot of Earthquakes within range of you or something sounds like it may be experiencing issues. Your screen will not necessarily shake unless it is happening where you are (they can happen within a radius of you and still produce sounds but not shaking). Use this command in-game to stop them and it should fix the issue: /enviroquake stop

Water is mostly found at level 30 and below. There are massive lakes and flooded caves at that level :)
Looks fun! Mind if I host a server for it?

If you figure out a way to run a dedicated let me know eh?

The only way ive found to run a server is to open to LAN. Messing with it a little to get a dedicated server running didnt work. But I also see a problem with this. we played lan for a few hours. Disabling hardcore so we could die and just respawn. All good, no problem BUT. There comes a point in the game where you get overrun and there is no escape no matter what you do. This happened a few times. ( IM NOT ADVOCATING Cheating) BUT Even cheating for a minute to escape the situation doesnt help for long. This was just a test to see just how exactly this might run on a server. It would be nice but I really dont think its possible at this point.

Side note. I LOVE this modpack. Its alot of fun. On lan you basically HAVE to cheat a couple things. but once your both in the cave and start having fun. oh boy does the fun begin. Amazing job even though we never made it past 45 minutes each try. The ghasts just pounded us to death till there was just no point to even attempting to go further.

We will be playing ALOT more of this. Thank you SO much.
Either you're experiencing a lot of Earthquakes within range of you or something sounds like it may be experiencing issues. Your screen will not necessarily shake unless it is happening where you are (they can happen within a radius of you and still produce sounds but not shaking). Use this command in-game to stop them and it should fix the issue: /enviroquake stop

Water is mostly found at level 30 and below. There are massive lakes and flooded caves at that level :)

out of the 5 worlds we did. 4 of them were filled with a TON of water and 2 of the maps had more lava than we could even tolerate. since lava mobs spawn in it. So easy fix to water.. just make a new world and try again. if you get underground and dont find any.. start over again. it randomly generates each time you take that Elevator.
Are trees supposed to take forever and a day to grow?

Yes. theres no light. torches set them on fire. Kill skeltons for bonemeal. there is no short comings of Skeletons I can assure you that.

also put torched 2 blocks under the tree. maybe even 3. only way to keep them from burning
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ExNihilo would be great in this pack. The amount of time and frustration involved is too high. Sky factory 2 was slowest pack ive played. but not THIS slow.
ExNihilo would be great in this pack. The amount of time and frustration involved is too high. Sky factory 2 was slowest pack ive played. but not THIS slow.

While I do agree with you that Ex Nihilo would be an interesting mod to add to the pack it would also completely rebalance the pack and make you not have to venture outside of your base as often as the pack makes you. The pack is not designed to be a quick playthrough with the same easily attainable ores as other packs. If the ore generation was increased to other pack levels the scarcity and amount of ground you have to cover to find them would be completely changed. This is meant to be a hardcore pack with fewer resources and higher danger, ex nihilo would absolutely transform it into a completely different pack than I would like and lower the level of danger and the necessity for exploring the map.

Same problem on a BEAST machine

I haven't experienced too many lag spikes myself. The streamers and myself who play this pack get 200-300 fps consistently. But I do suggest adding fastcraft to the pack if your experiencing issues. Also, the latest enviromine update may help a bit which will be included in the modpack update.
I love that the name of the volcano is a real volcano lol XD
But anyways I love this pack. Do you think a server would be possible for this?
I love that the name of the volcano is a real volcano lol XD
But anyways I love this pack. Do you think a server would be possible for this?

Thank you :) I'm hoping to get a server version up and running soon. I've switched over to the AT Launcher and will be putting the server up on that launcher within the next week :)
Thank you :) I'm hoping to get a server version up and running soon. I've switched over to the AT Launcher and will be putting the server up on that launcher within the next week :)
So, does that mean it won't be available for the FTB Launcher anymore? Or will it just be on both launchers.
So what, is this like Crypt of The Necrodancer?

It's similar in that it's a cave exploration pack and it's randomly generated. Other than that it's more based on Journey to the Center of the Earth with a darker twist :)

So, does that mean it won't be available for the FTB Launcher anymore? Or will it just be on both launchers.

I'm going to try and update on ftb as much as possible but AT allows me to update myself while FTB takes up to 72 hours sometimes. I will do my best but I can't guarantee FTB will always have the most up to date version in comparison to AT :)
Yup, this is not a problem. Just a missing mod that does not cause any differences to your game. I do, however, reccomend you use the latest version on the AT launcher :)
So does anyone know what the exact spawn conditions for those horrible little spiders are? I created a mushroom farm (they are great for oxygenating mines) and they are somehow spawning in there. NEI shows no spawning spots, the floors are slabbed and the growth platforms have slabs right above them so there is only a 1 block space under them.
My kingdom for some copper! o_O Blocks and blocks of everything but copper! :(

Well back into the mines.