Whitelist Server [1.6.4] JCraft Dedicated Server 100+ Tech mods and more!

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Ahoyhoy .. where do we get the pack from? .. I'm not seeing it on ze launcher

Aha, never mind .. figured it out.
It let me connect with the 152ngt beta pack, but hmm .. keeps telling me that I don't have permission to use any of the stone tools it started me with or interact with/break any blocks, I'm guessing that's due to the bukkit plugins being in the process of installation?
There is a weird permission bug. Just need to add you to a group.

Green, I would have to get permission from all the mod authors to make my own pack and I had not seen the benefit yet. I may yet do it.
IGN wes8383
Age 18
Experience- alot with both play on Vanilla snapshot and on other FTB servers
What do I bring to the table- creative ideas and the helpfulness that some people need
have never been banned before .
The rules typed by hand. Mystcraft - There will be portals at spawn linking to major areas in the world. You will be allowed to make linking books around the world and to the nether/mining world. No additional worlds will be created unless you have been given access to via donation or other means. Chunkloaders - You will be limited to 5 spot loaders and 1 chunk loader. This is just to keep lag down on the server. If you are not online and do not need your machines running, please turn them off. Redpower - Beware the relay and timer lag. If you use excessive amounts of either of these you will cause the server to lag and we will be forced to hit you with a cod fish. Automation - If you automate anything you must have a off lever and fail safe. By this I mean all RP tubes should have a last resort of a restriction tube to incinerator or other void method. Spawners - We will have a spawner area setup for XP and items. Do not make your own shard spawners, we cannot risk the lag that they create. XYCraft - Do not use the Tanks. We have seen to many corruptions from these and do not want to risk the world.
And the most important rule of all is...
Have fun and be nice to your neighbors. You really don't want to be hit with the cod fish. It smells really bad

Plz white-list me hoping to help and have a fun time with you peoples.
i know im still banned, but im wondering if i could contest it and or get rid of it?[DOUBLEPOST=1369577722][/DOUBLEPOST]i realize i was a complete asshole trust me i do.
After Discussions about a Mod pack for the server this is what we want.

Core Mods that we cant live without
IndustrialCraft 2

Mods that are IN

Immibis Microblocks
Biomes o'plenty
Modular Power Suits
Thaumic Tinkerer
Carpenters slope
Minefactory reloaded
Thaumic Bees
Extra Bees
Advanced solars
Xeno reliquery
Modular Forcefield
Compact Windmills
Advanced power Management
Charge Pads
Power Converters
Nether Ores
Steves Carts
Secret rooms
Smart Moving
Extra Utilities
Advanced Machines AtomicStryker Version
CoFH core
Thermal Expansion
Mystcraft (when its updated)
Nuclear Control
Tinkerers Construct
Applied Energistics

Mods Pending ??

Twilight Forest

Doggy Talents

Mods we did not want

Soul Shards
Petroliium Generator

There were more but those are the main ones :S
For some reason any 1.5.2 ftb pack makes my game lagg as shieeet. Even the one you guys are using for the server. Any ideas? And I also crash everytime i try to connect...