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I Won't be playing on the current map. I logged in to find 3 chunks in my base area completely regenerated to different Biomes, I live in the desert but these 3 chunks appeared during a restart and now I have 3 chunks of Green hills, they wiped out half my work and all my tanks are reset to 0.

There are so many problems with this map, and after losing so many hours of work I'm not gonna waste my time hoping this won't happen again. I'll come back if there is a reset with a non-fucked map or 1.5.2 comes out.

sorry guys, hopefully I'll see you soon.

Dam Ray, sorry to hear that. Let me know when it happened and I can restore your chunk. I understand the frustration so if you dont want me to I get it. You can always just hang out with us via the web chat too :)
Dam Ray, sorry to hear that. Let me know when it happened and I can restore your chunk. I understand the frustration so if you dont want me to I get it. You can always just hang out with us via the web chat too :)

yeah I raged a bit, sorry.

I think it was caused by ComputerCraft mining turtles, I also had a filler in the hole ready to cover it with sandstone and sand. It happened somtime before 10pm GMT after a server restart, not sure when the restart was as I was afk
yeah I raged a bit, sorry.

I think it was caused by ComputerCraft mining turtles, I also had a filler in the hole ready to cover it with sandstone and sand. It happened somtime before 10pm GMT after a server restart, not sure when the restart was as I was afk

Restart was at 9pm GMT, it wiped out the biofuel in my iron tank too, but didn't affect the lava one. The biofuel one was filling at the time while the lava one wasn't. Not sure if that's significant.

My biofuel tank was also wiped out a couple of hours ago; it had 400 buckets in it and the system was running an excess of about 60/hour, when I checked back online a little later it was at 50 buckets. Fermenter/Stills were still running, so it should have been at about 600 or so.

Definately seems to be a problem with the server not liking iron tanks when restarting.
  • IGN: Gaangster1
  • Age(if you dont mind saying): 19
  • Experience with the mods/vanilla MC: started vanilla in alpha started Mod in beta 1.8
  • What do you bring to the table?: a Smile xD
  • Anything else that may make us like you.: Positiv
  • Have you ever been banned and why?: nope
  • Proof that you read the rules and this post: yea i have read it
Just a small note, (seems a bit irrelevant since everyone appears to be waiting for the update), but my biofuel tank emptied again at the reset. Seems to be happening every day now.
Hey you two, Jordan I miss you! I apologize for going missing myself the past two days, been extremely exhausted.
was asking someone if they knew, here[DOUBLEPOST=1369318440][/DOUBLEPOST]ive been doing the Direwolf season, ive caught up no, kept logging on to find the server empty ?
if anyone gets on then you can tell me ill come on (: just messing around on single player atm, finished everything i need to do DW20 pack is so easy :L[DOUBLEPOST=1369321205][/DOUBLEPOST]noticed the mining age got removed aswell, i was like no way im starting fresh again without that mining age
This is very good news indeed! ..

And also I just watched a video about tinkers construct, which looks like a really fun mod to play around with.
Bored, making my own 1.5.2 mod pack while I wait for update, cross finger i don't get too many config IDs :S